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Hi, haven't seen you in a long time. I did not want to tell you what country I am from, I did not see the need for it. But, but, but. Crazy spring this year. Having an imperial neighbor is not very cool. I would say dangerous, because this empire has been trying to destroy the nation for a long time, and you sit in pink glasses and think that everything is ok. You do your work without thinking about anything, without thinking about what you were told at school in history lessons. After February 24, probably all those pink glasses flew off by explosive wave of news.For someone it was real, he saw and heard rocket explosions. I was far from the battlefields and learned about everything from the news. But feelings and bad emotions made more of themselves than good news. As you may have realized these 2 months I was absent from your information field because I was just not up to visualizing erotic fantasies. I didn't want to do erotic content. During these 2 months, I spent part of time other than a little volunteering, which is probably an exaggeration, to refresh and deepen my knowledge of history and began to pay more attention to civic processes. I am very greedy for new and interesting information, so I could not switch back purely psychologically. Only recently have I wanted to do a little bit of content.

And here's what I want to tell you about the near future of this page. I will continue to make comics and return to my monthly subscription. But after I finish the comic to some logical end. I don't think I'll be able to do that next month, so expect more details in the future. The plan for posting comics has changed a bit. Access to the content will be provided by a monthly subscription, comic portions of 10 pages each week. Subscription prices will be 3, 4 and 5 dollars. And that's why I want to finish the comic and then distribute it to you. I will have time for all things, and always being in your field of vision.

That's all I can share with you today. I will share with you soon with the previews. I did not see the need to urge you to donate to the army of my country, because I had savings and a significant part of them went to charitable foundations and the needs of the army. But if you have the desire and can support my country and its army, then I just welcome it. Here is a verified link https://war.ukraine.ua/donate/ . From myself, I can give you a small bonus, nothing extraordinary just what is not included in the main comics (some other angles of scenes or unused pictures).

Take care of yourself, your loved ones, your country. Glory to Ukraine!



I'm sorry to hear all that and wish you the best of luck with everything from now and into the future. I hope you stay safe and everything calms down soon.

Jack Stenly

Hope you are going to be ok. Wish you luck.

Юти Юти

Однако что было 8 лет на Донбассе вам было как-то по барабану и сейчас вы гнабите мирных жителей России которые тоже были против войны.

Seline Enaim Castellano

I hope it will get better soon. I could only speak for me but I support ya that doesn’t matter for me now cause irl is so much more important then web content, take the time you need and if you want to come back or make some things, you’re always wecome.(If I cancel my support it’s not that I don’t want to support it, it’s just my financial situation is let’s say some kind of complycated) Wish you the best


У меня к тебе нету вопросов, ведь они отпадают когда смотрю на твою орфографию. Просто знай, после вторжения многие ждали от росиян действий которые бы остановили войну, и многие уже теперь нихуя не ждут от вас. И пиздеж про 8 лет можеш тут не писать, ведь вы транслируете ваш телевизор. Вы не удосуживаетесь углубится в вопросе и понять что вам в уши льют говно.