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Bright flash - that was all that Vincent had seen before losing his consciousness. When he came to, Vincent was still lying on the bed in his bedroom, at least that's what he thought.

"What happened? Did I faint?"

It was not his usual voice. His voice was deep and rough. The one he was using right now was much higher-pitched and softer.

"Hrpphph...." there was a sound of grunt next to him and it sounded like it was man laying beside him in the bed. Widely opening his eyes, he turned to his right and a stranger with an unshaved face with full thick lips was sleeping on his stomach.

Vincent screamed in shock which sounded like the chirping of a little bird rather than a loud deep scream he was used to emitting. This jolted the stranger awake and their eyes met.

"¡Qué?! (What???)" The stranger asked, half awake, and his words sounded strange, but Vincent could somewhat understand him. Vincent was confused and kept looking at the stranger, take a deep breath, then got up quickly, so quickly the covers of the bed fell off, exposing his upper naked body and revealing big firm breasts. He didn't immidiatly noticed it, but feeling some slight cold and weight, Vincent looked down, seeing those mounds of flesh on his chest, nipples sticking out.

"¡¿Tetas?! ¡¿Tengo tetas?! (Breasts??! Do i have breasts??!)" Vincent shouted and placed his palms on them. They were full and round and he felt some warm emanating from them, nipples slightly hardened. Long hair touched his back, making him feel more uncomfortable.

"I must be going crazy!" Vincent thought. "Did a knockout drug get mixed with something else and I am high or is this just a really bad dream? Wait, no it must be a bad dream and all I need is to be woken up." he concluded in his mind holding his breasts. He looked at the stranger who stared wide eyed at him with a mix of disbelief and shock.

"Ana, maldita perra estúpida, ¡¿qué carajo está pasando?!" (Ana you fucking stupid bitch what the fuck is happening?) he asked angrily getting up and reaching towards Vincent grabbing his shoulders roughly and shaking him. "Ana!"

¿Q-quién-quién es Ana? (W-wh-who's Ana?) Vincent stammered, still in a state of shock. "¡¿Y tú quién carajos eres?!" (And who the fuck are you?!) he said, having already collected his thoughts and remembering that Vincent, first of all, inside is still the same tough 2-meter-tall bouncer that he was all his life. But this sounded now like a small cute girl screaming.

The stranger got up and walked closer to Vincent. He seemed much taller than Vincent now, although this guy wasn't a giant at all, barely 1.7 meters. It's just that Vincent was now in the body of a young petite Spanish woman, barely 1.5 meters and slim. Vincent's new body seemed much weaker too and felt dainty. Vincent noticed a few marks on the body and felt slight pain in various parts. It was a bad sign for former bad guy.



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