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When Van Lathan asked Whitlock if he was protecting the NFL, he should've said "no I'm protecting the black men in the NFL"


I like that idea bruh. A Felony Hood Baby charge. The punishment should be the brotha has 365 days to prove enrollment in a trade school or college program or face 10-15 years imprisonment. And he has to finish school and provide updates on his business endeavors or his sentence activates like a probation violation. And a real college degree too, starting salary at least 75K.


I agree hold heartedly agree with the idea of telling certain levels of the so called Black community that they are not allowed to procreate if they cannot reach a certain level of living. I’ve said the same thing myself, and I was lambasted by other low level Blacks who resented this solution. This same idea is liken to when the Most High didn’t allow our ancestors into the Promise Land for 40 years until he purged the bad of our ancestors out, after the events of the Golden Calf after coming out of Egypt. Just my view though.


whitlock mentions you from time to time on his show


What were some of the episodes he mentioned COJ? I’d love to hear it


Van Lathan Jr = 147 House nigga = 147