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Wandering through the crowded streets of Thailand, Eric tried not to attract anyone's attention with his strange behavior, realizing that he definitely did not need extra attention right now. However, he desperately searched with his eyes for at least something that would help him now in this situation.

Probably, if he was now in his body, he would also be lost and would also try to find a way to return home to the USA, however, everything was aggravated by the fact that he somehow received the female body of a Thai woman and it was not illusion. He could literally feel his new small boobs swaying with every awkward step he took because of the heeled shoes that were no longer mute.

The wind blew across Eric's open belly and legs, and of course he took notice of his clothes. Short top, short shorts. He did not understand the local language at all and what was written on the tablets. There was not even a phone in the pockets of this girl and it was very, very suspicious. Eric made the correct assumption that her belongings must be somewhere near where he was, when suddenly he was in her body.

And it seems that his worst guesses about who this girl was most likely were true, but he did not want to believe it. He needed to return home. It was necessary to find again at home in the United States that coin that somehow fulfilled the desire in such a way.

Eric wished to live in Thailand a few minutes ago, thinking about how tired he was from this school and study, and after a couple of seconds he was already standing here, in this body, completely not understanding what to do.

Oh, poor Eric, if only he knew it wasn't the coin at all. It just happens. Very very rare, but it does happen. This woman, whose body he now received, miraculously at that very moment thought about how she madly hated her life as a prostitute and made a wish that she wanted to live in the USA and ... the universe heard them and fulfilled the desire of both.




He (now she) got the better end of the deal, actually. :)