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Jerry discovers that he is now ... Italian local woman (57%)

Having reached the place where the store should be, Jerry discovers ... Shop and finds statue, but something went wrong after wish (65%)

Part 3-4: https://www.patreon.com/posts/finally-married-105420963


Part 5

In taxi, the driver asked me where he should go, and I, as if on autopilot, gave the name and address of the store where we had bought the statue. I didn't want to, but for some reason the words came out by themselves, without stopping. It was really weird. I really wanted to chat with the taxi driver, talk about weather, the price of gasoline and the beauty of Italian roads like I was a chatty woman. I really, really wanted it.

"I like Italy," I said, smiling. "Rome is so beautiful!" My voice sounded soft and sexy, like that of a young girl.

"Oh yes, Signora, it is very beautiful," the driver said, nodding and smiling.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" I asked suddenly, feeling myself blush. 'Why the hell did I say that?'

"Uhm... ah..." the driver stuttered, apparently not expecting such a question, "well... you are very beautiful, Signora."

"Oh, you're a sweetheart," I laughed. "You're so funny."

"Signora, please..." the driver tried to stop the conversation.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I'm just having a bad day and talking to you is making me feel better. Thank you."

"Uh... no problem, Signora," the driver said, looking at me through the rear-view mirror and smiling.

I didn't know why I was acting this way, why I was talking with the taxi driver. But for some reason I felt an uncontrollable desire to chat with him, and, even more, to make him like me. I, like a silly girl, wanted him to find me attractive. I was very confused, but for some reason it was important to me. I felt a strange sense of excitement when the driver called me "Signora," as if I were his boss.

'It's weird,' I thought, as the taxi stopped and I got out, paying and thanking the driver, feeling that the driver's gaze was still on me, and it was making me blush. I really felt like a schoolgirl who had just had her first crush. 'Oh God, what the hell just happened!? Why did I act like this?' I thought, shaking my head while looking for the store, and, at the same time, noticing that several men were looking at me. It was really strange, because I had never experienced such attention before. 'I'm going to get the hell out of here as soon as possible, and then I'll kill Sarah for dragging me here.'

Part 6

For some reason, literally before entering the store, I slowed down. Something was wrong. As if, instinctively, something inside me was telling me not to go in. I stopped. And then I realized why I felt like that. The last time I went into this store the sign at the entrance was unclear because I didn't know Italian, but now, somehow, without any difficulty, I was able to read the text: 'Bianchi's House: Antiques and Oddities Store.'

"It's different," I muttered, confused, and then glanced around, noticing that now all the inscriptions around me seemed legible, and I understood what the people passing by were saying. I felt a shiver run down my spine. 'What the hell?!' and taking deep breaths, trying to calm down, I entered the store with difficulty opening the heavy door, which in the morning seemed so light to me.

"Welcome to the Bianchi's House! What does such a beauty want to buy? You are welcome here, beautiful lady!" from these words, I involuntarily smiled, realizing that the seller was addressing me. I noticed him and he was exactly the same as before: old, ugly, with a large beard, but now his smile seemed warm and friendly. "Are you looking for a gift for your husband or boyfriend?"

'Husband, what an idiot,' I thought, frowning, but, again, something inside of me, as if automatically, made me smile.

"Hello, sir," I said in the sweetest voice, "you may not recognize me, but I was here this morning, I was with a woman named Sarah... She... well, she made a strange deal with you..."

"Sarah? Strange deal? No, I don't remember, beautiful lady," the seller replied, shaking his head. "I'm sure I would have remembered such a beauty as you!"

"Sir, I'm not joking, it's important," I know his words were meant to make me angry and they did, but, again, I couldn't stop myself and giggled. "Uh... excuse me... well, it was this morning and we bought a statue... And... Well, I'm a guy, I was a guy then..."

"A beautiful girl like you, a guy? It's a terrible mistake!" the seller exclaimed. "A beautiful girl like you must have a husband and a big family!"

'What the hell is he talking about?! If only I could at least speak to him more menacingly, but damn no! After all, a decent girl shouldn't even behave like that... wait, what?! What am I thinking about!? Why do I suddenly want to be a decent girl?!'

Part 7

"Listen, old man," I said, trying to sound harsh. "I'm... damn, sorry for my words, I'm just a bit angry because of what happened and... hey, it's that statue! Give it to me, now, and I'll leave you alone!"

I reached for the statue, which was behind the counter and the seller's eyes suddenly widened in fright.

"No, beautiful lady, it's a very special statue," he said. "This is the Statue of Wishes, a magical thing that grants your deepest desires!"

"Well, I just want my desire to be fulfilled, and that's all," I snapped, and then, for some reason, added, "I just want to be a good, honest and obedient wife to my husband!"

'What the hell?! No! What am I saying?!'

"But what's the fun in that?" the seller asked, looking at me with a grin. "What kind of man would want such a boring wife? You need to be exciting, beautiful, and desirable for your husband! And most importantly, you should know how to satisfy a man, especially sexually."

'Exciting? Beautiful? Desirable? And sexual satisfaction, well, what a fool, I already did that. And it was... uhm, nice. Wait, what?!'

"What?!" I couldn't help but exclaim, feeling my cheeks burn. "No, no, no, this is not what I'm talking about! And i didn't want to become a good, honest and obedient wife. What the fuck?! I'm a guy, damn it! A man! I want to be a man again, not a girl, you understand?! Give me this pretty toy and let me go!"

"Toy, you say," the seller said thoughtfully and then looked at the statue, which was standing on a shelf in the corner of the store. "Well, you're right, it's just a toy, and nothing more. You know what, come here, beautiful girl, take the statue. But, just a little advice from an old man, before you make a wish, ask yourself, what would be the best thing for you? Do you really want to become a man again?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed, without even thinking, and grabbed the statue, hugging it to my chest.

"Then wish for that," the seller said and winked. "Now, beautiful lady, you can wish for whatever you want, and if it is, as you say, the best thing for you, then the statue will fulfill your wish."

'Stop your nonsense, I already know what to wish for, it's obvious!'

"Sir... thank you," I said, and, after hesitating for a few seconds, hugged the seller and kissed his cheek. 'He is so sweet! He's a real gentleman! What a pity he's too old... God, what am I thinking about?! I should hurry up and wish!'

"Well, beautiful girl," the seller said, patting my ass. An image of me kissing Sarah in her male body in hotel corridor suddenly appeared in my head and I blushed, smiling, feeling the seller's hand gently rubbing my ass.

"Sir... I can't... my husband..." I said in a frightened voice, stepping back. 'My husband?! Oh shit, no! This is not right! I didn't want to say this! Damn, damn, damn!'

"Of course, I understand," the seller nodded. "You're a married woman... but you can wish anything with the statue, anything..."

I took the statue closer and looked at it, and the first thought that appeared in my mind was 'I wish that...'




Ciao, I live in Italy. I think Samuel and Jerilyn will be happy together here. I think Jerry won't be too happy.


Greetings from Russia =) I hope they won't unsubscribe from me after this, hmm, although probably everyone already knew that =)