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Appreciate the work bro. Been watching since ‘16. With many transformers around, can’t even date these females no more. Least they set me up.


Nah. Doesn't matter how much work they get done, you can smell the difference. Pheromones.


Precaite the series COJ, I remember when I watched your video on Lakeview Terrace, and you mentioned that pose was in reference to a “Christ figure”. I saw Avatar: Extended Cut (2009) not to long after the video, and they had Jake Sully in that same pose at the beginning of the movie.


It's crazy when @chroniclesofjudah144 spoke about this pose I instantly remembered seeing this in one of my all time favorite movies THE Last Dragon in the final fight with Shonuff and Leroy when Leroy kicked him through the door in warehouse Shownuff was in that pose and he was perceived to be dead or at least defeated ,then when Leroy looked again he was gone reborn and that's when he had his red Glow/aura .Leroy had to be drowned figuratively or baptized in a sense before he was reborn into the good sorcerer then he had his golden glow


Judah 144 what is yours thoughts on people celebrating birthdays? I don't think I've heard is mention your this before....


He's said it's documented in the Bible how old the men of the Lord were when they died so it's implied they kept tabs on it. Just don't worship yourself and it shouldn't be a problem


and are assembling as people, observing high holy days/festivals still relevant?


Yes read Lev 23, book of Esther 9:18-32, John 10:22, 1 Maccabees 4:51-59, Psalms 81:3, Baruch 4:1 tells us that law endureth forever roughly paraphrasing. Only law that was done away with was the sacrificial law bc Yahawashi shed His blood for us. (Yasharahala) Peace King 👑


Anybody get another video after this one?


I wonder if he believe in the 12 tribes chart ?


Zendaya looks too pretty to be a transformer. I just don't see it


Anyone seen the Dalai Lama and his recent atrocity against that child while being filmed? They are either close to revealing more degeneracy or he is falling off the secrecy script due to age. Just nasty


Great movie but it was heavily inspired by occult knowledge via Berry Gordy. Programmed many young black men to “the ways of the dark side” per say


Earl Dokes is right. You can't change your genome, chromosomes, bone structure, pheromones, etc to the point that you're a biological man or woman. All trannies are mentally ill people that need serious help before they permanently ruin their mind, body, and soul.




CIRCUMCISION was a practice, rule and a symbol for the promises god made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob aka Israel, Moses, and so forth. You can read more about it in the book of Genesis in regards to the story of Abram aka Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob aka Israel. In addition, in the book of Exodus, within the first 11 chapters details Moses circumcision during his preparation to become a prophet and why the Israelite men and boys had to perform that as well on the first Passover also known as the final plaque. Circumcision is mention all throughout the bible, the reason why I only brought only those two books is because that's where you can get a understanding of it origins. Cutting of the flesh is a way to venerate OSIRIS/BAAL aka Cush and Nimrod. Also, within the various cults of the various mother goddesses (THE MANY ASPECTS OF EVE & SEMIRAMIS) and the child, the males who did any kind of cutting down below is normally cutting off their own PENIS to venerate the mother goddess and her son because the son is also the divine child which is also the divine "transformer" LOL if you catch my drift. The penis aka the divine staff, in many stories of the divine father god and his son (Cush and Nimrod) was used by the mother goddess to bring them back to life. This is one of the reasons why they are known as a god of rebirth and death. Please look into what a EUNUCH is to get a deeper understanding of that practice. I hope this helps


Phrases like “ I was born in the wrong body have a strong spiritual resonance when you consider Buddhism.


The Old Testament GOD and New Testament GOD are the same being. I thought I should insert that in this thread…


Speaking on charmed. The new charmed has blatantly let the masses known that good and bad magic comes from the same source called the force. As you've stated COJ


True. Buddhism prolly next to Islam where Bros seek spirituality when Christianity ain’t working for them. Def had that phase. .


I see the hype around rose McGowan and Alyssa Milano they were attractive back then.


Yeah sum of these dudes are practicing the craft also. Met a brother that was basically born into it. That was crazy. I believe he was Creole


I was watching the YouTube channel called The Volume and both Draymond and this other guy kept talking about playing with "Force"


Very big in the south and in particular in that community. Many of them will cloak it in christianity or catholicism though


Off Topic But Yall Brothers heard of Jeffrey Star?? This Demon Has Accumulated So Much Wealth its Ridiculous.


Voodoo and Santa Rita (I believe you guys are alluding to) are just offsprings of that and also just a offspring of the Babylonian Mystery School System. That's why they also venerate the "Virgin Mary" image and the "Divine child" or SUN and they utilize the cross as well.


Hello COJ 144 hope all is well. Are you familiar with Billy Carson (4biddenknowledge)? I don’t have as much knowledge on the esoteric or the world as you do COJ 144 ,so I would appreciate if you could do a video debunking him . In addition to debunking him can you also do a video or a series that 100% proves the Bible as the Book of Truth left by the Almighty Creator? In doing so can you disprove all other beliefs and religions that aren’t Biblically based? I noticed that in order to identify the Truth you must also study the historical context. This is how I realized not to follow Islam because of the time it was created and the statements by former Jesuit Alberto Rivera which you have also touched on. You helped me in the past when you revealed to me the history of Islam which disproved it, I just ask that you can do the same for other doctrines while 100% proving the Bible. In doing this I will be able to become a full adherent to the laws of the scriptures without ever questioning if I’m following the Truth of the Almighty Creator. This would help myself and many others which are confused. Thank you


Number of races please


Notice 5 and 6 markers are visible that’s a number that was all over the Plandemic toilet paper =56 coronavirus =56 etc also I believe Trayvon mom was also a state Senator now so she got elevated she is an eastern star and daddy is s high level Mason