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John devoted his whole life to the accumulation of capital and succeeded in this. He was an impudent, strong character man who was always used to pursuing his own. His business was built on rigidity and sometimes deceit when circumstances required. In general, he was a kind person, but he did not have friends, real friends, because in the first place he had business.

This trip to Korea promised great profits; he really hoped to receive a big discount on the supply of goods at a personal meeting with Korean partners. I must say that John did not like Asians and did not distinguish between them, he loved money. He did not fly to Korea for the sake of new experiences and travels, it was just a business.

John flew Korean Airlines and, although he did not like Azits, he liked Korean flight attendants. He drank in a plane and allowed himself to joke with stewardesses and even grabbed them by the ass a couple of times. He did not understand that they answered him, but that was not important. It seemed incredibly fun to him. Then he thought that it would be nice to sleep with one of them, this would be a nice bonus on his trip. John did not even notice how one of the passengers, also from Korea, an old woman, said something to him when she passed, he was fascinated by looking at the stardes.

At the airport, near the elevator, before picking up his luggage, John felt someone touch his sleeve on his coat. John turned and saw that same old woman. Of course he did not recognize her

"What do you want?!"

The woman looked at him carefully and John decided that she was crazy. He pressed the elevator button again in anticipation. He touched his sleeve again, now he was starting to get angry

"What do you want from me, you stupid old woman!"

She said something in Korean and smiled.

For a moment John felt a little dizzy, no more. He still stood in his coat and held, as he thought, his business briefcase, he did not notice that his business briefcase had now turned into an elegant blue bag, which was now not in his hand, but on his wrist. John continued to look at the old women and already wanted to answer something, but the old woman turned away and went the other way.

The elevator car opened and John took a step in his direction. Now, instead of his expensive leather shoes, he wore women's shoes with a low heel, but because of this and because of his new center of gravity, he lost his equilibrium and almost fell.

He managed to rest his hand against the wall and only because of this did not fall.

"도대체 뭐야!" (Dodaeche mwoya! - "What the hell ?!")

John noticed that his voice was different, it seemed like he was speaking as a child and for some reason he spoke a different language, although he understood what he said, it seemed strange. But he did not have time to think about it, he saw his palm on the wall. His palm was much smaller than his hand, it was hairless, and on his fingers was a beautiful neat manicure with burgundy varnish.

A lock of his new long hair closed his gaze.

John's heart beat faster. He touched his face, on which now there was no beard, to his lips, which now seemed more plump and tender. After that, he saw that on his hands there were red traces of lipstick that were on his lips.

He looked down and saw that now he was not wearing his suit under his coat, which consisted of a blue shirt, jacket and trousers. Now he wore a white shirt, with a burgundy jacket, a skirt under which he felt tights and thongs, which were clearly his size. Under the blouse was a bra that pressed his new breasts tightly, and a scarf around his neck. He wore a strict suit of stewardesses who were in his flights.

He looked around for that old woman, but she was no longer there.


"탑승자" ("tabseungja" - Welcome aboard)

The sweet stewardess spoke these words often, smiling and holding her hands together at her waist, as they had been taught at the stewardess school in Korea. It was a strict school and not everyone graduated from it.

Duk Bao was one of the best students in the class and has now worked for several months with the best air carrier in Korea.

Half a year ago, when she studied at a stewardess school and was in practice at the airport, something happened to her and she stopped studying, but she soon returned and became the best student in the class.

Now she welcomed new passengers. One old woman passed by and only smiled when she looked at Dook Bao.

Duk Bao was silent for a moment and gazed at this old woman, but then another passenger came in and she spoke again with her old smile, but inside her everything began to boil

"탑승자" ("tabseungja" - Welcome aboard)


It was not easy for John. In an instant, he turned from a prusping man of a businessman of 45 years into a Korean stewardess, not even a stewardess, but only a student. In the first moments, he experienced a panic attack, he ran around the airport in search of this old woman, while trying not to fall in his new shoes. He hated then this uncomfortable clothes, all this only prevented him from finding it. But at the same time, he noticed that he could read all the inscriptions on the hieroglyphs. He still saw the hieroglyphs, but understood them. He never found this old woman.

After looking in his bag for documents, he found that now he became Duk Bao - Korean, 21 years old. He found a student ID for a stewardess school and his home address. It was a different city, here he only rented a room. He was helped by his new friends, whom he first saw, but they seemed to know Dook Bao a long time ago. These girls brought him to a new home and even said something about classes.

John wanted to close his eyes and accept that all this is a dream, this is nonsense, this is a fever, but even closing his eyes he still felt the bra straps and other clothes that covered his new sexy body.

He was very proud and rude, he was not used to humiliation. He could not imagine how he would now live, he was accustomed to be the main and strong, here he was to take on the role of a weak girl whom no one knew and no one was afraid of. He was supposed to be a flight attendant - this is a job for stupid women who can’t do anything. He always said that, but here reality made him accept this fact.

He soon learned that becoming a flight attendant was the only sensible step in Duk Bao's life. He didn’t have money, had no education, he found out that Duk Bao had fled from her village to find a job as a flight attendant here in a big city, he found out that she had borrowed a lot of money for this training and soon he had to go back to school stewardesses.


Despite the fact that he became the best in the class, he could not have been otherwise, all his life he was the best, now he still had to work on this humiliating job. Each time he looked in the mirror before each departure, he recalled the day when everything changed. He saw the pretty young Asian woman pekered with himself, but still did not understand that now he was forever.

Once on a plane, he met his old business partner. He always respected him, but now he felt on himself the way he used to look at stewardesses.


Half a year of life as Dook Bao was a nightmare for John, but he was not used to retreating. When he realized that he would now have to temporarily live as a Korean young girl who dreams of becoming a flight attendant, he decided that he should continue to do so. Moreover, things could only get worse if he dropped out of a stewardess school because of the long Dook Bao.

Of course, he tried to contact his colleagues and relatives, but soon found out that in this new reality John did not exist as a successful American businessman, there was only a young Korean girl, Duk Bao, who dreamed of becoming a stewardess. He recalled the day he met this old woman and realized that the only chance was to meet this woman again.

Between studying the characteristics of the female body, women's wardrobe, studying at a school for stewardesses, and then working as a stewardess, he tried to find this old woman, but it seemed incredible. He searched for everything related to magic, but found only some stupid stories on the Internet that were in no way connected with reality.

And on that day it seemed to him that he saw that same old woman and again he felt hope. But, as it turned out, he only thought it.


After another half year of life as Duk Bao, hopes became less and less. He is already used to his new body. The movement of the chest in the bra did not cause him discontent, as before, he learned to handle cosmetics and other means. Of course, he now hated these pompous passengers who thought he was a third-rate person, especially those stupid businessmen who looked at him obscenely or tried to touch his ass, but that's another story.

On one of the next flights, he finally saw this old woman. He was picking up empty glasses to help another stewardess who was serving this part of the plane, but now asked Dook Bao to do it for her.

"Your glasses. Glasses, empty dishes. Yours ..."

He saw her face. She looked at him. All the same smile, all the same face. John instantly remembered this whole year, all that he had to go through this year and froze. He remembered how strong and rude he was and what he was now, weak and small. Hatred and anger gripped him, he continued to smile, it was already a professional habit and just froze around this woman

"Well, how do you live, dear? Now you don’t think that the stewardess is some bad profession?"

John could not believe his eyes and ears, he only spoke

"You ... you ... you ruined my life! You are old, dumb, scary ...!"

“Wait, wait, I think you deserve it for your behavior. And I must admit, you look great and work well. The world has got a good stewardess, I think we both should be proud of it. But I thought you learned a lesson, but your words made me think differently "

John's heart was beating, it was the very chance to change everything back and he did not want to miss it, but the anger that was in him now did not allow him to apologize to her.

"Me! Me! No, you misunderstood, please return me back!"

"Oh ... I wanted it so, wanting to get you back so that you could become John again, but now you would respect other people, look, I can do it."

John did not believe his ears. Now he looked at his body and saw that he was again in his old man’s body, in an expensive suit, had an expensive watch on his hand and he again felt that between his legs he again had his cock and beard, as he missed her. He stood dumbfounded examining himself, then again looked at this old woman and wanted to thank her, but she continued

"You see, I can do this ... but your words ... that you said at the beginning that I am old, ugly, dumb ..."

"No! No, I'm sorry!"

But she continued

"... they really offended me, perhaps I’ll change it a little. You adapted to the life of Duk Bao and even very well and I know that you are unhappy, I wanted to. In the life of every girl there should be a man and children. I will give you this joy2

"No, no, please!"

He grabbed her by the shoulders and began to trust, and suddenly noticed that his hands are now female again. His shoulders were bare again. He again wore this humiliating short dress and again felt the weight on his chest, the bra straps on his shoulders, pantyhose and the emptiness between his legs. He cracked her shouting something, but suddenly someone came up behind and grabbed him tightly by the shoulder. It was another flight attendant whom he had never seen before.

"Dook, please stop. Miss, please excuse me. Dook, she is pregnant and ... We will compensate for this."

And he grabbed Duk (John) sharply by the hand and took him to a service place. Dook (John) followed him, feeling that her stomach was a little larger.


Dook was 3 months pregnant and flew only because she was with her husband. They asked to make their shift shifts in order to continue working together and the airline management organized it. No one expected Dook to behave strangely on this flight, but everyone forgave her because she was pregnant. She was released on vacation until she gives birth.




I really like this type of cap where the outcome is a decent life if only the man realized it.