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Chase's thoughts echoed in his mind as he stood in line at the airport ticket counter in China, his high-heeled shoes a constant challenge to his balance. The road to this point had been arduous, marked by uncomfortable stars and the uneasy weight of his changed appearance.

"Oh... it was really more difficult than I thought... that guy on the bus looked at me so strangely... brrr... I don't want to remember that look," he mused, the memory of the bus ride haunting him.

Now clad in a tight short dress, Chase felt the humiliation of clothing that was not his choice. These were the only clothes he had when he woke up this morning in the body of an Asian woman, and the reality of his situation sank in deeper.

Strangely, he understood the hieroglyphs around him, navigating the airport signs with an eerie familiarity. However, the realization that he had forgotten English and now spoke only Chinese dawned on him not immediately.

His exchange happened from a drunken argument with friends. A special tool, intended for amusement, allowed them to exchange minds at a distance. Because of this device and his desire to argue, Chase became ending up in the body of a prostitute in China and now he had to return to the US and meet with a friend to change everything. There was no information in his head about a phone number or even a name, only the address where he needed to come. All because of this drunken argument that he barely remembered.

As he approached the ticket counter, he realized that he did not have enough money. Moreover, he did not have a visa to be allowed into the United States. And in the end he couldn't even buy a ticket. But a dispute is a dispute, he will have to find a way to return to the USA or stay here forever in this body.



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