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Brilliant: Blacks are stuck on a construct called the USA...BINGO!!!


Y’all see this ufc fighter talk about Lebron HGH

Mad Max

COJ i think you need to review the Amazon prime show the boyz loll they basically put it all out there pause about the behind the curtain of the industry by using their made up assets the superhero’s as the athletes and entertainers plus homelander the main villain/hero of that show jus reminds me of Lebron even tho the writers say he’s based off trump


Yea that Trump comparison is just more fake narrative building. Homelander represents many of those high level occultists


CC or 33 Caitlin Clark is the next monarch athlete


Hi, who is the person on your profile picture? if I may ask, thanks.


Basketball= 22 in gematria. Coincidentally this championship game took place 2 weeks and 2 days before the anniversary of the film "Juwanna Mann". In that Film J.amal J.effries aka "Juwanna Mann" wore the number 22. It's also a coincidence that LSU tigers coach Kim Mulkey was the same person who coached Brittney Griner aka #42 who was released from prison in the year 22.. this years ncaa women's championship game took place on 4/2 in D.allas T.exas (42) aka the "BIG D" (pause). Keep your EYE(s) on the city of Dallas for something in regards to the Pride movement. I wouldn't be surprised if a professional athlete located in Dallas were to come out the closet.. Luka? D.avis B.ertans? A Dallas Cowboy perhaps? The finals is scheduled to start on the 6/1. which is the start of pride month. Dallas' area code is 214 like Valentines day and their original airport was called Dallas LOVE field airport. The Mavericks won ONE championship in 2011. That series began on 5/31 aka the day leaving 214 days in the year. They defeated DWAYNE WADE and the Miami Heat 4-2(42). Dwayne Wade = 42 Lebron James = 42 Bosh Spice = 42 In 2011 Mark Cuban stated, "there will be an openly gay player in 3-5 years." Additionally, on April 4th 2013 Cuban was quoted saying, "there will be somebody that comes out. it'll be a great moment for sports. I would be honored if he was on my team." Lastly, Reggie Bullock, current guard for the Dallas Mavs said that his Trans sister was shot and killed in Baltimore on 7/16/14. In 2022 as a Dallas Maverick he was awarded the Kareem Abdul Jabbar social justice champion award for his work and advocacy for the LGBTQ community. I find it interesting that his surname "BULLOCK(s)" is a term that can refer to a mans genitalia. that could be reach but it is something I noticed.


You forgot the Thurston shooting happened right before the columbine. I happened to play AAU game against both feeder schools weeks before each occurred.


BRUUUHHH, every time I see her pop up somewhere I think of “That’s a man ba-by” *COJ Voice* I’ve been waiting on it 😂


I don’t know why LeBron gets such a bad wrap for it though lol… They ALL use PEDs… I’ve had alot of friends in the game and they all say the same thing, if you ain’t on something, you won’t make it… Bron just takes his to another level and he even gives it up sometimes. Like after his foot injury, he said there’s only one person that knows his body better than him… They monitor his hormone levels, etc and cater his PEDs specifically almost like a damn science project. Most of the other athletes can’t afford or aren’t that invested in having a personal chemist/trainer lol. Derrick Rose, D Wade, and Westbrook used the same type of PEDs. They increase explosiveness but weaken the tendons and overwork the heart. You can tell when someone is on something though. The skin is reddish and they are unnaturally vascular.


I told someone about that pose that many photographers have where the man stares at the woman while the woman stares at the camera. The countenance of the woman seems to have a spirit on it a majority of the time too. Your comment is confirmation that I wasn't just tripping and looking "too deep" into things like some people try to make me believe. Peace.


COJ man i know you probably get 100s of dms on here man but, im a young "black" 18 yr old out of Long Island, New York. I been watching for about 2 years when i was younger and though I couldn't understand certain viewpoints due to my naiveness, i always watched and brother. I would like to do nothing other than thank you for changing my life dude seriously. I am a first year college student and have been trying to soak in as much as possible and you've definitely been responsible for adding to that contribution. Thank you man🫡


I wanna touch on a few topics that were addressed in the video 1. The HGH stuff is serious. I recently saw a picture of Gronk and this dude looks like he stepped out of a concentration camp damn near. I was shocked at how much mass he'd lost. 2. The picture composition thing...My wedding photos feature similar posing as what Judah described. The only difference is there are photos of us alternating between looking at the camera. 3. Never paid much attention to Caitlin Clark or women's college basketball. With that said, I googled pictures of her and she definitely looks more like a man than not. Can't call it either way, but I wouldn't be surprised.


Michael B Jordan is a great director. Was very impressed with how he told the story. Visually pleasing and emotionally in tune throughout. He had some signature shots that could be trademark, if he decides to ever direct again.


Yea I read a little article about it. Chael Sonnen is funny as hell to me.


Hello COJ 144 hope all is well. Are you familiar with Billy Carson (4biddenknowledge)? I don’t have as much knowledge on the esoteric or the world as you do COJ 144 ,so I would appreciate if you could do a video debunking him . In addition to debunking him can you also do a video or a series that 100% proves the Bible as the Book of Truth left by the Almighty Creator? In doing so can you disprove all other beliefs and religions that aren’t Biblically based? I noticed that in order to identify the Truth you must also study the historical context. This is how I realized not to follow Islam because of the time it was created and the statements by former Jesuit Alberto Rivera which you have also touched on. You helped me in the past when you revealed to me the history of Islam which disproved it, I just ask that you can do the same for other doctrines while 100% proving the Bible. In doing this I will be able to become a full adherent to the laws of the scriptures without ever questioning if I’m following the Truth of the Almighty Creator. This would help myself and many others which are confused. Thank you


Kev row University on Youtube just went over this and more....come to class sometime


I know you’ve talked about it Chronicles, but can you once again speak on why pink has become so popular as of late. Is it for the worship of the Divine feminine?


Just seen the film Devotion, was a good well put film. Jesse Brown is who Johnathan Majors portrayed. Senn it on Paramount Plus. And at the end of the movie in the credits, the film was shot in Hollywood South aka Atlanta Metro Area. More and more of these films are being shot in Georgia than in actual California. Georgia Peach logo you'll often see now for fil and tv/streaming shows.