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In the dimly lit restroom of the local bar, two friends, Jake and Mike, stood in front of the smudged mirror, both slightly tipsy from the drinks they'd been enjoying all evening.

Jake, the more tech-savvy of the two, couldn't resist the urge to capture the moment. He pulled out his smartphone, aimed it at their reflections, and took a selfie. The artificial click of the camera echoed in the cramped space.

Mike, who had been adjusting his tie, glanced over at Jake with a puzzled expression. "Dude, you taking a selfie in the restroom? Seriously?"

Jake chuckled and said, "Hey, check this out. It's not just any selfie." He swiped through a few apps on his phone and showed Mike the screen. "See this app? It can do some pretty cool stuff with filters."

Mike leaned in, curiosity piqued. "Alright, impress me."

Jake selected a special filter and snapped another selfie. The moment the photo was taken, they both felt a strange sensation wash over them, like a ripple of energy.

They looked at the screen and blinked in disbelief. In the photo, they were no longer two guys but two attractive young women, their faces subtly transformed by the app's digital wizardry. When they looked up at the mirror, they Jake's jaw dropped, and Mike's eyes widened in shock.

"What the heck just happened?" Mike stammered.

Jake, equally bewildered, muttered, "I have no idea. Maybe it's a glitch or something."

In their moment of confusion, the restroom door burst open, and a girl, Jenny, rushed in, panting heavily. She noticed the two bewildered ladies in front of the mirror and quickly approached them.

"You two need to stop messing around with your phones," Jenny scolded, "The bar's full of customers, and we've got work to do!"

Mike and Dave tried to protest, but their voices came out as high-pitched, feminine tones. They looked at each other, panic setting in, but to Jenny, they were just two girls arguing.

"Come on, girls," Jenny urged, "We can't keep the customers waiting. We've got to get out there and do our job."

The reality of the situation hit Mike and Dave like a ton of bricks. They had unwittingly transformed themselves into call girls and were now expected to work the bar to attract customers.



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