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- Is something wrong "mommy" ?!

- Are you still asking ?! Isn't it obvious !?

- What?! I put on your stupid clothes that you gave me this morning and agreed to go to your fucking school!

- Stop it! Charlotte Abigail Smith! This is not permissible! Young ladies are not supposed to talk like that!

- Fuck you "mommy"! You definitely won't take this away from me!

- We will deal with this after you comb your hair and at least try to do your makeup! Until that time, I will not go with you to school like this!

- Oh, thank God, at least one good news, fuck the school! Fuck your makeup and fuck that stupid hair! Hate you! Why are you doing this to me !? I'm still your husband inside!

- No, no, no Charlotte! My husband disappeared a couple of days ago along with the bitch with whom he cheated on me. But now I have a great daughter that I have always dreamed of. I will make a princess out of you darling, trust me.

- Ha, of course! The fact that I put on this stupid dress does not mean that I will do whatever you say, bitch!

- Just think what other girls will think if they see you like this? And what will Eddie think?

- Who cares what these stupid schoolgirls think ?! I do not care! I ... damn, they'll laugh at me! This ... I do not want this! Oh shit, why do I think so and who is this Ed ... Ed ... Eddie? I ... why did my heart beat faster from this word? ... You did something to my brain, bitch ?!

- That's enough! I am tired of this! No TV or PC all week! Your plush Teddy bear will not sleep with you now!

- Not! You can't do this to me! Not my teddy bear! What ... why ... why is this so important to me ?! What have you done to me ?! I ... I don’t want you to take this teddy bear! How am I going to sleep ?!

- Exactly! And if you continue to behave like this, then I will give it to other children!

- No Please! I will do everything, just do not give my bear to anyone!

- Good! Now we will go and I will do everything right with your face and your hair, but you yourself must start taking care of your appearance! And continue to watch your language! 



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