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Speechless from that ending...



lol the fight lesson from ron ron have u ever been in a fight and if so how many and did you win

Leo Mikael

I love the fight instructions. Real shit tho. Ron is a real one for that.

Jacob Martinez

So where do I sign up for Ron’s fight club class?

Matt Erickson

Thanks Ron, I immediately started beating up some bullies at my local middle school, I'm 35 so it was kinda easy but your advice really helped... anyways the police said I just get this one message, hope you're having a great day! 👍

Saith Uchiha

I agree with Ron putting your hands up to defend is a natural instinct. I grew up in a place that’s considered to be dangerous let’s just say half my friends In middle school were in gangs. Your body reacts to defend itself it is very unusual to just take punches unless you’re willing to. You choose to do that. We have primal defensive instincts so it’s not realistic that he was just taking hits as animals would go into a defensive state.

Saith Uchiha

Ron is preaching. First solid hit wins 90% of the time it’s been studied. Also another tip don’t walk back keep standing your ground and if you can keep walking forward to let their reaction to walk backwards.

Tyler Lacy

imma use the fighting tip next time a middle schooler flirts with my girlfriend (im 23)

Saith Uchiha

Okay last comment. Japan is one of the safest countries but Kid/Teen fight happen. I had a freind from Japan he told me they’re VERY competitive in schools. There’s usually a group that will fight the other schools groups. Bullying is pretty bad over there but because they’re kids it’s VERY overlooked so no crime is documented. It’s a different culture.


Ron i think its time for you to watch hajime no ippo.


And now the show starts..😈


i’m gonna start fights now cause Ron told me to

Prateek Sridhar

Honestly, Ron, appreciate it, kinda. I don't condone violence and will hope for every situation to be resolved peacefully, but in a situation where it just isn't getting resolved peacefully and walking away or getting help aren't options either, I'd rather know this kinda information than not.


Ron, you can't disregard the psyche when it comes to fights among civilians. Even more so among minors. The primary reason many people do not fight back when bullied is because it is a form of crisis situation in their minds. During a crisis people rarely think clearly or act rationally. Which is why maintaining ones composure in any given situation is so vital.


Now the show officially starts


Scizor is the one I'm pretty sure you guys were talking about. It's scythers evolution.

Jay Mack

My family wouldn’t let me go around not knowing how to defend myself living in Chicago my whole childhood was fights, was never bullied but had to piece people up here and there. I thank My dad for putting me and my sister in boxing when we was little. Never understood how people wouldn’t at least learn the basics.

KAIsuke Honda

Since Ron passionately hates bullies, I can recommend the boxing anime Hajime no Ippo!! So when you're looking for a new sports anime, please gibe it a try. It is simply inspiring, I know especially Ron will love it :D

Say Johnny

after his jab talk I want them to watch Baki or Hajime no Ippo




Kana's (Black haired girl) VA was best girl Daki in Demon Slayer season 2 =). PS. Ron you do realize advising people to hit to the "Adam's apple" on the throat can be a killing move, they will literally choke to death. So I really do not recommend once again to listen to Ron on punching people to the throat unless you want to get sentenced for murder.

Yoona Kim (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 04:56:04 chill man its not that deep
2024-04-12 04:56:04 chill man its not that deep
2024-03-23 06:50:29 chill man its not that deep

chill man its not that deep


Well his advice is actual knowledge to kill for somebody who can be in that kind of situation, so even as joking it's really not that wise to teach killing move to people who you have no idea what their age is or just mental state. So yeah disagree with your placating defensive comment on this. Oh well people are idiots anyway and will do whatever.

kirk poss

Love the fight breakdown lol it’s true most people try the haymakers windmill which is difficult to land because we naturally react to things coming at our face. A jab bypasses that reaction before it can happen. Also most fights are won by footwork and spacing if the two people know what they’re doing. Brute force doesn’t usually win fights because you have to connect with your punches. And brute force is slow.


I think Ron could take Jake Paul, but ya'll aren't ready for that conversation.


Yeah, i think after hitting the face, the next one if not protected, could go to the torso. I don't know the exact organ (either kidney or lungs), but there's a place (you probably don't need to be accurate) if you hit, the person won't be able to breathe, and it's safer than hitting the throat i guess. Talking from experience, i was once or twice hit in that place (i actually opposed a bully in my elementary/middle school years), the pain goes through the whole upper chest, can be felt even in the back, it was pretty much a K.O. for me, ngl.


We live/lived in somewhat peaceful times & civilized society, you can't just go and hit people in streets/places. As you said, in Chicago, and probably some places, fights happen, but in many countries of the world, the only place you'll see a fight (and probably not often) is school.

Jay Mack

lol no one says just go up and hit someone. All I’m saying is people should at least know how to defend themselves and at least know how to throw a basic jab or kick. Depending on where you live society isn’t as peaceful as you think. Everyone should know how to defend themselves and have proper technique.

Phillip Gambino (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-29 23:09:14 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach
2024-03-27 02:17:52 Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach

Ron said give them a quick "mism" and they'll rethink their approach