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The soft hum of the shopping mall filled the air as John Harris and his friends lounged on a bench, waiting for their wives to finish their shopping spree.

"What's taking them so long?" one of the friends moaned as he held his belly.

"Women and shopping, man. It's like they're in a whole different world," John sighed and the men around him laughed. He paused for a moment glanced at his watch and then at his friends, an impish grin spreading across his face. "I bet you guys fifty bucks I can make you scream like a bitch."

His friends, used to his antics, exchanged amused glances but remained seated. John moved to an open space in the hall and started waving his arms, spinning like a top. He looked ridiculous as he spun faster and faster, but his friends just snickered and rolled their eyes. Then he stopped, spread his hands, and stood perfectly still.

"Tada! Ni hao, frens!" a small, cute, young Chinese woman smiled at the group of men. Dressed in tight silver leggings and a crop top that showed off her petite, delicate and very feminine body, the pretty Asian girl waved her tiny hand, her lips curled into a playful smile. She giggled again while her friends stared in disbelief, mouths agape. "Harrow! My name Mei Lin," she said, her voice lilting with a strong Chinese accent. "I make joke, yes? Ploove somethin', yes?" She giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Who are you and where is John?" the first friend managed to ask, his voice low.

"Mei Lin always here," she said with a laugh. "You no rememba? I arways here."

Her friends whispering amongst themselves about the strange girl who seemed out of place. "Maybe she's one of those... you know, illegal immigrants," another friend suggested, lowering his voice, forgetting about John, about the bet and about everything that was in his head connected with John. He thought, like everyone else, that this woman had just come up to them.

Mei Lin's smile faltered for a moment as she heard their whispers. She felt a wave of panic rising inside her. She needed to change back and she needed to do it fast because something was definitely wrong, something was very, very wrong. She started spinning again, waving her arms desperately. But this time, nothing happened. She remained Mei Lin. The panic in her eyes grew more intense as she continued spinning and spinning, not stopping for a second.

"Wait, no! I no— I not—" she started saying in her heavily accented English, trying to explain to them who she was. "No, no, no! Dis no good!"

Suddenly, another girl appeared, her features similar to Mei Lin's but with a more serious expression. She grabbed Mei Lin's arm, her grip firm. "Mei Lin, come. We need to go." she whispered urgently and dragged her away from the confused men.

Mei Lin's eyes grew wide in fear. "No, no, no! They, they," Mei Lin was pointing to the men and then to her chest, trying to make her colleague prostitute understand her. She wanted to go back and tell her friends that that she was still the same, still John, so they can help her. "They, they, no, no, no!" Mei Lin glanced back at her friends, who were now completely engrossed in their own conversation, forgetting about her completely.

"Just stupid white men, Mei Lin," the other girl said, rolling her eyes and pulling her along. "Come, we have customers waiting."

"I not Mei Lin!" she tried to argue as she was dragged away. "Dis not happen! I no, no, no..." she continued mumbling to herself, walking like a pro in hight-heeled shoes with her coworker towards the elevator.



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