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Gggg Hhhh

Alright so if im being honest nobody seems to actually be sure if alluka is a boy or a girl in that one family picture it gives of the impression that its a boy but when you look at her talking to the butlers she looks like a girl probably because of her va too its kinda like the whole pitou thing like we dont if pitou is he or she fr its one of those things where the writer doesnt confirm for you and just lets us have a headach and tbh i like it that way i like characters like that

Jn Whalien

I really disliked the part in the anime where they cut out that Mito won the custody over Gon. I mean it didn't shield the fact that Ging's a shtty dad (parental wise), but it would make people think of what ifs Ging and Gon actually stayed together in a reckless journey, and what could be the plot from there hahaha

Erik Nilsson

I mean, I'm not sure how people can watch anime and read manga and get so confounded by androgynous characters. Just accept they are there and enjoy the show basically.