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Noah and Laura continue on in their night of shared passion, now going "all in".

How long will MILF Sitter be?:

Only counting the pages that have been made/published this is my longest comic and is of course still running! You may be wondering how many pages this comic will be in total and I'm not 100% sure yet. If you're an OG supporter you may remember 'monthly comics' use to be only 12 pages in length. Having a much longer running comic this time was done to address the problem of having to rush through the story to include everything from the setup, to the action, to a 'satisfying climax' and conclusion. One of my goals was to let the set up take as long as felt necessary, and then have as many 'action' pages as 'setup' pages. If i'm being generous it took till about page 15 to get through the 'non-action' which would set the action pages to continue up to about page 30. As you can see we're on page 25 now, and I don't know about you but I feel we could still use a little more action before we work our way to a nice big satisfying conclusion. I think Laura and her MILF sitter deserve a few pages to relax and cuddle afterwards (maybe even a tiny epilogue if you would like to see that sort of thing). What was the question? How long will MILF Sitter be? I don't know, we'll see. The whole point of this comic was an experiment in letting the story take it's time after all.

Love you all and of course, I hope you enjoy.



Low Steppa

Love to see way more pages if your up for it, I'd even settle for a part II


Lovely part this is 🫶