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Chuck was walking in the park on his way home. Today his university classes ended early and he decided to just take a walk along the river in the park. He liked these places in this city. It was not his hometown, but he had lived here for a long time and was preparing to graduate from the university.

In the distance, he saw a company of several strangely dressed young people. They looked like they were from some fantasy movie and were talking loudly, but Chuck did not understand a word of their conversation. He just decided to walk past, but their loud screams attracted attention.

One of them turned his gaze to Chuck and pointed a finger at him, saying something to other people. The weird thing was that they suddenly stopped talking and started looking at Chuck. One of them took out some kind of device and Chuck even began to think that perhaps this weapon, nothing could be seen from afar. But suddenly they just disappeared.

Chuck stared in disbelief at the place these people had just been in. It seemed that none of the passers-by noticed this and it was very strange. He stood silently staring at that place and completely did not notice the changes that had just happened to him. His attention shifted only after he suddenly had a sharp stomach ache.

Chuck grabbed his stomach and realized that something was wrong. He was not wearing his leather jacket. Instead, he was wearing some kind of fabric top. But most importantly, this top was definitely not his and definitely female. Two bumps were visible on his chest under the top and Chuck even doubted the relevance of all this. The pain in the abdomen went away as abruptly as it had begun, but his body did not change, it was still the same feminine. He could feel the weight on his chest under the top and the touch of the long hair on his open shoulders. It was all completely wrong and he even let out a high female scream, which was noticed by passers-by.


Chuck didn't remember anything, but these people were aliens who screwed up a little on their mission on Earth. Chuck was just at the wrong time and in the wrong place. To fix the space-time bug, the aliens altered reality so that Chuck became a 37-year-old single woman named Olivia, who worked as a secretary at his university. Everyone thought the real Chuck was just missing, but most importantly, Chuck couldn't tell anyone the whole truth. When he tried to give his name later, instead of Chuck, he always said Olivia, even when he tried to write. So it was always at any mention of his life, he only spoke information about Olivia. 



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