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Continuation: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magic-jewelry-98745904


Mike had been so excited when he found the jewelry box in this rich person's house he was robbing, as it looked very valuable, with lots of gold on the outside and even a heart shaped locket attached to it. He opened it to look at all the different jewelry, wondering how much it would sell for. He picked up gently a silver ring, looked at it for a while and smiled as he put it on his finger and was ready to take it off right away when a strange sensation came. Suddenly his head feels a bit heavy, a bit tired.

"Damnit," he muttered, feeling sleepy, trying to focus, he saw ceiling and walls painted in a dark gray, with pictures of flowers hanging all around. Strangely, his perspective is changed, like he's laying down. Seems like on his chest there is a weight of something big and soft, like two melons or something. He was no longer in the house he just robbed. Slowly, the Mike sat up and felt how his new boobs moved along, making the skin between his boobs jiggle. Looking down, Mike was horrified to see breasts attached to his chest, with pink nipples. He looked around frantically and noticed a girl laying on another bed near him. Suddenly, he heard the alarm ring, and she sat up, turning it off. Her brown hair was tied in a ponytail, and she stretched her arms.

"Oh, did you already wake up, Anna?" the girl asked him, "That's not like you."

"What's going on?" the Mike was confused and a bit afraid, his voice is much more higher than his own voice, like a young girls voice.

"Huh, sleepy-head," the girl chuckled, "yesterday's party took a lot out of you, huh. Get ready quick or we're going to be late for lecture!" She quickly jumped out of the bed, her naked tits bouncing all over. Mike stared at them in disbelief, watching the boobs dance while she rushed towards to a closet and picked out some clothes.

"Could I take your blue blouse today, please? My laundry isn't dry yet," the girl asked him.

"My... what?" the Mike replied, feeling completely lost, still staring at the girls bouncing breasts, but then looked down and again, found a pair of big boobs attached to his chest which also moved with each breath, and realized these were his own breasts, that it seemed he's somehow turned into a some girl.

"Oh, nevermind, I'll take it," the girl grabbed a blue shirt from his side of the closet and put it on. "Now hurry up or we'll be late!"


Mike, as Anna, stared in confusion at her new boobs and wondered what happened.

"Oh, damn, you're slow today," the girl told him, and pulled him out of the bed. "C'mon, hurry up, get dressed. Fred already waiting."

Mike stared at the naked girl and suddenly felt his new pussy getting wet when he hear this "Fred" word. He didn't understand why he was so horny suddenly. "F-fred?" Mike asked, trying to figure out what's happening, but after saying this name, he suddenly got a strong wave of pleasure coming from his pussy.

"Yes, Fred, who else?" the girl asked, getting into her panties, "I guess last night's party really messed you up. What did you drink?"

"I..." Mike didn't know how to respond and looked at the ring he's wearing. Did it really work, he thought, and now somehow he's in a girl's body? He looked down at the big breasts and his eyes went wide open.

"Oh, god, stop staring at yourself, it's nothing new, we've seen each other naked a million times, let's go," the girl rushed to him, pulled a clothes out of the closet and forced him into it. "Come on, hurry, let's go."

"W-what?" Mike was completely lost and just followed her instructions, getting into the skinny jeans, his breasts bouncing heavily with each move while he's trying to get his arms into the blouse sleeves.

"God, you're really messed up, Anna," the girl giggled and put the blouse on him, buttoning it. "Don't mess me up too," she giggled and quickly grabbed her makeup kit. Mike watched in horror as she quickly applied the makeup on his face, then took his hand and quickly take off the ring from his finger.

"Wait!" Mike tried to protest, but suddenly his vision blurred and he felt a wave of dizziness come over him. The world went dark for a moment, and then he's staring at this girl with brown hair, who's applying some lipstick on her lips.

"I dreamed about Fred last night," she said, and Mike felt again the strange waves of pleasure coming from his pussy and his clitoris got hard. "He is such a hot guy."

"Yeah... uh... hot," Mike agreed and suddenly realized what he said. "No, no, wait," he corrected himself, "What are you doing, you're not gay!" shouted Mike in panic.

"Huh, Anna," the girl laughed, "You are a silly one, sometimes. Of course you're not gay. You have to be a guy to do this, silly girl."


"What the hell?" Mike muttered, but before he can say anything else, the girl stood up, took his hand, and quickly dragged him out of the room. Mike felt how his big boobs bouncing on his chest, and how the tight skinny jeans he's wearing were rubbing against his crotch and his ass while he trying walk in high heels. He had never worn anything like this, and struggled to keep his balance.

"Wait!" Mike tried to protest, "I need to..."

"Shhh," the girl turned around and put her finger to his lips, "No more talking, now, hurry." She continued pulling him by the hand until they reached the parking lot. There was a car parked, with a handsome guy sitting inside. He stepped out of the car, smiling.

"Hey, beautiful," he told the girl and pulled her into his arms, kissing her. Mike stared in shock at the two of them kissing, while felt how his nipples got hard under the thin material of his blouse. They kissed for a long time, while Mike standing beside them, unsure of what to do, only staring at them and thought strange new emotions running through his mind. He wanted to push the girl away and take the guys lips to his own. It was such a foreign thought to him, and he was shocked that it even occurred to him.

"C'mon, baby," the guy told the girl and helped her get into the car, then closed the door behind her. Turning towards Mike, the guy smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Hi, Anna," he said, and then walked around the car, getting into the driver's seat. Mike didn't know what to do. He wanted to jump back into the apartment, and look for the ring he'd found in the jewelry box. The girl was watching him with a smirk.

"Get into the car, silly," she told him. "C'mon, let's go, hurry up."

Mike hesitated for a moment, and then the guy called him, "Anna, c'mon, I'm not gonna wait you." Mike got into the car and sat in the back seat without hesitation. All the way to the university, the girl was whispering to the guy and they kept giggling and making out. Mike tried not to look at them, but his eyes kept returning to the guy, and he couldn't help but imagine being in the girl's place. He even started hate the girl, and wished he could push her out of the car, and sit next to the guy instead.

"Hey, you two," Mike spoke up, when they arrived. "Stop doing that." He had no idea why he said it, it was almost like the words were spoken by someone else. The girl and the guy just looked at each other and giggled, not taking him seriously.

"C'mon, Fred, I can't wait to get your dick inside me," the girl said when they arrived and got out of the car, not even looking at Mike. "See you later, Anna." Mike was shocked to hear these words and saw how the girl took the guys hand and led him to the university building. Mike was left alone, in his high heels and a tight clothes, not knowing what to do.


"Wait!" Mike cried, trying to catch up to them,  but his high heels were slowing him down and the heavy boobs bouncing around on his chest. "Oh, no, no, no, what am I doing?!" Mike stopped for a moment and looked around. He was standing in the middle of a large square, surrounded by students walking around and talking. Some were reading books, others were talking on their cell phones, and a few were just lying on the grass, listening to music. It was a warm and sunny day, and the whole campus seemed relaxed and cheerful.

"I'm dreaming, that's it," Mike told himself, closing his eyes. "I'm gonna wake up and everything will be fine." But nothing changes, he's still feeling the heavy boobs and the tight clothes around his body. "Damnit, I need to get back into the apartment and find the ring...  Why am I acting so weird all morning?" Mike asked himself, trying to find a logical explanation for his behavior. "This started happening when she said the name 'Fred'... Oh..." Mike gasped and felt the familiar wave of pleasure. In his mind, he saw Fred's smiling face and his big cock in Mike's hand. "Oh, no..." Mike groaned, realizing that his body was reacting to this thought, and he was getting turned on.

"Stop thinking about him," Mike whispered angrily. "I'm not gay, I don't want him." Mike tried to push the image out of his mind and focus on returning back to the apartment and find the ring.

"Oh, Anna, hey," a girl approached him and waved. "How are you? You're so cute in that blouse." Mike tried to ignore her, but couldn't help but blush. Inside he felt a burning joy from the compliment and smile without control is appearing on his face.

"Yeah, uh, thanks," he stammered, not knowing how to reply. "I... uh... gotta go." Mike tried to leave, but the girl was blocking his way.

"Oh, are you going to the lecture hall?" she asked him, and without waiting for an answer, started talking about some boring stuff. Mike didn't understand a word of what she was saying, and just tried to listen, nodding from time to time. Soon, they were joined by another group of girls, and they were all chatting and laughing. Mike tried to join in the conversation, but felt very awkward and out of place. He wanted to escape and run back to the apartment, but every time he tried, he was drawn back into the conversation, or someone else would approach him and start talking. It was like he was trapped in a web of social obligations, and no matter how much he tried to resist, he always ended up in a new situation.

Finally, the lecture hall opened and the girls went inside, with Mike trailing behind them. Mike sat in the back of the hall, and tried to pay attention to the lecture, but his thoughts kept wandering. He couldn't stop thinking about Fred, and what the girl had said earlier. Was it possible that he was actually Anna? Judging by the way he looked and how he felt, it seemed highly likely. But that couldn't possible, right? How could he have been transformed into a girl? And if he was, why he has now feelings and emotions like he is really Anna? It was bullshit, it's just impossible.


Suddenly, the professor called Anna, "Miss Slutti!" Mike was in his daydreaming. "Come to the front and show us how you're doing it." The girls laughed at Anna who slowly opened her eyes and saw everyone looking at her. "I'm turning to you, Miss Slutti"

"Slu... what?" Mike blinked at the professor and looked around in confusion.

"Yes, you. I want you to come here and demonstrate us what we're talking about." The professor looked impatiently at Mike, and the girls started whispering. Mike looked at the front of the lecture hall and saw an empty podium with a projector screen. There was a power point presentation with some graphs and charts on the screen, on the top was written, "Effects of caffeine on human memory".

Mike felt a sense of dread coming over him and he realized that he has no idea what is happening. The professor was glaring at him, and Mike quickly stood up and walked to the front of the class with embrassing. His body felt awkward and clumsy as he stumbled his way up the stairs to the front of the lecture hall. He felt every eyes on him as he stood on the stage and looked at the screen, trying to figure out what to do.

"Ehm... okay... caffeine..." Mike mumbled nervously, not understanding what was happening.

The professor pointed at the screen and told him, "This is where we stopped earlier. We're discussing the effects of caffeine on human memory." The girls laughed at him and the professor sighed impatiently. "Now, show me, Miss Slutti, what do you think caffeine is doing to you? Is it increasing your memory?" The professor asked him in a loud and clear voice, as if talking to a child.

Mike looked at the screen, trying to think of a answer. "Well, uh, caffeine is good for... for memory. I think." He said, and then added, "Maybe." The girls started laughing again and the professor looked at him in disappointment. Mike tried to explain, "It's, uh... I'm just trying to say that... caffeine is helping with concentration." The professor gave him an exasperated sigh, and said, "You are the laziest student I have ever taught. Do you even attend this class at all?"

The professor turned to the class and asked, "Is this what we should be learning in our education?" The girls started talking amongst themselves, while Mike just stood there, feeling humiliated and embarrassed. "Can anyone explain to me why this person is allowed to attend this course?" The girls looked at each other and some were nodding. Mike understood perfectly well that all this was complete nonsense and he had no place here, that he was not this Anna at all, but his mind was clouded and confused, and he felt the need to explain everything to the professor, as if his own life depended on it.



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