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As the afternoon sun began to wane, casting a gentle warmth, Shorty nervously stepped out of her house. To her surprise and dismay, there stood her boyfriend, Trent, as if waiting for Shorty. She staggered back in surprise and a little fear, leaning against the closed door.

"Well, ain't this a sight for sore eyes? It's my own little Dirt Dolly," Trent sneered, his voice heavy with derision. Trent met Shorty at a bar just before she was fired and was one of those cheeky customers who gr***d her, but Trent turned out to be too persistent and besides, Shorty needed money, she was deeply in debt. Therefore, although she was infuriated by her new nickname 'Dirt Dolly' from Trent, she did not show it, understanding her situation, given the fact that Trent had paid off all her debts and now she was living with him.

"Trent? What in blazes are ya doin' here? Y'all caught me off guard," she said, her voice tinged with an involuntary hillbilly accent that she loathed and which appeared simultaneously after she broke up with her ex-fiancé Craig.

Trent's smirk widened, his eyes scanning her like prey. "Can't I stand outside my own house, Dolly? Or did you forget this is my place? You’re just livin' in it, remember?"

Shorty forced a smile, her insides boiling with resentment. "I ain't forgettin', Trent. I'm grateful, you know. Just wasn't expectin' ya is all."

Trent sauntered closer, his eyes scanning her in a demeaning manner. "Oh, I got plenty of surprises in store for ya, Dolly. But first, how about a little sweetness for your man?" Trent said, moving in closer.

Shorty's heart raced. "Sweetness? Trent, we're standin' right out here in the open...". Trent leaned in, his breath reeking of tobacco and alcohol. "You always look so scared. It's so sexy..." suddenly and pressed his lips against hers in a forceful kiss, sharply grabbing her small buttock which fit perfectly in his big hand. Shorty’s body tensed, her mind reeling with a mix of shock and disgust

As Trent finally pulled back "That's my girl." Trent said in a hoarse voice, his eyes glinted with a mischievous and disturbing delight, and a smile shone on his face. "You know, Dolly, I’ve been thinkin'. There's a lot you could do with that... charm of yours."


Shorty, still reeling from the kiss, forced the words out. "Charm? Trent, what're ya talkin' 'bout?"

Trent's grin turned even more predatory "That charm, Dolly." Trent eyes fixed on Shorty with a disturbing intensity "You should be shakin' that sweet little body of yours at the strip club. Imagine the attention, the cash flowing in."

Shorty felt her stomach drop. "Strip bar? Trent, that's just... It's not right. I can't. I’m not... I’m not this 'Dolly' you want me to be. Inside, I'm still... It's all wrong." Shorty's face twisted in disgust, her voice tinged with a mix of revulsion and disbelief.

Trent, swaying slightly due to alcohol, leered at Shorty. "C'mon, Dolly, don't play coy with me. You've got that... thing. That sexy thing. It's gonna make us both a lot of money."

Shorty felt a wave of nausea at his words. "Trent, I can't do that. I won't. That's not who I am," she stammered, her voice shaky.

Trent laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Who are you? Dolly, you're mine sexy little thing. And you're gonna do what I say." suddenly Trent's voice grew colder. "Now, let's see how you can dance, I want to see it now. Imagine that you are on stage. Lift up that top, show me you're not just a pretty face."

Shorty felt a knot in her stomach tighten. She glanced at Trent, seeing the anger in his eyes and knew arguing was futile. With a heavy heart, she began to sway awkwardly, her every move filled with reluctance. Her hands trembled as they reached for her top, stroking her body with her hands, feeling how everything was trembling. "That's it, Dolly. Show me more," Trent prodded, his eyes fixed on her with vulgar delight. She touched the fabric of her top and slowly lifting it up, feeling the nipples of her tits rubbing against the fabric of her top. Her face flushed with shame, and anger bubbled inside her as she exposed her boobs, feeling exposed and vulnerable right on the street in broad daylight, anyone could have seen her, but she was dancing... getting naked in front of the stupid idiot who was her boyfriend, trying not to even think about the fact that she is Quentin - the once evil bully.

"Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. You're a natural, Dolly. Look at you, shaking it like a pro."

Shorty's face twisted with humiliation, her voice breaking as she spoke, "I can’t believe you're making me do this. This isn’t me. This isn't right."

Ignoring her protests, Trent's eyes gleamed with a perverse satisfaction. "Oh, it's right, alright. You're gonna be the star of the strip club. Think about the money, Dolly. It's all about the money. Have you already forgotten about the debts to me?"


Shorty's movements slowed as she teasingly held her top exposing her breasts, her heart heavy with the realization of her helplessness. "The debts... I thought you helped me out of... kindness," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Trent's laughter was harsh and grating. "Kindness? No, Dolly. You really thought I'd just wipe away your debts outta the goodness of my heart? You're more naïve than I thought, Dolly."

Shorty felt a lump in her throat, her voice quivering with fear. "But I... I thought we were... I thought you cared." Shorty tried to muster her courage, to do at least something that could change her situation and again give her the power that she once had. Her voice quivering betrays more fear and weakness than the confidence and strength that was once inherent in Quentin. “I don’t like this, Trent. And I hate that Dolly name...” Shorty faltered, realizing that she was really afraid to say something against Trent’s will, but gathering all her determination, she continued, “Can’t you call me something else?...Please?"

Trent stepped closer and slowly stroked her cheek. "No, Dolly, you're Dirt Dolly. Or maybe 'Tiny Temptress' when you're up on stage. Cool name, right?! Get used to it." then pulled her into another forced kiss, touching her bare breasts with his hands

When Trent finished, Shorty fearfully still held her top tightly as if she had forgotten that her breasts were open and swallowed, exhaling heavily. Her heart was beating wildly, she already thought that it couldn’t get any worse, and now this news and... she couldn’t do anything.

Trent finally took a step away from her, indicating that he was about to leave and slowly said, "Enough with the drama, Dolly. You’re going to the Candy Cat Club tonight, and you're gonna strip. I’ve already spoken to the owner. You start tonight."

Shorty's heart sank as she heard his words. His words seemed to come through the noise that filled her ears. Shorty's eyes widened in horror. "The Candy Cat Club? Tonight? No, Trent, please. I can't do that!" Her voice broke as she struggled to hold back tears. "I... I can't." She whispered almost inaudibly, remembering that her tits were open and slowly starting to put her top back on, still feeling from Trent's unpleasant touches.

Trent's voice is harsh and commanding. "You can and you will. You're gonna dance, and you're gonna make me proud. And you better start liking to be a little slut, 'cause it's all you got now. You're my little Dirt Dolly, and don' t you forget it."



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