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- What the hell, Motilda! What it is? Where did you even get a laptop from here?

The last word the woman uttered with a clear tinge of contempt and displeasure, although in general she looked angry when she found her daughter using this "spawn of the devil", as she called all the techniques that modern man came up with.

- I... I... damn!

Mike, who unexpectedly found himself in the body of Matilda during the "exchange chart-roulette", which he decided to try for the sake of entertainment, tried with trembling hands to turn it on again and try again to use this program, which somehow exchanged his bodies with this one by accident a stranger whom he saw for the first time in his life a few seconds ago from the screen of his laptop, while still sitting at home. Now he still saw his room and the surprised reaction of Matilda, who herself examined Mike's body, just as unexpectedly being in his body

- Just look at this ungrateful two! She doesn't seem to hear me! Give that devilish bullshit over here!

- No!

The lid of the laptop closed with a loud bang and Mike struggled to hold on to the laptop when an unfamiliar adult woman abruptly approached and grabbed the only understandable, if seemingly impossible, way to get his old life back. Matilda's weak hands, despite all the efforts of Mike, could not hold the laptop and "mother" angrily threw the laptop against the wall, and then began to stomp what was left with her feet

Matilda's family did not recognize modern advances in technology and lived far away in the depths of the forest, away from civilization with a few more of the same people. Matilda herself was already born here and long ago found this laptop hidden from her father, about which he did not even tell his wife, but sometimes used it with the help of satellite Internet. All this was so interesting and unusual for Matilda, but being a smart girl, she was able to understand this technique.

An advertisement for "exchange chart roulette" came across to her on one of the sites, as did Mike.

- Go feed the geese! Then I'll think about what to do with you!

The woman who finally stopped destroying the laptop said in a loud voice, looking slyly at the surprised, frightened Mike, who for the first time felt a strange new weight in the chest area and the touch of a long braided pigtail, which now he will have to learn and braid himself every day and many, many other things that we would now be called medieval village life.



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