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Part 1 -  https://www.deviantart.com/vfrcbvvfrcbv/art/Wish-part-1-807274075?ga_submit_new=10%3A1564810767&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1 

- Who you are? said John, surprised by his new female voice. The girl stopped singing and looked with disbelief at her mother.

- Mom, are you ok?

John did not know what to say. Baby continued to suck his chest. It was some kind of surrealism. He said that he needed to somehow get in touch with his friends.

“Sorry, give me the phone, please,” John said to the little girl.

Samantha, surprised, went to the next room to the telephon. When she returned, she saw something strange, her mother tried to take her sister away from her chest and spoke some strange words.

- Oh, phone! Thank!

John got up and began to dial the phone of his friends.

He called everyone and everyone pretended (or maybe really?) That they do not know him

He finally decided to call himself home.

The tube took his mother.

- Hello

- Hello, hello, can you call John?

- What is John? Please do not joke like that!

- Sorry, I'm not kidding. I need John!

“Listen, lady, it's not here and there has never been any John.”

With these words, she hung up.



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