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... Two weeks later ...

A young woman wearing a black cloak is knocking at the wooden door of an old house located in a forest somewhere in the mountains. It's raining heavily outside but she didn't even feel wet. The door opened and a young blonde woman appeared on the threshold wearing a tight black mini dress, white apron and headband. Her hair was tied into two buns on the sides of her head.

- Hello, Vladlena, - a smiling woman greeted her.

- ...Good evening... - the blonde muttered unwillingly, and stepped aside, allowing the woman to enter the house.

- Miss Katrina for you, - the woman said, walking past the blonde. - Don't forget your manners.

- ...Sorry, Miss Katrina, - the blonde corrected herself with displeasure and took her cloak. She closed the door and put the cloak on a rack. Then followed the woman, who was standing in the middle of the hall, looking around the room.

- How are the girls? - she asked without turning around. Vladlena, standing behind her, replied. She had a slightly embarrassed look on her face.

- Good, miss. Everything is fine, - she answered. Katrina turned around and smiled, looking at the blonde's beautiful body.

- Well, I hope so, - she said. - You are now a maid here, you should take care of everything.

- ...Yes... I understand, - the blonde muttered. Katrina's smile widened.

- And... How about... - she put her finger on the blonde's chin and gently raised her head, - ...the boys? Are you satisfied with your new body?

- What? - the girl was surprised. - Don't ask such stupid questions!

Katrina's face showed dissatisfaction.

- I asked you something, Vladlena, - she said, taking her hand away. - Answer the question.

The girl lowered her head, looked at the floor and blushed.

- ...No...

- What do you mean "no"? - Katrina frowned and looked at the blonde. The latter didn't say anything, just continued to look down. Katrina sighed and touched the girl's chest, squeezing her breasts and making her squeal. - It's been two weeks, you should already get used your sexy girls.

- Stop it! - the blonde protested, pulling back and covering her chest with her hands. Katrina chuckled and moved closer.

- Vladlena, don't pretend, you know what I'm talking about, - she said, and moved away. - Your new body needs to be satisfied. You've been having these strange dreams lately, right?

- No! - the blonde lied. - I'm fine. Everything is okay. I'm not...

- Oh, yes, you are, - Katrina interrupted her. - You can't lie to yourself. It is not a sin to desire sex. We are witches after all, not nuns. And your body is telling you that it needs satisfaction.

- Don't say such things, - the blonde protested, but she had a confused look on her face. Katrina was right. For several days she had strange dreams. She dreamed that she was having sex with another man or even several men. It seemed so real. She could remember every detail of these dreams but every time when she wake up she had smile on her face. But her dreams didn't make her happy, they only made her confused and angry.

- Oh... Well, well... - Katrina smiled. - Silly girl, do what you want. Are you cleaned my room?

- ...Yes, Miss, - the girl answered. - Everything is ready.

- Excellent. Now go to the kitchen and prepare dinner. It is your duty, after all, isn't it? - Katrina said and moved toward the stairs without waiting for an answer.

- Yes, Miss Katrina, - the blonde said quietly and cletched her fists. - ...Bitch...



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