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Sushi Squad...this is a BITTERSWEET Post! On the sweet side, Michelle and I are waking up and getting Married in the morning here in Korea!!!!! CRAZY!!! SO happy and blessed! On the bitter side, It hurts me to write this, because I know this is going to disappoint some of you. And that is the last thing we want to do.

But we will be taking 5 days off from uploading.

We have tried really hard to make everything work while being here in Korea and getting married, while also filming and uploading, and spending time with family etc. But we just are not able to. Michelles family is taking us to Jeju island for our "honeymoon" right after our wedding tomorrow, so for the next few days, as we see our family and friends off, we will then be traveling, with poor internet, lighting etc.

All that to say, we are sorry and do feel bad. We pushed really hard to film so far in advance, and then had planned on filming during these days as well, so we didnt have to take any time off from uploading at all, but we just cant. We have been busy and stressed and honestly, if we did film right now, it would be forced and thats not what any of you or we want. We want to enjoy it. How you have grown to know our reactions to be.

To sum everything up. We are sorry! There wont be any content starting on March 30th through April 3rd (5 days), but we will resume on April 4th. We will try and think of some way to show our appreciation and gratitude towards you all. Not sure how. But we do feel bad because this wasn't planned. We wouldn't feel so bad if we let you guys know last month to expect this, but its because this was never the plan.

Anyways, hope this all makes sense and yall understand! We truly appreciate each and every one of you! Hope you all now that.



Y'all should take longer tbh. Congrats btw! :D




Maan take a whole month off if you have to, this is one the important things in life enjoy yourselves and congratulation on your wedding.


Congratulationsss! So so happy for you both! ❤️❤️ Take your time guys, your happiness and peace of mind is more important. You've earned it




Congrats! No need to apologize! Take this time to enjoy time with your friends and family!

DB Cooper

congrats!!!! don't worry about uploads one bit! I FORBID IT. enjoy marriage, love you all sushi squad

Viliamu Iosua

Fuck all that, this is your time. Enjoy it! Congratulations!

Rui Duarte

Just be happy <3

Alicia Chatellya

You guys don't need to apologize. Please just enjoy your honeymoon as long as you guys needed. We are happy for you guys~