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After sharing this drawing of my superhero OC Mainstay on twitter I opened myself to suggestions for more horny/sexy powers. I ended up drawing several of them and I do like a number of them and figured some of you might enjoy them as well. And so here are the characters as seen:


SWEAT-HER: A sweat-bending villain, who wears nothing underneath her layers of heavy jackets.

THE BREED: A megalomaniac narcissist who wants to create a clone army of himself by impregnating as many women as possible with his self-modified DNA, capturing them with his man-catcher arm.

T.H.E.O.G.: Able to grow any part of his body to a super size.

BLUE FLAME: An in-training hero that keeps “accidentally” burning off the clothes of the villains and even his colleagues.

WET NURSE: Delivers her healing milk directly to those in need with her quick-access costume.

CENTI-URION: A centipede/centurion mash-up super villain with the ability to control hands.

OCTRESS: An anti-hero with the ability to turn her tentacle-hair into anything and use them to pick up, grab, or “insert” as needed.

UNNAMED SIDEKICK: Irresponsible and hung, he can turn his targets into himbos/bimbos.

UNNAMED: When "excited" he radiates an aphrodisiac like steam which affect any who breath it in.


As always I hope you get a little "kick" out of them, and If you have a suggestion for a horny/sexy power I would love to hear it!



John Lancaster

Love the ideas. I think it'd be funny if the himbo/bimbo powered sidekick was just named Jimbo. As for the other unnamed character, I'd name him Aphrodi-Zach


The octress is hot as hell, now I can get why people are into tentacles and stuff 😳