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Ricky Pham

Pls bruh I’m looking forward to y’all finishing this show

Kenpichigo (edited)

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2024-04-05 19:30:43 You think they’d come this far just to drop it? Lol
2024-03-14 02:34:36 You think they’d come this far just to drop it? Lol

You think they’d come this far just to drop it? Lol

Ricky Pham

Never said they would but 2 eps a week is killing me lol we get spoiled with naruto and op with 4eps a week that’s what I mean


Nickelodeon just casually creating one of the best redemption arcs with Zuko

Gabriel Rodriguez

For the fire lord submitting easily. Felt like fire lord just knows with swords he has no shot vs Zuko. they used to make fun off him in some of his backstory for working so hard with the swords instead of his bending.

Kenpichigo (edited)

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2024-04-05 19:30:43 Oh ok, yea I wish they’d drop more to! Sorry if I came off rude
2024-03-14 03:37:29 Oh ok, yea I wish they’d drop more to! Sorry if I came off rude

Oh ok, yea I wish they’d drop more to! Sorry if I came off rude

CodyAng (edited)

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2024-04-05 19:30:43 38:27 i wanna know what made ron look disgusted lmao
2024-03-14 04:22:40 38:27 i wanna know what made ron look disgusted lmao

38:27 i wanna know what made ron look disgusted lmao


The guru was at the eastern air temple, the wheelchair guy is from the northern, aang is from the southern, this is their first time showing the western temple

Jay rellim

ron after he predicts the plot of a show geared towards kids: 🧐🧠🤯😏🤝🏻🤑 never stop tho, it's so funny how excited you get and how michelle can never keep a straight face lol

Jay rellim

i felt a lil messed up as a teenager bc that last scene w katara and zuko made me ship them harder when i saw it years ago 😭


What type of bending yall think you’d have?

Saith Uchiha

Tbh Sokka is funny af but he is actually a mf genius when it comes to strategy. I know you’ve seen him get his ass beat but in my opinion, he’s kind of the Shikamaru of the show just different personalities.

Michelle Lam

LMAO let me have my small wins! haha cuz you know I take all my Ls in any complex anime LOLOL

Michelle Lam

yah but this show isnt nearly as long as those other two. We will be done before you know it

Michelle Lam

LMAO, michelle might hate me, but she was picking her toenail paint off and it was all on the couch LOL


‘Hello, Zuko here’..The episode where Zuko goes from angry to socially awkward but I love it! I also get Katara’s hesitation, she was the first one to give him a chance and he nearly got Aang killed!


I respect and love Zuko’s story the most personally because he felt so real having so much struggle and internal conflict and when the time came for him to have his “oh he’s gonna make the right choice moment” …he didn’t, he messed up again, and then later arrived at this point where he fully is taking in his uncles lessons and trying to do what’s right even if it’s difficult. I think a lot of people like myself mess up a lot and you hope you do the right thing or finally make the right choices but it’s not always an anime moment where you just suddenly do what’s right and stop making mistakes.


I was thinking you would be too ngl 🤣 I remember me and my sister would argue about it because I’d want to be fire then she’s start talking about how my star sign is water 😭


Mark Hamill it's the goat, voice acting for Ozai is just amazing


Katara is one of them ride-or-die types; had Zuko shook, I respect it. Aang knew all along she a real one.

Sambat Phu

Uncle Iroh is a brother to the firelord Ozai, so yes he's a prince Michelle.

Calvin Kling

That "Slice her throat wide open" was hilarious hahaha


Tbh, Zuko hasn't really done anything awful lol

Aaron williams

Other than having a heart to heart with katara only to side with azula leading to aangs death lol

Jay rellim

btw this is when you learn zuko's mom is alive, not during the finale. i just looked at the reaction and ron yelled "WHAT?!?!" after the reveal haha but still agree it was such a cliffhanger


except actively trying to murder a 12 year old and terrorizing non fire nations and stealing from them while they’re already in poverty !

