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Blonde Daze: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blonde-daze-96318161

Blonde Daze - In trailer park: https://www.patreon.com/posts/blonde-daze-in-96784078

After the end of the concert, Candy, stormed backstage, shocked by the songs she had just performed and what she was even doing on stage. She didn't want to linger here at all, especially considering the strange guy who, apparently, was her boyfriend now. Candy rushed to the night bar where her friend Denny work.

Upon entering the bar, Candy approached the counter, hoping to find Denny behind it. Instead, she was greeted by an unfamiliar face. "Hi, like, is Denny working tonight? I, like, really need to see him." she asked in her high-pitched, involuntary dumb blonde voice.

The bartender, eyeing her up and down, replied with a smirk, "No idea who that is, sweetheart. What can I get for you?"

Just then, before she could answer, Denny strolled in, not as a bartender, but as a patron, reeking of alcohol. He approached Candy, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. Candy, clad in her stage outfit – a short, tight pink skirt and a revealing pink top, her hair in two pigtails – felt exposed and vulnerable under his gaze.

"Well, hello there, gorgeous. What's a sexy thing like you doing alone in a place like this?" he slurred, eyeing her suggestively.

Candy, desperate to make him recognize her, blurted out, "Like, no, Denny, it's me, Mark! I don't know what's happened, but I'm, like, a girl now!"

Denny chuckled, "Mark? You're kidding, right? With that body and those pigtails? You're nothing but a sexy little thing looking for fun."

"No, really, Denny! Something's happened to me. I don't know why, but I'm, like, a girl now!" trying to explain the situation, Candy said in her playful squeaky voice, feeling how she was starting to get angry

Denny, amused, moved closer, the stench of alcohol permeating the air around him. "Sure, babe, whatever you say. You're just my type, you know, a little ditsy and dressed to impress."

"Stop it, Denny! I'm serious. I don't know why I'm like this. I was a man, a rock singer!" pushing him away said Candy still spoke the same way, but there were obvious notes of fun in her voice

Denny, finding her answer positive and noticing it in her playful tone, continued his advances. "You're a rock singer? Yeah, and I'm the king of England. You're just a hot blonde looking for some fun." continuing to approach and placing his hand on her shoulder

"I'm not your 'hot blonde', Denny! This is all wrong. I'm not supposed to be like this!" Candy said offendedly with the same ambiguous notes in her voice from which she could not get rid of in any way

As he moved to embrace her, Candy recoiled, feeling a mix of disgust and anger. "Stop it, Denny! I'm not who you think! I'm not this... this person!"

Denny, suddenly opening his eyes in surprise and still under the impression that she was playing a character, smirked. "You look just like that pop singer my ex used to obsess over. What was her name? Oh, right, Candy Glitz this stupid pop singer. My ex used to listen to her trashy songs. You're her spitting image. Are you cosplaying her?" pausing and kissing Candy on the cheek, Denny whispered "Let's make this a night to remember, huh? I can fuck and call you Candy Glitz"

"I'm not Candy Glitz! I don't even know why I'm like this!" Candy tried to tell the truth once again, feeling how Danny hugged her tightly and she could no longer move.

Denny said with a smile and continuing to kiss Candy. "Sure, you're not Candy Glitz. You're just a hot chick who looks like her. But nah, you're just a look-alike. A sexy one at that."

“I won’t it, stop... mmhmhmhm,” Candy only managed to say, feeling like Danny’s tongue was already in her mouth


Sitting down on the floor in despair and leaning her back against the wall, Candy looked doomedly at the floor, realizing what a mess she was in. She didn’t notice how Danny came back and came closer, she only felt the weight of a man’s hand on her head.

"Don't be scared, baby," Denny whispered slowly, looking down at Candy. "Tonight you're Candy Glitz, as I promised. A sexy little pop star, so start creating your creativity... let's get it started!" He roared loudly, only becoming more excited by Candy's behavior. She wanted to get up, but Danny pressed her hard, and his penis was already erect in front of her head. At that moment she only had thoughts about how to get out of here and she vividly recalled the moment how she ended up there.


After Denny's unexpected kiss at the bar, which was her first ever with a man, she had pushed him away, feeling an intense wave of repulsion. Without hesitation, Denny invited Candy to have privacy and, in the hope that in silence they could talk normally, Candy agreed

In the shabby, foul-smelling room, Candy looked around, confusion and fear evident in her eyes. "Like, what kind of place is this?" Candy asked, her voice unintentionally high-pitched and frivolous.

Denny, with a smirk, replied nonchalantly, "This is where the magic happens, sweetheart." He stepped closer, exhaling the smell of alcohol and tobacco "This will be your new hit 'Candy Glitz'"

"My, like, what? I'm not Candy Glitz, I, like, told you that!" said Candy, still trying to get through to Denny. "Like, Denny, you don't get it. I was at this concert, right, and then, like, poof! I'm this... this girl!"

"A concert, huh? Bet you were shaking that cute little thing on stage." answered Denny with a smirk, “Then today you and I will definitely write the words for your new hit.” he winked, coming close and starting to touch her body “We're here to make some sweet music, Candy. Just like your pop songs, but much more... intimate.”

"I don't want to make any 'music' with you, Denny!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with both fear and frustration. She pushed Denny away, but it didn't help at all, Denny was still standing close to her. The thought of being intimate with a friend felt deeply wrong.

"Come on, Candy. You didn't seem to mind that kiss earlier. If you hated it so much, why follow me here?"

Candy shuddered at the memory. "That kiss was so disgusting," she said, her voice shaking. "I just need help to figure out why I'm like this! You're not listening! I'm, like, really messed up about this. It's freaking me out!"

"Relax, babe. You're here with me now." said Denny, moving away from Candy to lock the door of the utility room with a key, while Candy sadly felt her legs failing her and she slowly lowered down, feeling the cold from her shabby back



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