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He saw there... Himself (Jeremy Banes) - 60%


Part 24-28: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lawyers-part-24-103558390

Part 32-34: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lawyers-part-32-106050013



However, Jeremy was too focused on dancing to pay attention to anything else. And when his gaze falled over the crowd, he gasped softly and nearly fell off the stage, because his eyes met the sight of a man sitting at the table near the stage. He was dressed in an expensive-looking suit and a tie, his dark brown hair was neatly combed and gelled back, and his blue eyes were fixed on him. But the thing that shocked Jeremy most was the fact that the man looked exactly like him, Jeremy Banes.

"It can't be!" she thought, staring at the man in shock and disbelief. "It's just my imagination! I'm just stressed out!" she tried to convince herself, but the more she looked at him, the more convinced she was that he was not an illusion or a trick of her mind, but a real copy of her.

"Oh my god," she whispered, her heart racing and her hands shaking. "I don't believe it... there is another Jeremy Banes..."

Suddenly, the man noticed her staring at him, and gave her a friendly smile and wink, which only added fuel to the fire. 'He... he... he can't be me, right?' she panicked and stumbled over her own feet, nearly falling off the stage, but luckily managed to catch herself in time and keep dancing, while her mind raced with questions.

'I... I must ask him!' she thought, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 'There must be an explanation for all this! And he is the only one who can tell me what's going on! I must talk to him, before Ricky or anyone else sees him!'

After a few minutes, which seemed like hours to her, the song ended, and she jumped off the stage quickly, ignoring the catcalls and whistles of the men, and rushed towards the man. 'If this is some kind of joke, then it's not funny!' she fumed, approaching him. He didn't seem to notice her at first, so she leaned down, her breasts freely jiggling in his face, and hissed:

"Who de jel are you y por qué the hell do you look exactamente like me?" (Why the hell do you look exactly like me) she spoke angrily in broken english, which now became habitual and natural for her.

The man blinked in surprise, clearly not expecting such a harsh reaction. "Uh... what?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"¡Tú must answer! ¿Por qué do you look like me? ¿Eres FBI or something?" she demanded, her voice raised.

"Oh, um, no, I'm not FBI," the man said, shaking his head. "I'm just a best lawyer in this damn city! Huh! My name is Jeremy Banes! And you are?" the man answered in a drunken tone and grinned. "By the way, can I touch those things, baby?" he motioned towards her breasts, which were still jiggling as she stood there, breathing heavily.


"¡Mentiras! No eres me!" (Lies! You are not me!) she hissed, her eyes burning with anger, her body trembling with rage. 'I can't believe it! Who the hell is this jerk?! How dare he mock me?!'

"Um... what's that tone, baby? And I didn't understand a word you said!" the man complained, clearly offended. "Why are you so rude? Don't you see that I'm a customer? Huh? Do you want me to complain to the manager?!"

'Manager? Oh shit!' she cursed mentally, suddenly realizing the mistake she had made. 'Ricky doesn't allow girls to talk with customers outside the stage, except for the ones who buy the private shows. I should've kept my mouth shut and ignored him! Now I've gotten myself into trouble!' she cursed herself, turning her head sharply, hoping that no one had seen her talking to him. But luck was not on her side, because she saw Ricky glaring at her with his arms crossed over his chest, looking very displeased.

"Dios mío..." she breathed, her heart pounding wildly in her chest. 'Shit, I'm so fucked!' she gulped, her mind racing with fear, panic and shame. 'Ricky is gonna fire me for sure! Damn it, damn it, damn it!' she clenched her fists, biting her lip, fighting the wave of anger and frustration that was building up inside her. She was so angry with herself, and she knew that there was no way out of the situation, except private show for that man.

So she sighed heavily and turned to him, trying to force a smile and seating in his lap. 'Damn, damn, damn!' she cursed inwardly, trying to ignore her raging emotions. "Sorri," she mumbled, her voice trembling with nervousness and annoyance. "So... you law-w-yyar or somethin'?" she asked, struggling to find words to speak.

"I'm the best lawyer in the city!" the man exclaimed proudly, grinning. "Haha, yeah, that's me! Jeremy fucking Banes! The best, the greatest, the hottest!"

"Ok, ok, ok, I got it," she sighed, rolling her eyes. 'I can't believe this idiot! How arrogant and self-absorbed can he be? I've never been such an idiot! Or... did I?' suddenly she had a flash of memory, and images of herself, in male form, yelling about being the best and greatest lawyer, filled her mind. 'Huh... is this me? Maybe... maybe I'm an asshole?'

"Anyway, I'm glad you decided to sit in my lap, baby. It's nice and warm here," the man chuckled, squeezing her thigh and rubbing his crotch against her ass. "What's your name, anyway? Your stage name, I mean."

"Me, uh, I am MiNiTa. That is, uh... Juicy Mina." she muttered, blushing and trying to avoid eye contact. 'What a stupid name! Hell, Ricky is coming here! Shit, shit, shit!' she thought, her heart beating wildly.

"Do you...' she cleared her throat, 'Do you want a prai-vate dance? Dat'll cost yu wan hundred an' fifty dollars." she asked nervously, her eyes darting nervously towards Ricky, who was now standing near them, watching and listening.

"Yeah, I'm in! Let's go, baby," the Jeremy grinned, giving her a pat on the ass and getting up from his seat, holding her tightly by the waist. 'Damn it, damn it, damn it!' she cursed mentally, trying to hide her anger and frustration, following him to one of the private rooms.


Once inside, she quickly closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling, her face flushed and sweaty. She was angry, upset, embarrassed, frustrated, and confused. 'This is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening,' she repeated to herself, clenching her fists, trying to calm her nerves. 'I'm not a prostitute, I'm a lawyer, and I'm Jeremy, not Jeremina!'

"Hey, you okay?" the Jeremy asked, looking at her with concern.

"Ya... I good," she lied, giving him a forced smile. "So... yu want dance o may be talk?" she asked, raising her eyebrows, her hands resting on her hips. 'I can't believe it! I'm gonna have sex with myself! This is so wrong and weird!' she thought, shivering slightly, knowing that a hidden video camera is filming them from the ceiling.

"You know, baby, I'm feeling really horny right now, so how about we skip the foreplay and get right to it?" the Jeremy suggested, grinning and unzipping his pants, revealing his huge hard-on. "Haha, come on, baby, give me a hand job or a blowjob or something, I need release."

Jeremina's eyes widened in shock and disgust, her jaw dropped open. 'This is crazy! He wants me to... to... oh my god! This is a nightmare!' she thought, her heart racing, her hands trembling, her knees feeling weak and her head spinning.

"Uh, yu... you sure?" she asked, her voice wavering. "I tink dat... I mean, dat will cost yu extra. A lot extra," she added quickly, her face burning with embarrassment.

"Whatever," the Jeremy shrugged. "I have plenty of money, don't worry." he smirked, taking a wad of cash from his wallet and handing it to her. "Here, take this."

'I don't care! This is wrong and fucked up! Shit, damn Ricky with his damn cameras and rules and everything!' she fumed silently, kneeling between his legs and reluctantly taking his dick in her hand. 'At least I'm not gonna have sex with myself. It's just a blowjob, it's no big deal. Yeah, it's just a blowjob and it's my work and there is nothing wrong with it. Come on, girl, do your job!' she mentally cheered herself and started stroking him, gently squeezing and pumping him, slowly picking up the pace, feeling his hardness growing and throbbing in her palm.

"Ah, yeah, yeah, just like that, baby," the Jeremy moaned, his eyes closed, his hands clutching the sides of the chair. "Yeah, like this, just like that, oh yes..." he breathed, feeling how her warm mouth was surrounding him, su**g and licking, driving him crazy with pleasure.

'Oh my god, this is actually happening!' Jeremina thought, feeling a rush of excitement and arousal. 'I'm really doing this! I'm giving a blowjob to myself! This is so hot and crazy!' she moaned, closing her eyes and taking him deeper into her mouth, her tongue swirling around his shaft, her hands massaging his balls.

"Ah, fuck, yeah, oh yes," the Jeremy grunted, grabbing a fistful of her hair, pulling her closer and thrusting deeper. "You're so good at this, baby, fuck, yeah," he gasped, feeling himself nearing the edge. "Come on, baby, suck it, suck it, yeah, that's it, come on, take it all," he growled, his hips jerking uncontrollably, his dick pulsating inside her mouth, his grip becoming tighter. Jeremina felt it and as pro slut she was, she knew what to do. So she moved her head back, looking up and opened her mouth wide, her tongue sticking out. The Jeremy groaned loudly and came hard, shooting his load all over her face and hair, making a mess.

"Si, senor, tank you! Tank you!" Jeremina smiled widely, feeling proud and satisfied. 'That was the best blowjob I've ever given!' she mentally cheered herself, licking his cum off her lips and smiling.



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