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COJ has said that there is no such thing as a true religion. That the most high is not aligned with any religion. I grew up as a Jehovah Witnesss and they always say that one of the ways one can know that they are the true religion is that they claim to be doing the worldwide preaching work. They use Matthew 28: 19-20 as the basis. "19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Was that time specific? What did he mean when he said i will be with you until the end of world? Does the end of the world include our time period? Do people in our time have any obligation to preach or teach others? I also believe COJ said that Jesus only came for the people of the covenant seedline, but with so much mixing who really knows with 100 percent certainty what their seedline is with so many family secrets etc. Also I think the most high allowed or accepted I don't know to what degree people that lived amongst the Israelites and fully adopted their ways. Also Jesus healed the caanaites woman's possessed daughter for her faith.


How many races are there number please


Aye big bro go watch that new breakfast club with Larry Elder


COJ says that the wife is a man's property. He also says that a man's daughter is his property as well and that the property gets transferred in a real marriage. Is a man's son his property as well? Or is the son viewed as the prince or inheritor of the property that his father had? If a man dies and his wife is still alive is the son now viewed as the new king? Is the son of the deceased father now considered the owner of his mother and sisters? I am referring to kings and Queens because COJ said that a man's penis is the Septre of Rulership, and I think men are supposed to ideally be their own kings.


Bless you Mr. Charles, always keep asking questions 🤣


Anyone here familiar with Jehovah Witnesses? I grew up one, I had a measure of respect for them until this past month I realized that I couldn't and shouldn't overlook their globalist ways and other false teachings. One of the things I respect about them is that they don't celebrate holidays. Except 2- Wedding Anniversaries, and The Memorial of Jesus. I have a question about The Memorial holiday. Jehovah Witnesses put on blast Easter for being a pagan holiday- but they have this other holiday that I am not sure is scripturally sound https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20131215/in-remembrance-of-me/ They use “After giving thanks, he broke [the loaf] and said: ‘This means my body which is in your behalf. Keep doing this in remembrance of me.’”—1 CORINTHIANS 11:24 as the reason for the doing it each year around the same time as Easter. Is this a holiday that we should respect and observe? If in fact we should be observing that holiday, am i wrong in thinking that I should not be observing the holiday with Jehovah Witnesses as I believe they are empowered by Lucifer or the Left hand forces?


All Global Religions and Organizations are controlled. I Grew up as a follower of the Jehovah's Witness as well. So I am highly aware of the traditions and customs of the people that are in the organization engage with. I Highly recommend you research in detail about the JW organization, such as the false prophecies in 1914 about the world ending, Deuteronomy 18:22 debunks the whole organization. If it’s not scripturally sounded Then something is wrong.