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Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/stupid-wish-pov-104236127

I was standing there, beer in hand, laughing with my crew, when some dumbass brought up that old genie story. You know the one: rub a lamp, make a wish, and poof! The genie appears and grants you three wishes. Yeah, right. I wasn't buying it. But we all had a good laugh, and I had another drink. Then my idiot friend Dave had the bright idea that we should all go around the room and wish out loud. "If it doesn't come true, we'll have a drink," he said. And since we were already half drunk, we thought, Why not? It was just for laughs, right? But I didn't want to play this bullshit game. I told them they could all kiss my ass, and seated myself on the sofa. My girl, Kimmy, was sitting next to me, and she had a few drinks too. She recently returned from China to go to college.

Everyone got their turn, and of course nothing happened, huh! But then, Dave, with a stupid look on his face, said, "What about you, Johnny? Are you chicken?"

"Fuck off!" I said. "I ain't playing this game. I wish I was more smarter so I don't have to listen to your stupid ideas anymore." Everyone laughed, especially Kimmy. "And I wish Kimmy would have bigger tits," I added. Kimmy slapped me, and everyone laughed again. "Okay, okay," I said. "How about one more wish: I wish Kimmy could blow me like a pro."

"You asshole!" she shouted. "I'm no hooker. I wish you were a fucking chick with a nice rack and a hot pussy so you could understand how it feels."

Everyone went dead quiet, and a strange, yellow smoke filled the room. It smelled like some kind of incense, and made us all gag and choke. Then suddenly, everything went black, and the next thing I felt something heavy hanging on my chest. I looked down and saw two massive tits, barely held by a tiny swimsuit. My legs tighly covered in purple tights which felt way too tight. What the fuck is this? I grabbed my boobs and only now felt that some hand was hugging me from behind.

"Hoo ah you?" I yelled and jumped to my feet. But I lost balance thanks to this huge weight on my chest, and fell on the couch.

"What's wrong, babe?" A big, hairy gorilla asked

"What's wong? This fwucking cwazy!!! You twanssformed mwe into a girl!!!" I yelled like a little bitch, and couldn't stop grabbing my new breasts. "Tuuuun me back, you bastad! Now!"

It was fucking insane but I was scared as shit and wanted to cry. I never felt myself so helpless in my life.

"Calm down, honey," said the guy, and hugged me tight. I tried to escape but my body was totally different now, and he easily caught me. And, to my horror, I felt my pussy getting wet, and my nipples were rock hard, stretching the thin fabric of my swimsuit. And when I felt his hand on my ass, I was even more scared because I realized I actually liked it. Shit, stupid wish...



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