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Gerry grew up as a free boy in the city and was shocked when he recieved the government's letter that he one of the babies which they swapped at birth. He was already over 30 years old and he has good life - a well paying job, nice flat and beautiful girlfriend. He received a postcard, saying he can have the re-exchange procedure in a research laboratory (or simply an abortion of the "unlawful" soul). It seems for him like a joke of his best friend, but later on, when he came at the address in the letter, he found there really was that clinic...

"Karen Hancock" was written on the front of contract which Gerry must sign to get his normal body back. He even didn't want read it while waiting in a room in front of doctor which made him the examination. He called him in an angry way:

- Are you kidding me!? This is crazy! I am not interested!

- Sit down, please. - said politely old, tall man, who came into the room. - It's all in the contract.

Gerry refused it completely and wanted to walk away. After a long fight about nothing (on top of that was also anger from before) Gerry was depressed. The doctor was persistent and friendly and he wanted to persuade him.

- Please, say "Yes" to this. I want save you from the death. - warned the doctor. - We can only do it while we have both bodies alive.

- ... Who is that woman? - gave up Gerry when the doctor remained stubborn.

- You are her if you switch back, and she is you, if you agree. She has already signed a form.

Gerry open paper with info and start reading details carefully.


Name: Karen Hancock, Age: 31 Years old

Born: October 13, 1993

Parents: Jim and Jennifer (died after car accident when I was three years old)

Married: Peter Brown, Divorced (he left me five years ago and married Carline, his co-worker)

Only daughter: daughter Nicole, 12 years old

Work: unemployed for more than 2 year and living on welfare money


- What!? - called shocked Gerry. - I want refuse this offer. I wanna live my own life! I thought it was just a joke of a friend, a stupid prank, not this...! This is crazy! You got to be kidding, doctor, right!?

- ...

The doctor just stayed silent and listened, while Gerry kept on shouting.

- ...Hey, do I really have to...?!

- Unfortunately, if you want it or not, you HAVE to sign this. If we don't swap the souls by the end of our workdays. This new law was introduced not long ago that everyone must live his/her real body. Those are government orders. I can not oppose them.


After some days Gerry went to laboratory. He seat on chair with many connected wires to body. He drank a strange liquid and fall asleep from strong drug. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a different place - a completely different room, on a soft bed and seen a nurse standing in front of him with a curious expression on her face. 

- How are you, Karen? - asked Nurse nicely with a smile while Gerry is trying to recognize where he is and what is happening.

- Well, shucks... where in tarnation am I? Hey there, what in the Sam Hill is happenin'!? Who in the haywire am I!? Hold on just a cotton-pickin' minute, Karen!? - cried Gerry hearing unfamiliar voice coming from himself and strage words passing his mouth. He looked down at his body and opened his eyes in wide shock. - She's got a bun in the oven! Goodness gracious, it's my own belly, I can sense it. Lordy, it's gettin' downright colossal and hefty...

- Miss Hancock, please, try to calm down. In your condition you should not get nervous so much, it can harm the baby.

- Baby? What in tarnation are you jabberin' about, girl? - Gerry tried to stand up but it didn't quite succeed. - Holy chili peppers, this body has got all kindsa problems... It feels... it feels... Lordy, it's like a baby buffalo is inside me makin' me sick to the stomach! And why in the world do I sound like a dang hillbilly?!

- Don't worry, Karen. Everything is alright. - informed nurse to calm her down a bit. - Mr. Hancock! You can come in. - she turned her head from Gerry and called out. - She's awake and conscious.

An old man dressed in faded jeans with a dirty shirt, holding a bouquet of yellow daisies came inside the room. Smell of fumes filled the place.

- KAR-EN! - he called in a joyful way. - How are you feelin'?

- What the cabbage are you yammerin' about, hillbilly-man!? - she yelled at him being a bit shocked and in panic, pointing at him. - Who in tarnation are you!?

- Yester... (hiccup) Yesterday you said that... that ya love me, Karen! And we again got married! - cheered drunk Hancock and came closer to her. - I'M still here, your hubbie! - he said proudly, laughed at his own drunken nonsense and gave her flowers.

- Hubbie...!? Holy smokes, it's impossible. - stared at him scared and uncertain Gerry. He looked at nurse with panic - The cabbages to heck with this, lady. I want my old life back - job, girlfriend and flat! You've got to fix my damn body again, missus!


Nurse tried to keep peace and act according to protocol - pretended that Gerry is Karen. She turned to drunk Jim with serious face and attitude.

- Mr. Hancock, please, I think you are not understand what is happen to your wife... - she looked at him meaningfully. - ...I think it's the best if you leave her alone. She need some rest and silence. Let's go and I will explain you, okay?

- Oh, come on, honey! Wha't the haywire jabberin' this doll is talkin' 'bout? - Jim touched nurse shoulder. - Hey, darlin', ya're talkin' 'bout her preggerness?

- Yes... yes... of course, sir. Please, let's talk outside for a while...

- ...Dang... uuugh. - mumbled Jim while nurse was gently pressing drunk's back to lead him outside.

Gerry watched at this scene with open mouth without making any sound. After they leave the room he was completely stunned for couple of minutes and tried slowly stand up with some great effort. Heavy belly had a big impact on his movements, his legs are buckling and his whole posture was sick. While he slowly moved his breasts bounced a lot with strange feeling for him. Everything was so natural for a female body.

- Holy biscuits... It's impossible - complained Gerry looking at mirror reflection - They can't force me to be her! Dear Lord, please, this MUST not be REAL!

Staring at his own body has took a lot of his attention so he hadn't noticed that man stood by a door.

- Erm... K-Karen? - Jim returned after the nurse finished giving him explanation about the fact his wife had swapped bodies with another person... but he didn't wanted to believe that too much. - Nurse said that you're another woman... it... is, like... truth...?

Suddenly nurse came back with a glass of cold water to pacify Karen.

- Here, Karen, drink some water. Everything is alright, you need not getting tense. I think you should not talk about the... procedure with anyone yet... okay? It's better for you to take it calmly...

- Dammit, lordy hell, dang, no way!! It's all true! - Gerry got even more tensed, standing by the mirror and looking at own reflection, a couple of minutes. - Lordy! Ya're... Ya're kiddin' me with that. Aren't ya? I don't believe it, lady!

He looked again at Jim, who still didn't get fully convinced - this cannot be true. His brain couldn't take in things - these are crazy nonsense. Nurse felt calm and began to talk quiet - almost whispering.

- Please, don't worry about it. Everything is alright... Shhh...

Then she suddenly leaned to Gerry and pressed his ear to her mouth to give him secret, so the only man would hear her.

- Just try pretend a bit more. Pretend you are real Karen, okay? - she gave him a papers with instructions, speaking further with even quieter tone - You got instructions here. See? This guy won't be able to get it all right and you'll get in a lot of trouble if you tell him the truth, trust me...

- Trouble!? Trouble, ya say!? What's the cabbages can be worse, girl? - called out Gerry looked at Jim realized what mean the nurse. - Oh... okay... I'll try, Missis. - he was calming down and and whispered quietly in her ear - But, lordy, is it possible to swap back? Not to be forever stuck into another body...

The nurse with calm attitude was saying "Shh" sound trying to stop him and walked away.


- KAR-EN. - called Jim through the door while Gerry stood in the bathroom and tried to figure out how to put on this strange transparent pink nighty, felt himself very embrassed and ashamed. - Kar-EN! Quit lazin' around and get in that kitchen. Fix up some vittles for me and my buddies who've been bustin' their humps all day. While y'all lazy women been sittin' at home, we've been earnin' our keep. So, fetch us some grub, and make it snappy!

Gerry didn't know that Jim already back from work. He thought that it evening will be easier for him. He spent the whole day after yesterday's exchange at home, looking at Karen's clothes and trying to somehow adapt, thinking about how to give him his body back. This nightgown was horrible and awkward for him. Рe dressed it only because he wanted look how Karen's body is in a sexy nightwear. Last thing he expected was anyone coming back, because last night Gerry was alone here with Karen's daughter Nicole which all day ignored Gerry - didn't say a word and was staring at him angrily.

Nicole goes out at morning from home and Gerry was finally alone. Karen's body got him really so a lot of attention. It felts strange - huge boobs always hanging out, big belly so heavy and long hair which Gerry hated so much. So this evening Gerry wanted relax by himself, if it was possible at all, in new strange body. He expected nobody is back, except Nicole. 

- Are you hea'r'in' me, you danged good-for-nothin' fat wretch! - called Jim walking around at home and mumbling, trying find out where his wife went.

Gerry tied a knot in the nightgown string to cover up breasts in a thight way and leaned towards the tap regulating the water pressure. It seemed as if something huge and unnecessary had been attached to Gerry’s stomace while he bent. "Holy cabbages, lordy," mumbled to himself, leaning backwards.

- DAM'MIT, Kar-EN!

- Y-yes!? - instinctively shouted Gerry in an angry way at shouting and aggressive man and donn't want open a door. "This cannot be real... it's a must be just a crazy dream..." - a common sentence in his head Gerry repeated for himself over and over.

- What in tarnation are you jabberin' at?? - yelled Jim opening a bathroom and seeing Karen in transparent nightwear. - I said fetch us up some tuck. Ya lazy loafing wrench!

- Uh... I... - Gerry stumbled and blushed. - Oh, holy mack, no way. Get yourself a sandwich, by gosh. You can take care of yourself... just watch yourself more closely and don't speak to me like that. And don't look at me this way. Lordy. - Gerry covered his face with palms and breathed deeply.

- Or wha'?! - Jim was very irritated and his anger aroused. - Do you wanna fight with me, missy?! Hah?! - and hit the bathroom wall with fist.

- Yeesh... - Gerry recoiled at this threat, as he perceived and looked at furious eyes. It was too uncomfortable and terrifying moment. Especially being as he had known nothing about Jim. And now Jim has became annoyed being under effect of alcohol.


- God bless the lonesome cowboy on a journey east... - sang drunk men like country music.

"Oh, this is a torture, I really feel myself sick," thought to himself Gerry buttering toasted bread for drunken men and looking every move from the corner of his eye. Jim sat with three other friends around a kitchen table at 3 AM. They had quite a lot of fun, clanking bottles and clinking bottles. And making up crazy and awful jokes about Karen.

- Kari-EN. Why in tarnation did ya still not singin'? - asked Jim and laughed with his friends about Gerry that got drunk and fallen to the ground at corner. - Come on, girl. Get that sweet ol' rump junt over here. We're all dyin' without y'all loveliness, here.

Gerry looked a bit confused. "What does he want?" and after a short think made a wrong decision to move closer in a wrong way. Hard hand suddenly slapped Karen's (Gerry's) bottom.

- Holy biscuits... Wha... What's the heck are you doin', bub? Lordy! - yelled Gerry getting scared of his own screaming and took a step backwards.

Jim's friends started laugh drunkardly.

- Ay! Feisty, she is!! - one man was laughing and hitting the table. - Come on, baby! Sing for us, cutie. You're the prettiest missus in town.

- Hell, no... Ugh, I'm dangin' tired and dang exhausted. Holy sh... - was speaking Gerry nervously without know what doing but these naughty drunk men started applauding. - Ah... uh, no, hold on. You wouldn't like it... and my voice is... I... I'm... too shy.

- I said C'mere, woman. Sing! We NEED yer LOVE'SSS serenade!!! - called drunk Jim and angrily slapped a table.

Gerry took a deep breath and swallowed, "What would Karen sing in this situation?", trying to remember a suitable song but remember only this stupid word and tried to started sing.

"Opps, i did it again

I played with your heart

Got lost in the game

Oh baby, baby"

- Bullshit!! NONonono, no way. I hate this stupid song. Karen! Kar-EN. STOP SINGIN'! - Jim jumped from his place and closed Gerry's mouth with palms. - For God sake! Shut UP! Are yer stupid and dumblin', danged bitchy?! When I said 'sing' I don't mean this stupid song!!!

- Mhm! Omph... - muffled the words between Jim's fingers. Gerry closed his eyes because drunk man was very close to him and suddenly felt Jim's cold lips grabbing his own. His stubble rough beared scratched his soft delicate cheek and unpleasant foreign tongue deep inside the mouth.

- Let's go away from these lovers. - whispered Jim friend to another drunken buddy and left the kitchen. After a few minutes the place was completely deserted. Jim still didn't stop the heavy kissing while his friends gone. Gerry couldn't believe in what is happening. Two days ago he was a man with his own flat, girlfriend and work and suddenly everything is out of a control. This crazy nightmare was going on like a hell. It's getting worse and worse. Gerry opened his eyes still feeling disgusting slippery tongue and kiss. His back was pressed against the kitchen's counter while Jim's hands squeezed the buttocks.

-  Ohhh! Hah... Kari... Kar... I need you. Seems like ya need me TOO, too... - whisped Jim lifting his wife in arms and stepping away into the bedroom. - Oh yeah, my sweety wench...

- Holy biscuits... Your friends, where are they!? - asked Gerry trying find any reason to avoid having to play as Karen to his husband.

- They all gone. Aaaa, 'lone with me! - whispered Jim and put Karen (actually Gerry) on the bed.


It's was already two weeks after swapping and Gerry didn't ask Jim too much questions, tried to pretend all the time being Karen, thought she might call Jim in "cute" nicknames - did everything she could that Jim will be pleased with. It was the only way Jim would behave normally - he turned out to be a real asshole. The house was small and cramped for three people, Nicole, Karen and Jim. There was very little money to even just cook proper food and Jim often called his wife a lazy ass who doesn’t know how to cook because of this. So every day was a hard work and stressful.

But hope dies last. Karen/Gerry hope that they will change backs, and was waiting for the call, but at some point she decided that she needed to call herself in order to get some answers. She was waiting for the call, but at some point she decided that she needed to call herself. Her calls were full of hope every time and that was the reason.

- Hello, exchange center. With whom I speak?

- Yup... it's Karen Hancock speakin'. My handle's Karen Hancock, or reckon it's whoever pops up in them fancy systems y'all got... I'm one of them subjects y'all been experimentin' on, and I sure as shootin' need to have a chat with good ol' Doctor Smith.

- If you will excuse me, Mrs. Hancock, could you please wait a minute...? The boss will talk with you right now.

Karen waiting ten minutes on the line and holding the call under great pain. The long crackling silences didn't make the wait any easier. Karen couldn't stay still. She started breathing rhythmically but then changed to light snoring and eventually slept with phone in her hands.

- Uh... excuse me, Mrs. Karen Hancock. Do you by any chance accidentally fall asleep, Ma'am?

- Bwuh... - suddenly awakening Karen almost dropped the phone and shook head in surprise, trying get all the sleep off her.

- Lady! Ahem. What!? Oh, gosh! No, i... What is it?! I'm awake. Go on... - she said, putting hair from her face in a weird gesture and sitting straight.

- You had to speak with our superior. I will give you all answers. What did you want to ask, Mrs. Hancock?

- Ahuh. Okay. I needs to know we are all changin' back... ahem. Yo bein' real and completely clear, we can swap back, right? That be our right. I'm talked with the real Karen, so she said that she wants get back her bein'...

- Ummm... Just a second... - Karen closed her eyes and made a long deep breath. - Uhhh... Mrs. Karen Hancock. Sorry, but... How it say... Uhh, yes, it's possible, but there is kind of a problem...

Gerry grabbed the phone very nervously and even frightened, because doctor didn't sound nice and certain. Her voice were shaky.

- Y-y-yea? A problem? What kinda problem? Everything 's simple as a pie, aren'it? 

- Hold on... See, this happens sometimes... Mrs. Hancock - Gerry hated this nickname now more than ever before

- Ay yap yap, doncha be callin' me Mrs. anything, I'm Gerry and ya know it! – broke off Karen

- ...ahem, okay, okay. Gerry, listen. You know that if a person’s soul ends up in the wrong body, then it might become a really a lot of trouble. Because of it we are making a work team. Oh...

- Whas'goin' on, doc, I'se listenin'. Ya better tell me al' straight here, or I ain't liable ta be understandin' nuthin', ya here?

- In general, Gerry, i mean real Karen in you body, has problems, more precisely her mind. She lost her memories and forgot us completely, too... And you... well... in fact she now thinks that she is Gerry. And ... - the speaker was speaking that like the girl didn't understand.

- Whaaaaaat?? Tell me that the situation is just like we're jokin' 'round, doc. Oh lordy, o... How... W-What's it look like?

- Karen, Karen... Sorry, Gerry... I know that it's hard... Look... calm down. Everything's gonna be alright. We know that we made a mistake. But you're actually just lucky to be alive and still be so healthy...

- Bu... bu... BULL'SHIT!!! Noooo, way, boss. Ain't no... wayy that - Karen screamed.

- Mrs. Hancock! Stop yelling! Listen to me now. I'm saying - you just CAN'T change back. Do you hear me? It's your life now. You don't have a choice. Get it? Do you hear?

- Hell naww...

- Good! - breaking off other part of speech. - It was nice to have a conversation with you! - the speaker continued, - Have a nice day, Ma'am.

- Ughh.... No, oh no... Nononono...

Call has been ended and Karen stared on a wall like zombie. All pictures from the previous life came again in a brain. Her life as Gerry, her relations, feelings, her flat, home, job, all favorite activities, beloved places... girlfriend. And many many other things. "Oh, shoot. This is insane. Really!?" - Karen trying to understand and accept the situation in front of herself. She never thought that she would live like a woman in future, especially being pregnant and living as big titties hillbilly with a stupid drunken husband in a southern town.




me encantan las historias donde de ser exitosos se convierten en madres, abuelas o prostitutas y deben vivir en decadencia.