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Part 1

Despite the fact that Taylor Swift recently received another award in the category of Best Female Vocalist she was not happy about it. She was annoyed by the fact that she learned about a few days ago, namely that some scumbag was impersonating her. Taylor knew this because she saw a photo where a guy wearing bodysuit that looks like her in her Blank Space video is doing things that she would never do. Not only that, but she also saw that many guys gave this person money to see more of this fake Taylor. She felt betrayed, humiliated and angered. Taylor couldn't stand that her name and reputation were being used for this.

It could have been simpler and declassified this impostor, and it would really backfire on him because his subscribers would immediately see that this is a man pretending to be a woman, and his family also did not know that his son is not who he seems. However, Taylor wanted more than that. She decided to put an end to this fraud by putting the real thing.

Although this required significant costs of energy and time, Taylor made sure that a spell would be put on that bastard, so that he would become her, more precisely the woman in which he pretended to be. Since the release of her first album in 2006, she has not used a single drop of her magic powers. In 2006 Taylor used magic to create herself and make the world around her forget who she was before - she erased her past as a witch and created a new identity as a young country singer and didn't want to use magic anymore.

But this guy who impersonated her deserved to be punished, and Taylor was going to teach him a lesson. Moreover, she had already used some of the light magic to get info about the girl who pretended to be her and was surprised to find out that the girl was really a guy named Bayley. Taylor did not understand why Bayley wanted to pretend to be a woman, although she did not really care about it. It just pissed her off - no one is allowed pretend to be her and did that kind of shit.

"Let's see how you enjoy being the person you've tried to impersonate, you son of a bitch... no, just a stupid little cunt" muttered Taylor, casting a spell.

Part 2 - in Bayley room after the stream ends.

"Oh... that was amazing... I'm a bit tired" said Bayley, wanted taking off the bodysuit that transformed him into the image of Taylor Swift. But heard a loud bang outside and turned his head to see what was happening. It seemed as if someone had knocked on his front window.

"Huh? Who could it be at this time?" wondered Bayley aloud. It seemed as if someone had knocked on his front window. And it turned out to be birds that were flying off after hitting his window, knocking themselves out.

"Stupid birds" sighed Bayley, tired from streaming "I need a drink". He was not aware that some dark shadows were swirling in the corner behind him. "Oh, yeah" sighed Bayley with pleasure when a bottle of beer reached his mouth, his big T-swift tits poking up his black bra. He was sweating terribly although it wasn't visible at first glance because of the bodysuit that looked exactly the same as a second layer of skin.

"Whoo!" - Bayley fell down onto his bed feeling a little bit dizzy. "Damn it... I should stop streaming that often. Maybe even think of taking a break. I already have some nice amount of cash... Damn, I need to remove the voice converter, that shit hurts so badly sometimes" said Bayley in his female voice which sounded like slutty mix of Taylor's voice and the voice of a typical dumb blonde chick.

His fingers slid up to his neck to remove the voice changer from it but then realized he can't feel the spot where the button should be "W-wait, this was supposed to be..." muttered Bayley confused while moving his fingers all over the place and unable to find it.

Loud sound on laptop indicating another donation made him stop his futile attempts "Oh, a new one? I need to check it." - Bayley jumped up to the computer. He was so excited and happy with the amount of money he got from this stream, even though he had done a lot of streams in the past month. Money which he already earned from all these streams and the fact that his Onlyfans subscription has risen in price recently allowed him to buy a new home, a very large one, but he still didn't spend it yet.

He still lived in a small rent room, because he didn't want people to notice his change in financial status and didn't want to give anyone reasons to ask him questions. And to my fans, who were sure that they subscribed to a girl who just looked like Taylor Swift, that from streaming she earned a small amount, had a hard life, had a lot of debts and her boyfriend was a bastard who was constantly bullying her and demanding money for food.

These statements allowed Bayley to receive many gifts from his fans and even more donations, and this made Bayley think about continuing using the same strategy.

"Oh, a message" said Bayley looking at the screen, clicking on the message.

"Hey, you are so pretty! I'm sure you would look better without this body suit, I hope you will soon make a video about how you bought it and how you are deceiving all of your fans and taking money from them, Brittney! You're such a slutty girl" - read Bayley in his head and his eyes widened in shock "WHAT?"

Meanwhile the dark shadows behind Bayley became larger, slowly covering his body and his face, he was too confused and did not even notice what was happening, and his mind was too slow to process this information.

"W-What's happening?... I... I want... sleep..." muttered Bayley in a weak voice and then collapsed on the bed, completely unconscious.

Part 3 - Morning after transformation.

"Mmmmmm..." groaned Bayley, stretching his body and waking up. He opened his big blue eyes, yawned and then rubbed his face. He had a strange feeling and didn't know why.

"Ugh... Oh, wait... I'm still in my bodysuit, aren't I? Silly me" muttered Bayley. His hands immediately slid to his neck where the latch of the body suit should be located. However, his hand could not feel the latch, but instead, the soft skin on his neck, "I feel like a sleepyhead... Gosh... where's that latch?" asked Bayley confused still continuation rubbing the neck and could not feel any trace of the suit latch.

Finnaly his hands moved down to his chest where his tits were and suddenly Bayley froze. It seemed like there weren't just fake tits under his hands. It felt like he was touching the real thing. Bayley looked down at his chest and froze, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping.

"N-no... this, like, can't be..." muttered Bayley with shock in his slutty voice and slowly squeezed his breasts and moaned softly, closing his eyes. It wasn't the usual rubber that covered his skin when he was in the body suit. No, this time he felt soft tissue. His tits felt so full and big and it was so pleasurable to touch them, especcially his nipples.

"Ohh~... wooow..." Bayley couldn't resist and squeezed his own boobs harder, letting out a loud moan, arching his back. It seemed as if there were two big watermelons on his chest. He never experienced such sensations in his life "Haa-haa... fuck..." he was breathing fast and was looking down at his chest, unable to believe this "Um, like, why am I feeling... like this? Like, seriously, what's going on with me?" asked Bayley confused. His thoughts were already so chaotic and messy and it wasn't because he was confused, it was because his brain had already turned into the same messy brain as all the stupid blonde women he impersonated "Like, oh my gawd~! This is, like, totally wrong... I shouldn't be, like, touching them" whispered Bayley and his hands slowly moved away from his chest, leaving his nipples erect.

And at that moment it seemed to dawn on him, his eyes widened, "A-And, like, why am I... speaking like, you know, like a, like a slutty... you know what I mean... wooow~, what's, like, happening to me? Like, omigosh, where is latch?" muttered Bayley nervously, trying to find latch again "Oh my gosh! Why can't I feel it?! I need to... like, get up... and, get out of this... weird skinsuit thingy!".

Part 4 - That same day after waking up on the street.

After some time Bayley realized that he could not find a way to remove the body suit, not even the zipper, he didn’t even want to think about that bodysuit has became the part of his skin, it was impossible and crazy. There was a thought about tearing it with scissors, but this could ruin the suit, and besides, he was scared by the fact that he feel everything like this suit was a part of his body, even wig felt like a real hair which attached to his skull and caused pain when trying to pull it off.

All morning he spent time in search of a suitable solution, but it was difficult because all this shit in his head. But only one thing was obvious - this bodysuit broken, he need to find a specialist or contact with manufacturers to get the answer. He tried to call them but unfortunately they didn’t answer his calls, so there was only one way out, which was to visit the nearest manufacturer's office and talk there.

He didn’t want to go out wearing that stupid bodysuit, so Bayley spent more than 20 minutes choosing some decent clothes. It was strange, see in reflection girl wich was wearing Bayley's big hoodie and baggy jeans, which were completely hiding all of the curves. At that moment, for some reason he was even upset by this appearance, although he himself did not want to attract attention.

At the streets Bayley felt awkward. He never before walked through the street in the body suit. Despite the fact that he was dressed like an ordinary person, he still felt as if everyone around was watching him. No one saw it, but it felt like under a big hoodie his breasts were jiggling and jostling, which made his steps awkward and uncertain.

On the way, he finally received a phone call from the manufacturer.

"Like, oh my gosh, finally! Hello? I've been, like, waiting forever for your call! I swear, I called you, like, a million times!" shouted Bayley.

"Hello, miss. Is something wrong with our product?" asked the voice.

"Miss? Like, no! I'm not a miss! This suit, like, totally messed up big time! I'm, like, not supposed to have this! Like, where is the latch?!" shouted Bayley angrily, causing several passers-by to turn their heads and look at him.

"Please, calm down, ma'am. Say your name and your order number, I will check the information," said the man.

"My name is Brittney, and, like, I bought the body suit for a few months ago. Like, it was a custom order, and I ordered a high-quality, like, premium edition. It was the only thing I needed, and, like, now I can't take it off," said Bayley, his voice trembling, and he was getting angry "Can't you, like, hear me? Or, like, you're deaf?"

"Brittney Swallowcum, is it correct?"

"What? W-what did you say, like, a minute ago? Brittney, like, Swallowcum?" repeated Bayley shocked and embarrassed, surprised by what the girl operator called him by his fake name which he used for the Onlyfans account and the stream chats.

"Yes, Brittney Swallowcum. Your order number is 1302458. But you are not registered as the owner of the suit, you are in our base of subscribers. Miss Swallowcum, i must inform you about your debts, there is..." the man continued calmly but Brittney cut him off.

"Like, no, wait! There, like, must be a mistake! Are you, like, even listening?! I told you, that's not, like, my name and I'm not even in your fucking subs, like, wtf? Something totally messed up. I can't even talk normally! So, can't you, like, help me or no, like, you useless fucking piece of shit!" shouted Brittney angrily, until the man finished the conversation and hung up while Bayley looking with confusion at his smartphone, not understanding what happened.

"He, like, totally cut the line on me? Seriously? Fucking rude motherfucker!" muttered Brittney in an angry voice, looking at the phone, "Wait... subscriptions? Debts? Eh-h? ...WHAT?!"

Part 5 - When Brittney was at her homee in bathroom doing selfie for her boyfriend and Onlyfans accaunt.

Water droplets slid from her glistening, tan, sleek-smooth, sculpted form, beading, trickling and pooling within the ridges of those mountainous funbags. Brittney's hands holding two smartphones, recording herself for Onlyfans account and snapping picture for her asshole boyfriend who is bullying her a little while ago because she didn't send him the money today.

"So, like, this is, like, how I take a shower... Ohh, guys, you totally love it, like, totally love it. Like, look at these" said Brittney in an affectionate voice while putting down the second phone and leaving only the one on which her stream was broadcast and sliding a palm over her huge chest and slowly turned around, showing her amazing ass to the viewers and snapping a picture. "Like, oh my gosh! Hey, what a meesage... It's write - 'Show us your slutty pussy', like, whaat? So like, you wanna see my cunny? Omigosh, alright, fine" said Brittney blushing while stretching her arms so they were leaning against a tile and put both legs apart, looking at the camera from top to bottom. "Here, you totally can see it. Like, good view? You sure do. Here, a few seconds of free premium stuff just for you" smiled Brittney and bent down more to show the best parts, giggling.

"Alright, guys, I totally, like, should show you guys something. Wait a sec" she fasterly walked to the bedroom, put the phone at the shooting stand on the tripod, and sat down on the bed. "Hey, my boyfriend finally sent me the new lipstick which I wanted. He also sent, like, some really pretty pair of heels, omigosh. And also... a few really cute kitty stockings. Look, like, aren't they nice? See?" Brittney quickly put on her new black knee-high stockings on her long legs, after that put a pair of pink and yellow sandals with 15-cm heels on the feet and adjusted her cute buttocks so the camera will have a great view of her round plump asscheeks. "Ta-daa! Don't I, like, totally look pretty?" asked Brittney seductively and sat on her knees, striking pose with her breasts jiggling and slightly twisting her big bubble ass. She was so excited, her mouth was wide open and she breathed fast.


When Brittney finished recording the live stream video, her face blushed. "OMIGOSH!" Brittney couldn't believe that she did things, that she said things, that she has such a strong need to satisfy the desires of horny strangers while using slutty phrases and showing her bare breasts and body.

"No, n-no, I'm like, not gonna stream again" said Brittney out loud in her sluty female voice "Hell, this bodysuit, totally destroyed my life. Now I'm not even, like, myself." Brittney looked down at her hands and covered her face, "W-why do I speak like this all time and everithing so messed up?! And... this body, like, is mine. Totally mine! It's not supposed to be, like, that" she said in a trembling voice looking down at her breasts.

Part 6

After a short pause, Brittney remembered about phone in the bathroom and ran in hurry, hoping that her boyfriend hasn't called or sent messages while the stream was broadcasting. "Oh shit, he totally may start his bullshit..." but he didn't yet, because his last message was yesterday when he threatened and asked her to send the money "Okay, I better calm myself and send him the cash. I, like, don't know why did I forgot... Ugh" grunted Brittney and typed a message.

"My sugar buns, I am totes super duper sry that I didnt send u cash tday. I was totally busy and couldnt do it :(. Love ya, hugs and kisses, bby! Btw, look at this new stuff you bought, i totally love it <3 <3 <3 <3 xooxx, kisses" typed Brittney and snapped several sexy selfie of her wearing her new stuff and pressed sent button. "Like, he is such sweet bunny" giggled Brittney and her nipples hardened with excitement as a red wave ran up from her throat, setting her face on fire.

Then her smartphone screen flashed and loud melody 'Shake it off' went off. She could see that on the screen, it says 'Bunny <3' is calling. "I shake it off, I shake it off, Heartbreakers gonna... gon... na... gon-na-n-n-n" sung Brittney, dancing for a bit and answering the call with a sluty cheerful voice.

"What are you singing there, bitch?" shouted the man loudly. Brittney heard that he is taking deep breaths. She knew him pretty well and immediately noticed his bad mood "I recieve your damn messages and your pictures with new shit which you got instead of sending me the money?!" shouted the man.

"Ehh-h... but, I can explain. Look..." stuttered Brittney nervously looking down.

"Stop with this sissy tone! Last two weeks you were acting weird. First you said you are not a Brittney and didn't answer any questions. Then you've been avoiding me for a week and not sending any money! Only when I come to your damn home, you act like nothing has happened and acting like happy dummy dumb blonde girl, who you've always been! So, money! Right. Now! All what are you earning today. And don't buy any garbage instead. I helped you with your debts, I paid all loans and credit cards which you've took for living" he roared like an angry wild beast, making Brittney shiver.

Brittney felt like tears appearing in her eyes. She know that the way he speaks is wrong because earlier she calculate all her debts which she had someday, and it's only 238$ total. She earning in a day was twice, three or more bigger than that number. And she sending him half of her profits anyway. She wanted to stop and stop sending him money, but she couldn't. Every time she tried to stop herself from sending half of her earnings she felt her mind froze and she can't think properly. And now he said that she must send him all her earnings.

"Ohh... b-but... I totally cant" stuttered Brittney nervously "All moneys I get... like, totally... like... they're mine"

"They are mines! What the hell happened to you two weeks ago? You are a lot changed. Are you cheating on me?" he yelled.

"Like, w-what?! No!" cried Brittney shocked and confused. "Bunny, I would never. Like, how dare you, I love you and you are, like, the coolest" said Brittney while starting to sweat, feeling inside how all this infuriates her, and especially her behavior and words. "Sorry for being naughty and not sending all your moneys..." whimpered Brittney.

"Good girl. At least you say something reasonable. You remember who supports you, who payed off the fucking debts and who helped with paying off bills." said the man and finished the conversation abruptly without letting Brittney said something.

"B-bunny? Heh, he... hung up?" whispered Brittney, her breathing was quick and she shook with a red face looking at the phone. "Heck! You dirty stupid idiot, fuck you. I hate you, stupid boy" screamed Brittney angry and wanted to throw a phone. But again her mind freeze when trying to throw, and it made her shiver, and all of her anger gone. "Um, b-but... he is really cool, but very very busy, like, and so totally need money so hard... I love him" whimpered Brittney, feeling inside her strong, unstoppable need and desire to feel good with him and her native feeling that all this is wrong and that she is still Bayley.

Part 7

Even though Brittney had a smile on her face at this sunny day and everyone who has seen her now will definitely think she is a typical happy dumb blonde girl with the perfect life and who will only care about the appearance, make-up and sexy appearance. At the same time inside of her was a fierce, explosive struggle that erupted out each time when she was alone and didn't have any people around her. The fight, the battle between Brittney who now had the name of a happy silly girl, with an outrageous character, who is eager to please his boyfriend, his subscribers and with her true persona Bayley, who hated to live like a his own fictional character Brittney.

Everything that was said Bayley for subscribers before, when he portrayed Brittney, now had become real. Even his behavior now became exactly how Bayley acted it out in front of other people while pretending to be so silly, acting cute and slutty, and was truly aroused when people donated him more, treated him as if he was a slutty dumb blonde bimbo girl and said things that would have made his head explode with anger. 

Brittney walked down the street and passed by a few men. Loud whistle caught her attention. "Wow, look at those hips" a man shouted to his friend, and Brittney blushed.

"Thank you! I totally, like, love my booty" answered Brittney and blew him a kiss, walking past him and, swaying her hips, widely smiling. She was happy that she is loved, but her own self inside, Bayley, was not. Bayley hated this kind of attention, it made him uncomfortable and he felt so embarrassed, and every time when he tried to stop, his mind froze, all his anger disappeared and he could not even think.

So, Bayley decided not to resist anymore. It would be better for him not to fight this thing, although it infuriated him, but this way it would be easier. So at least he had the illusion of control. That's why now, when men started whistling at him, Bayley only felt his face turning red and his cheeks blushing with strong desire.

"You are... Hey! Yoa are Brittney Swallowcum!" one of the this guys shouted.

"Y-yes, you totes right" giggled Brittney and turned to face them, placing her palm on her lower back and striking a pose pushing her hips to the side. "Are, like, you, totes, my fan?" asked Brittney with a slutty voice.

"I'm a huge fan of your tits, yeah!" laughed one of the men and the others laughed too. "Hey, I was following your Onlyfans, and the last video you did is really good. I saw it 10 times" said the guy.

"Really? Oh, totes, like, thank you!" giggled Brittney feeling how her nipples hardened and how inside she wanted to scream in disgust and humiliation.

"Hey, can we take a photo with you?" asked another guy, putting his arm around Brittney's shoulder. "Your tits are just amazing."

"Um, of course, totes" said Brittney nervously and blushed "Like, but, please don't touch me. I, like, totes love you all, but... I, totes, have a boyfriend" added Brittney and winked at him. His hand slipped down from her shoulder to her ass and squeezed.

"Hey! That's, totes, rude. Stop that, totes" said Brittney, realizing that she liked it and moved her butt towards his palm "You, like, shouldn't touch me, totes" she moaned and closed her eyes, her face blushed.

"Okay, let's do the photo!" said a guy, taking out his smartphone while Brittney enjoyed the touch and was smiling. "Say cheese!"

"Cheese, totes!" laughed Brittney and made a V sign with her hand while the man squeezed her ass "Like, oh my gawd, this totes funny. Guys, like, don't forget to, like, post it, okay? Bye!" she said, for last thing twirling her ass, giving them a kiss and a wink, and walked away while the men watched her big round bubble butt.

"Damn, look at her, this bitch is a real slut," said the man and they started laughing, while Brittney's insides burned with shame and fury.



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