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Don't read this if you aren't 18+ or don't like smut!  

Bet you thought this series was over!  So did I, but I'm wrong a lot.  Part 3 (here) ended with a glimpse into Weiss and Ruby's future.  If that's all you want to read of their story, then it wrapped things up nicely (I think).

But a lot of you really enjoyed their dynamic, and I did too, so let's rewind things a bit and see how that date ended...


“I should’ve figured you live here...” Ruby said while following Weiss through the doors of the nicest apartment building near campus.

“Why?  Because the carpet doesn’t smell like puke and the walls are actually painted?”

“More like because this is where all the rich kids live.” 

When Weiss walked into the stairwell and dropped the door behind her, Ruby narrowly avoided walking into it face first.  Fortunately, due to her above-average reflexes, it only hit her shoulder as she followed Weiss to the second floor.  

“Thought you wanted to be free of your dad,” she added, knowing she was getting under Weiss’ skin with the comments but unable to keep her mouth shut.  “But you let him set you up in the Ritz Carlton of student housing?”

“I see it as taking advantage while I have the opportunity.”  Weiss turned and gave Ruby a pointed look over one shoulder.  “You should probably feel the same right about now.”

When Weiss stopped in front of an apartment door and rummaged in her bag for her keys, Ruby’s thoughts returned to a few minutes prior, when they literally made out in front of Ted’s Tacos for everyone to see.  Considering that unlikely event, she did know what Weiss meant...which was why she’d willingly and voluntarily accompanied Weiss back to her apartment.

If given the opportunity, then yes.  She wanted to continue that kiss and then some.  

Once the door was unlocked, Weiss walked into the apartment and left it open, which Ruby took as silent permission to enter.

“Lock it behind you,” Weiss instructed while dropping her bag on the living room table and removing her shoes.  Without her heels, she was even shorter than her above-average snark suggested, and Ruby couldn’t help but find her a little cute.  Still snarly as the devil, but cute.

After locking the door, Ruby followed Weiss’ example and took off her shoes.  Someone once told her that it was rude to wear shoes in someone else’s home, which almost made her keep them on.  But she didn’t want to step on Weiss’ toes, literally.  Because nothing would ruin the moment faster than that.  

“So...this is where you live, huh?”  

Gently swinging her arms back and forth, Ruby looked around the immaculate space and noted the important sights.  It wouldn’t surprise her if someone had been paid to furnish and decorate the space - that’s how put-together it looked.  It was also way too clean to belong to a college student, so maybe Weiss hired a maid too.  On daddy’s dime, of course.

“It’s nice,” Ruby added with a nod.  “It...suits you.”

“You can attempt more small talk, or you can do what you came here to do.”

Ruby’s brow rose at the blunt response, but her heart started racing when Weiss stood in front of her and crossed her arms over her chest.  The look in her eyes was equal parts daring and combative - searching for an argument while also willing Ruby to give in.

“Wow, you’re not at all romantic.”

“I don’t need to be.”  After dropping her arms to her sides, Weiss stepped closer and smiled when Ruby somewhat-too-noticeably gulped.  “Didn’t you want to practice?”

“I said -”  Ruby’s train of thought scattered when Weiss looked down and set a hand on her arm.  “I said,” she tried again, only to clear her throat when Weiss stepped so close that they were nearly touching.  “That you - that you could practice -”

Her mind refused to work the way she wanted it to right now.  All she could think about was how close they were, and how Weiss’ fingers were trailing from her arm to her side down to her hip, and how Weiss was winning this...whatever-this-was...already.

“Aren’t we in a band together?” Weiss asked, her voice calm while her fingers casually looped into Ruby’s pants.  “Doesn’t that mean we should practice all the time?  You want to be successful, don’t you?”

Ruby wanted to be successful.  At everything.  Anything.  The band thing, sure, but this too.  She knew that Weiss was toying with her right now, using beauty to throw her off of her game, and it was working.  God was it working.  But she still had an advantage - the element of surprise.

Weiss expected her to play hard to get, so she was going to do the exact opposite of that.  

In one smooth motion, she wrapped her arms around Weiss’ waist, pulled their hips together, and captured Weiss’ lips in a kiss.  The action was so unexpected, Weiss’ eyes widened in surprise before falling shut as she silently agreed to end this competition on more physical terms.  It was only a matter of seconds before her lips parted and her tongue slid into Ruby’s mouth, bringing them right back to where they left off moments earlier.

This time, however, there were no spectators to stop them, and both of them wanted to win.  Ruby didn’t even know what they were trying to win, but that didn’t stop her from sliding her hands up Weiss’ sides and into her long, gorgeous hair.  

A hum of pleasure escaped Weiss’ lips as Ruby pushed her a step backward.  But, as soon as she bumped into the arm of the sofa - the closest and therefore quickest resolution to Ruby’s desires - she made a noise of discontent and pressed forward.

“Bedroom,” was the only word she slipped between their kisses, and fire surged through Ruby’s veins while her hands grew greedier by the second.  Weiss was in the lead again, pushing Ruby towards their next destination, but Ruby refused to break the kiss.  

Her back met a door frame several seconds later, and a grunt left her lips only to be followed by a sound of surprise when Weiss pressed against her everywhere.  Weiss’ legs and hips and chest kept Ruby pinned in place while her hands roved wherever they damn well pleased.  Across Ruby’s chest, down her stomach, under her shirt, before finally reaching between her legs and grabbing in a way that made her moan out loud.

“God…” was all she got out before Weiss all but shoved her into the bedroom.  And, in that brief second they were separated, she saw the hunger in Weiss’ eyes - hunger that was surely reflected in her own.  Their breathing was already deep, their chests rising and falling in search of air, but this was only the beginning.  

“You’re serious?” she asked regardless, still wondering if this was the world’s most elaborate prank.

“You beautiful idiot.”  

In two long strides, Weiss made it back to Ruby and drew her into another long, passionate kiss.  This one actually ended, briefly, as Weiss ran a hand through Ruby’s hair and looked deep into her eyes.

“Take off your clothes.”

That was a pretty direct order, and one that Ruby would have gladly followed were Weiss’ hands not already under her shirt, lifting it over her head, and tossing it aside.  Her pants were next, as Weiss deftly undid the button and shoved them towards the floor while their lips reconnected even more passionately than before.  

Not one to be completely outdone - or, in this case, undone - Ruby grabbed the bottom of Weiss’ shirt and lifted it over Weiss’ head.  When it came free, she watched with growing desire as Weiss’ hair cascaded down her bare back and shoulders.  Next on the list were her pants, which fell to the wayside after Ruby briefly fumbled with the buttons, being too distracted by Weiss’ lips and tongue to be smooth.

Seeing Weiss in nothing but underwear sent Ruby’s desire soaring, and she quickly worked on removing the last shreds of fabric blocking her hands from feeling every inch of Weiss’ skin.

“Eager, are you?” Weiss murmured against Ruby’s lips while her own hands grasped and squeezed Ruby’s breasts before searching for the clasp of her bra.  That was quickly undone, and more clothing fell by the wayside as they clumsily stepped out of their panties without breaking the kiss.

It was only then that Ruby paused to take in the sight in front of her, and felt her cheeks burn when Weiss gave her an equally-exploratory, equally-desirous look.

“God, you’re hot,” was the only thing she could think to say before bringing Weiss’ lips back to hers.  Her focus faltered when she felt Weiss’ hands running all over her, testing every bit of skin for sensitivity while their lips and tongues openly tasted each other.  She wanted even more of this feeling, as she traced her fingers along Weiss’ bare hip and prodded her backward until her legs hit the bed.

Weiss got onto the bed without complaint and let Ruby push her forward until her back was in the covers, their lips never stopping while their naked bodies pressed against each other.  Ruby could feel Weiss’ breasts against hers.  Weiss’ stomach against hers.  Weiss’ everything against her as they tried to merge into one.

While keeping up with Weiss’ messy, lust-filled kisses, Ruby ran her hand down Weiss’ side, savoring the soft, silky-smooth skin under her fingertips.  But she still wanted so much more, and it wasn’t long before she moved her hand up Weiss’ inner thigh, feeling the warmth grow as she grew closer to the heat between Weiss’ legs.  

Before going any further, however, she paused.  And she nearly asked again - just to make doubly sure - but a low growl against her lips prompted her further.  When she slipped her finger between Weiss’ legs and felt the wetness there, she moaned out loud.

“God, you’re wet,” she said while passing her finger across Weiss’ clit, drawing a small gasp at the slight touch.

“You don’t have to state the obvious,” Weiss mumbled before recapturing Ruby’s lips and continuing their kiss.  Feeling Weiss’ hands in her hair, and the passion in their kisses, and the charged feeling in the air between them, Ruby suddenly had an epiphany.

“You want me.”

It felt like a big deal - a huge deal - but Weiss just sighed against Ruby’s lips and bucked her hips into Ruby’s hand.  “Again with the obvious…” she murmured before nipping Ruby’s bottom lip, making Ruby draw in a sharp breath in both pain and arousal.  

Knowing that Weiss wanted her made her want Weiss even more.  She wanted the petite fireball underneath her to writhe with pleasure, calling out her name, and she had every means to make that happen.

So she reached down and stroked Weiss’ clit with one finger, feeling the slight hesitation in Weiss’ kisses every single time.  After a few more passes, just enough to make Weiss really want it, Ruby moved her hand lower and slipped her finger inside.  Her own heart was racing - even more so when she added a second finger and Weiss dropped her head back to let out a low, throaty moan.  The sound only spurred Ruby on, as she slowly drew her fingers out and pushed in again, eliciting another moan that only increased the heat building between her own legs.

The third time was just as slow - painfully slow - as she savored Weiss’ warmth and wetness while burying her fingers up to her knuckles.  Then out, then in again.

“Christ, Ruby,” Weiss growled before pulling Ruby into a rough, impatient kiss.  When she pulled away, her eyes dilated and hungry, she made her impatience all the more apparent by rolling her hips against Ruby’s hand.  

Now Ruby had the upper hand.  Literally.

“You could ask nicely,” she teased, smiling as she pulled out her fingers and slid in again.  This time she pulsed them several times at the end, and knew she’d found the right spot when Weiss’ eyes rolled back with pleasure.  “Maybe?” she asked while slowly pulling out yet again.  

Internally, she begged Weiss to give in and ask.  Because she couldn’t hold back much longer.  Every time she felt Weiss’ walls closing around her fingers, and felt the slickness that grew with every tease, her desire to just give in and ravage the girl grew insufferable.

Then Weiss wrapped her arms around Ruby’s neck, pulled her close, and locked eyes with her.

“Please,” Weiss said, her blue eyes amused, annoyed, but so very lustful.  “For the love of god, fuck me.”

It was still sarcastic, but there was a ‘please’ and Ruby counted that as a win.  At least, that was how she felt until she thrust her fingers into Weiss like how she’d dreamed about ever since they met.  The corresponding moan was an even bigger win - one she duplicated when she repeated the motion over and over and over again.

There were a few seconds where Weiss tried to keep up with Ruby’s kisses, but it wasn’t long before she gave up and dropped her head into the covers while Ruby’s fingers thrust in and out of her.  In doing so, she surrendered her neck to be peppered with kisses, which Ruby greedily took advantage of while keeping her arm moving at a steady pace.  Weiss’ moans were the best sounds she’d ever heard, and something she’d willingly listen to every single day.

“Ruby -”  Arms still around Ruby’s neck, Weiss tugged her down for a breathless, sloppy kiss before meeting her gaze.  “Harder.”

Technically, Ruby was still in charge here, but Weiss’ wish was her fucking command.  Her arm was starting to burn, but that didn’t stop her from pounding into Weiss as hard as possible - so hard that she would worry it hurt if Weiss didn’t moan with pleasure and let her head roll back onto the pillow. 

“Yes, yes, yes,” she started to say, mumbling the word over and over while Ruby did everything in her power to keep up the frenetic pace.  She could feel Weiss’ walls clamping down on her fingers now, making it even harder to move, but she refused to let up.  The increased friction sent Weiss shooting towards her climax, and her nails dug into Ruby’s back as she searched for anything to hold onto.

“Oh fuck - Ruby -”

The next second, Weiss’ back arched off the bed while a low, primal moan slipped through her lips.  With her fingers still buried deep inside, Ruby pulsed them repeatedly while kissing Weiss’ breasts and neck and watching the orgasm cascade through her.  

Only when Weiss collapsed to the bed did Ruby slow her hand to a stop, and only when Weiss dropped her hands from Ruby’s back did she feel what were definitely going to be a few marks in the morning.  Her arm was shaking, her back stung, but she had the biggest smile on her face, which Weiss took one look at before sighing and laying an arm over her eyes.

“Enjoy it while it lasts,” she grumbled, but Ruby just chuckled and pointedly removed her fingers just to watch Weiss’ lips part with an inaudible gasp.

“Pretty sure you’re going to ask me to do that again,” Ruby said, wiping her hand on the covers before moving forward to lay on top of Weiss again.  “Call it a hunch,” she added before playfully moving Weiss’ arm so she could see those pretty blue eyes.

“You’re so damn cocky.”

“Oh?  Is that a request?”

“Shut up,” Weiss said, finally smiling and swatting Ruby’s shoulder.  When she met Ruby’s gaze then, with that smile still settled upon her lips, something warm and powerful took hold of Ruby’s heart and refused to let go.  At that moment, Weiss looked so soft and happy that Ruby wanted nothing more than to give her the world.  

When Ruby leaned down to press a kiss to Weiss’ lips - a kiss that was returned without an ounce of sarcasm - that feeling only grew.  

Of course, it disappeared the instant Weiss’ smile turned into a smirk.

“Now...don’t you have a little begging of your own to do?”

Unfortunately, Ruby knew exactly what Weiss was talking about, but that didn’t mean she’d lost her sense of pride.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she fudged, only to blush when Weiss’ gaze lowered to her chest.

“How about this…” Weiss mused while running her fingers through Ruby’s hair, the feeling so entrancing that Ruby’s eyes nearly fluttered shut.  “You already said I could join your ‘band,’ but I’d like to audition again.”  

When Ruby frowned at the comment, Weiss rolled her eyes and gave Ruby’s hair a shockingly-pleasurable tug.  

“I’ll prove how good I am with my mouth,” she spelled out so clearly that a blush rushed onto Ruby’s cheeks.  She didn’t give Ruby much chance to respond, however, as she quickly pulled Ruby into a kiss that started fast and deepened from there.

Just like that, Ruby’s pulse shot up, and the heat between her legs grew into an uncontrollable yearning that required immediate attention.  Knowing what Weiss planned to do only made that yearning worse, especially when she broke away from Ruby’s lips and motioned for Ruby to scoot up on the bed.

Ruby wanted to know how good Weiss was with her mouth...so she did as instructed and watched Weiss slide down a few inches until she was positioned right between Ruby’s legs.  

If there was any moment for modesty, it wasn’t now.  Not that Ruby needed modesty when she saw the open desire in Weiss’ eyes, and watched Weiss subconsciously lick her lips before pressing a kiss to Ruby’s inner thigh.  The soft touch sent a jolt of hunger to her already soaking wet core, and she realized too late that going second meant she was already way too turned on to last a decent amount of time.  Weiss could breathe on her right now and she’d probably come.

But Weiss didn’t just breathe on her.  Weiss kissed her way up Ruby’s thigh, making Ruby’s legs shake with desire in the process, before wrapping her arms around Ruby’s thighs and pulling Ruby down onto her mouth.

Fuck,” Ruby moaned when Weiss’ tongue slid between her legs and nearly unraveled her right then and there.  “Jesus, Weiss…” she gasped, leaning forward to grab the headboard with one hand while Weiss’ tongue passed over her clit again.  Weiss’ tongue felt way too fucking good - warm, soft, and wet just like Ruby was right now.

Weiss knew it too.  When Ruby looked down at her, her eyes sparkled with humor and satisfaction.  That was before she closed them and focused on what she was doing, and what she was doing was making Ruby feel really, really good.  Holding onto the headboard with one hand while reaching down to weave her other through Weiss’ hair, she answered every stroke of Weiss’ tongue with a moan of her own.

“God, Weiss…” she got out between pants for air that joined the sounds of Weiss’ tongue lapping against her.  The sound alone sent her teeteringly close to the edge, but she wanted - needed - so much more of that feeling.  The only thing she could feel or hear or experience was the ecstasy racing through her body right now, all of it concentrating where Weiss’ tongue stroked against her over and over again.

Unfortunately, her wanton thirst was already getting the best of her, and her hips started thrusting with every motion Weiss made, struggling to keep the contact on her clit for as long as possible.

“God, Weiss,” she moaned again, even louder this time as her hips rocked to the rhythm of Weiss’ tongue.  “God, yes,” she got out in a breathless voice while even more words stacked up behind them.  The pleasure was almost unbearably good, so good she couldn’t possibly keep her voice down while Weiss lavished her clit with more and more attention.

Her grasp on control was vanishing by the second, and the only thing she could think about was getting more of that feeling - of reaching that building euphoria as fast as possible.  So, gripping the headboard with one white-knuckled hand and holding Weiss’ head between her legs with the other, she ground against Weiss’ tongue with increasing desperation and lack of coordination.  

“Fuck, Weiss,” she cried out when Weiss pressed her tongue down even harder, sending Ruby’s hips into a frenzy as she worked herself over Weiss’ mouth until everything unraveled in a burst of pleasure that started between her legs and shot through her like fireworks.  Her eyes closed and head dropped back as that bliss surged through her, and Weiss’ name might have left her lips several more times as she finally reached that climax she’d been searching for.

When her senses finally returned to her, she looked down and found Weiss smirking up to her.  Immediately knowing there would be a price to pay for coming so spectacularly, she groaned and flopped onto the bed.  

“You’ve gotta give me thirty seconds before any sarcasm…” she huffed out while trying to catch her breath.  She didn’t feel like she could move right now, as every single one of her muscles had relaxed to the point of uselessness.  But she felt fantastic, and even better when Weiss turned onto her side and walked her fingers along Ruby’s arm.

The silence only lasted a short while - probably thirty seconds exactly - before Weiss opened her mouth to speak.

“Turns out you’re the screamer,” she pointed out with way too much amusement for Ruby to bare.

“Ok, well -”  When Ruby’s voice came out hoarse from the impromptu vocal practice, she cleared her throat and gave up.  “Yeah, apparently I am.”

The admission made Weiss happy, as evidenced by the smile on her lips and the sparkle in her eyes, and seeing Weiss happy made Ruby inexplicably happy on her own.  The orgasm undoubtedly helped, but there was something else - something less visible charging the air between them.

“You’ll have to come over more often...” Weiss added in something close to a purr while running her hand through Ruby’s hair - the action so casual and intimate that Ruby’s heart responded with several rapid flips.  “One of the boys next door called me a prude.  Hearing you scream my name should change his mind.”

When Ruby laughed at the idea of someone finding the courage to insult Weiss at all, Weiss’ eyes sparkled with humor and that sharp wit Ruby had come to expect.

“Totally willing to help you get back at random neighbor boy,” she replied while her gaze drifted from Weiss’ lips to her collarbone to her -

“Eyes are up here.”  

Feeling a light slap on her arm, Ruby laughed and met Weiss’ amused gaze.  

“Yes, they are.  And they’re beautiful, but you have a whole lot of other beauty I’d like to admire.”

Even though Weiss would never admit that she loved the compliment, it showed in the way she laid her head on her arm, rolled her eyes, and nearly let a smile appear.  Taking that lack of response to mean she’d done a good job, Ruby also laid her head down and finally felt exhaustion catch up to her.

“Don’t tell me you’re tired.”

“Excuse you,” she scoffed while opening her eyes and shaking off sleep.  “I’m the one doing all the work here.”

“Oh really?”  With a smirk already on her lips, Weiss scooted over until they were pressed against each other once more.  “Then why don’t we switch?” she added while working her leg between Ruby’s and pressing her thigh forward in a way that quickly awakened Ruby’s excitement.

“Are you always like this?” Ruby asked before closing her eyes and sighing when Weiss rubbed against her again.

“That’s something you’ll have to find out.”

As teasing blue eyes met hers, Ruby couldn’t help but to smile - then moan a little bit when Weiss made her next intention very clear.

“Might take me a little while,” Ruby said while gently weaving her fingers into Weiss’ hair, savoring as much of this moment and this feeling as possible.  “Because I’m an idiot and all,” she added before pulling Weiss into another kiss.

“A beautiful one,” Weiss muttered before surrendering to Ruby’s lips with kisses that were lazier than before, as if they were both still catching their breath before moving into another round.  At least, that’s what Ruby thought they were doing until she felt Weiss’ hand slip between her legs.

This girl was going to be the death of her...and she was going to love every minute of it.