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Tears of A Clown! Starring Katt Williams pt.16



With all due respect. I really enjoyed this part of the series, when the topic of another man's "property" was broached. I've contemplated about where should the demarcation betwen another man's "property" should be or begin. My conclusion was that it should start mentally. To help myself keep that notion, and to remind myself of my error, I play the scene from Scarface in my head as soon as I begin to error. The part when Manny Ribera was complimenting Tony on how beautiful his sister was, and the instant vitriol Tony had for his friend when he stated "HEY, SHE NOT FOR YOU". I play that scene in my head when ever I find myself thinking of anothers man's "property", then ask TMH to forgive me of my thoughts. I also apply that to all other things I find myself being delusional about. So, I agree with your statement in that regards, it should start mentally, which will save you from yourself. There's other things brought up in this episode, but this one I find to be very IMPORTANT to grasp. You can't have everything, and everything is not to be had. Thank you.


In this video COJ speaks about looking at another man's woman. This reminds of a related topic that has been on my mind. I think adultery doesn't just apply sex. The woman is the man's property. Adultery seems to be an issue of theft. Theft, I am wondering, may not just apply to having sex with another man's wife it may also be using that other man's wife for his purposes. For example, possibly hiring another man's wife as your personal assistant or to work on your farm. (Assuming a situation where the man may want his wife to be a stay at home wife but she isn't obedient to her husband and wants to make her own money against her husband's wishes) . If a man hires that woman it may be a form of adultery. The woman being programmed to have sexual attraction for the man she works for seems be in harmony with this. When the Israelites committed adultery against TheMostHigh, I don't think it always involved having sex with idols. I think it had to do with them giving worship, admiration, offerings, to other goods. Spiritual adultery. I personally wouldn't want any woman I was married to working for another man's company. I would want her to either help me build my businesses/family or she could start her own business. But I wouldn't want her to slave for another master. If men had a culture and refused to hire another man's wife, what would society look like? I think that is the way The Most High intented things. I'm pondering