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Random thought. What is so special about DJ Vlad? What is so special about that socalled Caucasian jew that rappers run to do interviews with him? I remember when he invited Tommy Sotomayor for an interview and he set him up and Tariq Nasheed was popped in the middle of their beef. Tariq was carrying a weapon in his pocket (not saying that he shouldn't) but a dangerous situation. Vlad seems like a suspect character, but I never heard COJ mention him. COJ said that people that do interviews on late night talk shows are MKUltra programmers. Though I don't see how Jimmy Fallon could be one he seems like a simpleton. Btw, Tommy Sotomayor was working with on a project Tariq Nasheed then Tommy asked innocently Tariq in an interview why didn't Tariq have a segment on the socalled Caucasian jews role in slavery in his Hidden Colors films and Tariq got upset.


Hidden colors = Hidden Hustle


I Haven't seen it


28:42 like Judah mentioned their we have the most sprit energy than any man from another other nation on earth in life and death also their obsession with our bodies especially when we are dead isn't something new this happened to out forefathers Genesis 50:25 “And Ioseph tooke an othe of the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visite you, and ye shal carie vp my bones from hence.” We know what the rituals the Egyptains would do with dead bodies so that's why I beleive Joesph told his brothers and rest of us to take his coffin out of Egypt later taken by Moses 2 Kings 13:20-21 “¶ And Elisha died, and they buried him: And the bands of the Moabites inuaded the land at the comming in of the yeere.” And it came to passe as they were burying a man, that behold, they spyed a band of men, and they cast the man into the sepulchre of Elisha: and when the man was let downe, and touched the bones of Elisha, he reuiued, and stood vp on his feete.” So yeah this isn't nothing new that's why like Chronicles has touched on how the movie Get Out was so profound and revelatory that's why even until this day when we die the other nations want our organs and other body parts to profit off of and spiritually they want them


The bull sacrifice that chron talks about. Was done in apocalypse now movie


He said you violate we demonstrate


Love the analogy of prison being a societal “pound” for the dogs of the country


Your right black people born in America or the Caribbean should be the ones either owning or renting these stores/deli’s but it’s our very same people who protect these stores because our people only have strength for their own. Also they support everyday by the second which keep their business going. For example everyone in new York think there business is family run, when it’s not it’s the mosque turning itself into corporations buying these stores/land and putting to work their people who visit or coming from a city or country


Also it shouldn’t be fair that religious groups churches etc can become a corporation and start laundering(not saying illegally) money takes in a lot of money and pay no taxes! It should be considered a scam religion should not be allowed to take in any kind of funds besides the basket they walk row to row with! Churches are churches, corporations are corporations let’s keep the two separated. Also It’s through these businesses that the foreigners are able to get certain laws made in their favor, this is not an attack on them it’s a realization of what we need. If they feel this way because they obviously are selfish and want to keep their influence on us