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"Damn, how... how to use fucking magic?" muttered Max, staring at the huge monster that stood before him. It was the size of a bear, and its body was covered with black scales. A pair of large yellow eyes, each the size of a human's head, stared back at him. And although it was scary, but now for Max what was more scary was what was sticking out between the monster's legs under the fabric of his waist cape.

Max, a usual student of one of the local high schools, who just yesterday was an ordinary teenager living his ordinary life in our ordinary world, in which no magic exists and never existed. Like many other guys of his age, Max was an anime and manga fan. He was particularly interested in the world of dungeons and dragons, and due to his age, thoughts often came into his head about... sexual activity in these worlds.

So yesterday, Max, having finished watching another anime, this time about a group of brave adventurers exploring a dungeon and slaying and ate monsters, was lying on his bed, imagining how it would be nice if he could really somehow go to such a world and become one of these brave heroes. And his teenage nature took over and he changed at this fantasy that they don't eat monsters, but fuck them... or vice versa. A smile appeared on his face as he imagined how Marushiru with huge boobs and quitly said "I wish...".


When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark cave, lit only by a bonfire and the light of torches hanging on the walls. He was lying on a soft carpet of some animal skin. And when he tried to stand up, he immediately felt how the weight on his chest pulled him down. When he looked down, he saw not the familiar, and a large pair of breasts, which were moving and bouncing from his movement.

"What the hell..." muttered Max with surprise, and his voice was now a sweet feminine voice "BOOBS!!!" shouted Max, feeling the panic in his body. He immediately jumped to his feet and, grabbing a long stick that lay next to him that looked exactly like Marushiru's magic stick, while his huge boobs swayed from side to side and almost knocked him off his feet.

"Why are you shouting so much? What's going on with you?" said the small-looking man in a dissatisfied tone and Max guessed that it was Chilchuck, a member of the team that explores the dungeon in this anime. Max's hand automatically rose to his ears.

"Agh! I have long ears!" said Max, and now other members of the team also turned to look at him with interest.

"Looks like Marushiru fucked the wrong monster yesterday, and now she's acting a little weird." Said dwarf Senshi.

"What?!!" shouted Max, looking first at Chilchuck and then at the rest of the group. "Fucked?! You eat monsters! Not fucking them!"

"Eat? We don't eat monsters," the man-human, blonde guy Layos, said with disgust on his face "What kind of idea is that?! How did you even come up with that?! That's disgusting!"

"But, but, in the anime!" exclaimed Max, "You were eating them, and now you're telling me that you were fucking them?! How does that make sense?!"

"What's an anime? What are you talking about, Marushiru?" Layos asked, confused, and approached the still-stunned girl. His hand suddenly reached out and squeezed one of the girl's big boobs. His face showed no emotion. "If you just need sex, you could have asked us. Don't need to play such tricks on us."


And now it was already the second day. Max felt an unbearable astringent sensation between his legs. It seemed as if his pussy was being squeezed and stretched at the same time, especially when he looked at the huge monster with a dick and imagined that this monster would soon be fucking him.

The others around were already fucking some monster or monster girls. "What the hell is wrong with this... fucking world!?!" he shouted angrily, making everyone grin at him.

"Fucking, hah, yes, that's exactly what's happening here." Layos grinned and added, "Marushiru, If you don't fuck, you'll get weak and your body will start to weaken. So go on and have sex with the monster, you'll feel better."



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