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Tears of A Clown! Starring Katt Williams pt.9



13:28 "92-6, playing against who? A chihuahua?" lmaoo


I keep seeing a spider-like creature in my third eye. (I am not talking about eye floaters) Anyone with any info on this topic? I've seen other creatures and beings appear in it as well. I noticed that when this started happening my astral projections and out of body experiences seemed to stop. I didn't do anything to open the 3rd eye etc and I haven't done any mediation or other stuff or drugs that would trigger this. I never take drugs, weed, I don't even believe in taking vitamins or supplements


I love your K.anye W.est & K.att W.illiams comparison @8:30


@24:42 lmaooooooooooo “that’s the problem he CANT BREATHE” 😂😂😂 talk about coded language 😂😂😂 hangman frfr!

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2024-02-26 04:23:48 In COJs Passport Bros video on his other channel he says that Yom Kippur is a legit holy day for atonement. What is the difference between that atonement and Christ's sacrifice? Do they accomplish the same purpose? Does Yom Kippur still apply considering Jesus made a sacrifice? Are people that are not of Israel seed line able to benefit from atonement? I dont think Christ died for non-israelites, but does that atonement opportunity in YomKippur also apply to non-israelites? Jehovah Witnesses have a holiday that they celebrate called the Memorial, in which they say Jesus commanded that bread and wine be passed around around Easter time and only the 144,000 are allowed to drink. I know Jehovah Witnesses are not of the right hand path, but is that commandment still valid?
2024-02-23 22:20:38 In COJs Passport Bros video on his other channel he says that Yom Kippur is a legit holy day for atonement. What is the difference between that atonement and Christ's sacrifice? Do they accomplish the same purpose? Does Yom Kippur still apply considering Jesus made a sacrifice? Are people that are not of Israel seed line able to benefit from atonement? I dont think Christ died for non-israelites, but does that atonement opportunity in YomKippur also apply to non-israelites? Jehovah Witnesses have a holiday that they celebrate called the Memorial, in which they say Jesus commanded that bread and wine be passed around around Easter time and only the 144,000 are allowed to drink. “After giving thanks, he broke [the loaf] and said: ‘This means my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.’”—1 CORINTHIANS 11:24. I know Jehovah Witnesses are not of the right hand path, but is that commandment still valid? https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20131215/in-remembrance-of-me/

In COJs Passport Bros video on his other channel he says that Yom Kippur is a legit holy day for atonement. What is the difference between that atonement and Christ's sacrifice? Do they accomplish the same purpose? Does Yom Kippur still apply considering Jesus made a sacrifice? Are people that are not of Israel seed line able to benefit from atonement? I dont think Christ died for non-israelites, but does that atonement opportunity in YomKippur also apply to non-israelites? Jehovah Witnesses have a holiday that they celebrate called the Memorial, in which they say Jesus commanded that bread and wine be passed around around Easter time and only the 144,000 are allowed to drink. “After giving thanks, he broke [the loaf] and said: ‘This means my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.’”—1 CORINTHIANS 11:24. I know Jehovah Witnesses are not of the right hand path, but is that commandment still valid? https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20131215/in-remembrance-of-me/


If energy can neither be created or destroyed, what exactly is getting sacrificed in a sacrifice to Molech etc. What exactly does Molech get? The blood? The spiritual energy? If a person that was sacrificed ends up being resurrected as I believe the scriptures state for some people, what exactly has Molech recieved in that instance? What exactly does Molech do with what he receives? Once someone has had a Kundalini experience does that curse or condemn that person for destruction?


Jesus is our atonement and He's also our High Priest. When reading through the Leviticus 16 passage, Aaron is representing Jesus in the actions of making the atonement. When reading Isaiah 63:1-6, we see how Jesus will return and make an official atonement of the scapegoat, cleansing the earth and establishing the kingdom. During Yom Kippur, we still fast because we're living within this flesh. While our mindsets are towards the things of TMH, this irrational flesh still has its variances. As commonly pray and seek repentance on a regular day, the Day of Atonement is a great way to focus and reflect on our lives issues and give them back to Christ.