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- Haha. Very funny. See? See? I am laughing. This is a very funny joke. Honestly. Now let's have enough. Change me back

- I do not understand you ... you ... you are acting very strange

- Listen! I understand that you are playing your role to the end, but although I do not understand how it is all done ... Just let's finish already. I don’t want to continue this ... I don’t even know what to call it. This is all strange ... Disconnect me there from this virtual machine of yours or what you did to me there. I do not want any more. Hey!

- God ... Amanda ...

- I'm not Amanda. Please. Well, I already understood what was going on. This is some kind of silly experiment. So vet? Am I in some kind of virtual reality?

- Amanda ... god, what are you ... what are you doing?

- What am I doing? It's very real! These boobs are literally a part of me and down there ... I literally feel and get aroused by these touches! It's flat there! And these clothes ... it's so strange to be in them ... Damn it, I can't even stand on these heels normally.

- Stop it, please ... Charles ... your fiancé is waiting for you ... oh my god, Amanda! Please dress. Why did you take that dress off and why are you acting like that ?! I ... I don't understand you ... Is this all the stress of the wedding ... or your pregnancy?

Mason stopped and looked at the girl bridesmaid, removing his hands from the breasts and transferring them to his stomach

- Pregnancy ... oh well ?! Did you even do that ?! That's why I think there is something strange in my stomach ... Damn! Please stop! I just want to go home


Poor Mason had no idea that he was not connected to any virtual reality machine. Although in his head it was the most logical explanation. He could not yet realize that all this was really happening. He could not understand that his wish, which he made before going to bed for a shooting star a few weeks ago, worked in this way.

But it was a fact. On that day, his younger sister got married, and at 35 he was still alone and in the evening he saw that shooting star, making a wish to get married, thinking about his sister's wedding and family happiness with children ... 



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