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Recently, we have been inundated with requests for Guro
I also like Guro. Unfortunately, I don't draw Guro very much and I'm not good at it either.
Even if I draw Guro, I will draw it very, very occasionally, so please understand.
I'm sorry.

최근 고루에 대한 요청이 쇄도하고 있습니다
저 또한 고루를 좋아 하긴 하다만. 저는 아쉽게도 고루를 많이 그리지 않을 뿐 아니라 고루를 잘 그리지도 못합니다.
고루를 그린다 하더라도 아주아주 가끔가다 그릴것이며 양해 부탁드리겠습니다.


A Wild Rabbit

I'm just here for the shortstacks, for what it's worth.


Sajji, could you draw Zeri again, a continuation of how she gets fucked in the public toilet? I am interested in buying that commission from you if you can extend the work you did previously