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Issue 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/delivery-girl-2-103811266


Part 1

"Hey, bros, check this out," laughed one of the guys who was drinking a beer with Dylan and other 2 boys. "Here's another bitch in short shorts and a shirt with an open stomach and huge tits. Come here, honey, sit with us." He patted his thigh, showing to waitress that he wanted her to sit on his lap.

"Stop! Stop it guys!" said Dylan with a little anger and annoyance, trying to calm the others. "You're scaring her!" then turned to the girl and said with an apologetic tone. "Yes, guys, this is all ve-e-e-ry funny, but I need to take a leak! Yick! I'll be back in a second." said Dylan stumbling over words, while trying to get up from a couch and walk straight.

This night started off as a typical college party at a friend's house, where a bunch of students are drinking alcohol and getting high. However, for such rich guys like Dylan and his friends, this type of entertainment is just a warm-up, a prelude to a wild night on the town. And everything were going great, they had lots of fun, drinking, dancing, talking, joking and nothing foreshadowed anything bad, just the opposite - they had a blast.

So when Dylan left the company and went to the toilet, everything seemed perfect, and when he notice a strange old lady with white robe and signs on it, who stood quietly in the corner of the men's toilet, he immediately laughed loudly and said, "Hey, grandma, what are you doing here, ha-ha-ha... It's a men's toilet! Girls toilet is next to... Oh shit! Wh-who-who-who-what?!"

"Calm yourself, child," said the old lady with a quiet confident voice and flew into the air in front of the stunned Dylan, continuing. "Your soul is so cold, corrupt and sinful! That is, Dylan Alexander Brown - you have everything, but you have nothing at all, except an empty and decaying body that brings pleasure to only yourself, and completely devoid of spirit... You are doomed, but I give you a chance. Become pure and innocent and cleanse your soul!" and waved her hand in the air, making everything around disappear, leaving only him alone in the white empty space.

"What's wrong with my clothes?! Hey, granny, what the fuck is going on?! Who are you?!" shouted Dylan, clutching his head because... I felt that something was itching there and looked down at my body, on which only my panties remained. Then suddenly his arms filled up with hair, while his chest and hips got rounded, his shoulders shrunk and his ass and thighs increased, his cock disappeared, giving way to the appearance of a shaved vagina, which became even more evident when Dylan's new panties, which were originally blue and without frills, turned into small tight panties of the same color, with a small bow and a transparent lace frill.

Dylan's legs without his desire began to move forward, while his hands instinctively moved from clutching his head to position like if he was running and started running faster and faster, while Dylan's breasts grew rapidly, becoming covered by the tight material of a sports bra, and his long hair was gathered into a thick ponytail.

"Wha-a-a-t-t's hap-p-p-p-ening?!" said Dylan, continuing to run, while the city around him and the road under his feet became brighter and clearer. And only when everything finally cleared up, Dylan stopped running and breathing heavily, his legs and feet were burning, while his heart was beating so fast that it seemed as if it was about to burst out of his chest.

Part 2

"A-a-a-a-a!!!" - the scream of a young girl rang out through the quiet early morning streets as she suddenly stopped and began looking at herself. Her gaze were attached to her huge cleavage of black sport bra, while her hands grabbed her long hair tied in a thick high ponytail.

"Wh-who-wh-what-huh!?" said the girl in panic with a look that's full of disbelief and astonishment.

In her mind she were still thinking that she was a guy, and college freshman from a prestigious college in New York named Dylan Brown - son of a multi-billionaire Alexander Brown. His father forced him to enroll in that particular university and give a name to family business later. So the future was planned for him and no possibility for deviation from his father's wishes. Maybe that's why Dylan had no interest in his studies, spending most of his time partying, having sex with many girls and drinking.

"Wh-what's going on here?!" said the girl in horror, grabbing her long hair which touched her waist, tied in a thick high ponytail. The girl was still not believing her eyes, not understanding what was going on here. "Is this a dream?! This can't be real. I can't have... Huge boobs! I'm a man, dammit!" The words sounded strange and unusual coming out of her mouth, especially with her soft and high-pitched voice. Her gaze fell on the street again, which was almost empty, sunrise was about to happen, illuminating advertising billboards with Japanese characters, which she could read without any problem.

"Wait, what?!" exclaimed the girl. "I understand Japanese?!" She gulped and her eyes widened. "Oh, my God! How is this possible?!"

Rina-chan! Good morning," the shout of a young girl was heard nearby. Turning, Rinako saw a her colleague from 'Shuto Express Delivery Co.' who works as a delivery girl, just like her. "Wait! Are you talking to me?! You know who I am, don't you?!"

"Eh? Rina, are you okay?! Are you joking or what!?" asked her colleague, stoping near her and putting her hand on Rinako's shoulder. "Did you quarreled with Hiroshi-kun yesterday? Oh he is always such a jerk. Don't worry Rinako-chan, I'm sure you will get over it. After all, you're such a cute and sweet-"

"Hey, wait! Stop, please!" exclaimed Rinako, pushing her hand away from her shoulder. "I don't know anything what are you talking about! I am Dylan fucking Brown, son of billionaire Alexander Brown. My dad will definitely fucked you up and all your accomplices when he hears what happened to his son. So, let's better go to the nearest police station and talk about it there, shall we?!"

"Rina... Please stop! Don't talk with me like this!" her colleague looked very angry. "I better go. I hope you're feeling better later." and turned away, waving her hand, "see you later, Rina-chan"

"Wait! Wait, please!" said Rinako, turning towards her, but her colleague quickly ran away, without even looking back. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! What's wrong with this fucking bitch? Fucking stupid whore. I'm gonna kick her ass and..."

Part 3

"Ah, damn you, bitch!!" Rinako screamed loudly, while she was angrily stamping her feet on the ground, standing at the crossroad and looking at the cars waiting for the light to turn green. "Stupid bitch! She thinks I'm just a girl, a weak, pathetic girl?! I'll show her who I am! I'm gonna kick her fucking ass and-"

"Hey, you're not allowed to stand here," a policeman's voice rang out behind Rinako, making her freeze for a second. "Go over to the pedestrian crossing. And don't swear in the middle of the street like a drunkard. You are a young lady after all. Go!"

"What-a-what?!" Rinako's eyes widened and she looked at the policeman, who was standing in front of her and looking her over from head to toe. "What did you say, mister cop? A-a young lady?!"

"Oh... Let's go!" the policeman grabbed her arm and dragged her away, saying, "Come on, young lady. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Move along now. No stopping and swearing, no fighting and no running. Go, go, go, go." He finally let her go when he led her to the other side of the street. "Don't make a face like this. If I see you again, I won't let you off with a warning, and I'll take you to the police station, miss. Have a nice day," the policeman smiled and turned around, walking away.

"Fu..." she was going to say the f-word, but then stopped herself, looking at the policeman who was looking back. "Fucking cops..." said Rinako silently, clenching her fists. "This fucking day will be a fucking hell..." and went further down the street, feeling how her chest and hips were swaying, making her feel even more furious.

After several minutes of walking, Rinako stopped in front of a small building. She read the sign with a large number of Japanese characters. "The Ichigo Cafe?" said Rinako and squinted her eyes. "I know this place, but I've never been here before. But... Why the hell am I feeling that this place is somehow important to me?"

Suddenly, the door to the cafe opened, and a Japanese woman who was about forty years old walked out of the cafe with a garbage bag in her hand, which was filled with empty paper cups and crumpled wrappers. The woman wore a bright orange apron and a matching kerchief on her head, and her hair was tied in a bun.

"Oh, honey!" said the woman with a joyful voice, smiling and waving her hand. "You're late today, huh?! Is everything all right, darling?!"

"Uh..." Rinako frowned slightly and stared at the woman for a couple of seconds, and then finally said. "Are you talking to me? Who are you, bitch?!"

"Eh? How are you talking with your mom like this, Rinako-chan?!" the woman said, looking confused and surprised, as she stood in the doorway and held a garbage bag. "Come inside, your breakfast is getting cold, althought after your... words... I'm not sure if you deserve to eat at all!" and went back into the cafe, slamming the door behind her.

"Wha-what did she say?!" Rinako frowned even more, not taking her eyes off the door, and then she took a deep breath, exhaled, and slowly walked towards the cafe. "Okay, Dylan, keep calm and cool," said Rinako, trying to convince herself. "This must be a joke or something. Yes, it's a joke, that's it. A prank from my friends, a good joke, ha-ha-ha." She opened the door, went inside, and froze, looking around.

Part 4

It was a small cafe, and the atmosphere was warm and cozy, with a slight smell of fresh pastries and coffee. There were no guests, so everything was silent and still, and the only noise came from the kitchen. After a couple of seconds, Rinako's attention was drawn to a large photo that was hanging on the wall near the entrance.

"Wh-a-a-a-a-a?!" Rinako was stunned, and her eyes widened. "It's... No, this is definitely some stupid photoshop. It can't be..." Rinako was whispering in disbelief, looking at the photo, which was a wedding photo of her parents, a Japanese woman and a tall white American man, who looked just like a copy of Alexandr Brown, but younger. "Dad?!"

"I'm here, princess!" the voice of Alexander Brown rang out from the kitchen, making Rinako freeze, staring wide-eyed at the door leading to the kitchen. "Mom said you're late, and that you were rude to her too. Are you okay, princess?!"

"D-dad?" said Rinako, barely audible, and then, taking a deep breath, she said again, "Dad?! Dad, is that you?! What's going on here?! What's going on, dad?!" she leaned by hand on the table near her and her legs gave out, her knees buckled. "Tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

"Language, Rinako! You're still my daughter!" the man walked out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on his apron, and stopped in front of her, looking at her in confusion and with a frown. She felt her heart beat faster when her eyes rested on her father's face, which were identical to those of Dylan's father, Alexandr Brown, but his appearance was much cheaper, and he was a little plump, while his hair was slightly grayed and thin.

"And since when did you start cursing so much, huh? Where did you get these words, eh?" her father said, shaking his head and putting his hands on his hips, continuing to look at his daughter. "I don't remember teaching you that!"

"Da-a-ad..." Rinako whispered softly and slowly raised her hand, reaching out to her father's face, but he immediately pulled away, looking even more puzzled.

"What are you doing, Rinako?!" Alexander Brown frowned even more, looking at her, and then shook his head, saying, "Okay, enough jokes and playing. Let's go eat breakfast, or you'll be late for work, princess." and turned away, heading to the kitchen.

"Dad! Wait! Dad!!" Rinako screamed loudly, jumping up from the table and grabbing his shoulder, turning Alexander Brown towards herself. "Wait, listen to me! It's me, Dylan! I'm your son, Dylan Brown! Remember?! I'm your son! Your fucking son, not daughter!!"

"Rinako, that's enough! Stop it!" Alexander Brown frowned and grabbed Rinako's hands, pulling them off his shoulder. "This is no joking matter anymore! You're scaring me and mom!" and looked into her eyes with concern. "You are my beloved only daughter, the most important and dearest person in my life, so I'm begging you, stop, please." and hugged her, squeezing her tightly.

Rinako, burying her face in her father's shoulder and clutching at his back, whispered softly and sadly. "Dad..." and tears began to roll down her cheeks. "I want to go home... Dad, please..."

"Okay, okay, your keys and your helmet are in their usual place, Rina." said Alexander Brown, releasing her from his embrace and wiping her tears with his hand. "If you want you can take your breakfast..." he smiled and looked at her, then turned his face to the kitchen, shouting, "Honey! Rinako's leaving! Give her a packed breakfast, she has to go!" and looked back at his daughter. "So... Take care, my dear princess." and kissed her on the forehead, then went into the kitchen, disappearing from sight.

Part 5

Rinako stood and stared at her entrance door to the apartment for several seconds, not daring to open it. She still couldn't understand what was happening and why everything was so strange. Whe she lefted cafe she didn't know where she's going, just follow her feelings, and her feet were bringing her home. She felt like someone was playing a nasty trick on her and her body was someone else's, not her own.

"It's a dream. That's it! Just a dream," Rinako repeated several times, breathing heavily, holding a keys with girly key-chain in her hand, and staring at the entrance door. "And keys, that's definitely not mine. And this apartment and address are also not mine, so when I'll insert the key into the keyhole, the door will not open and I'll wake up, that's it." she sighed, hesitant to insert the key into the keyhole.

"Fuck it! Dylan, stop being a fucking pussy, you're a man, not a fucking bitch. Just put the key in the hole, you pussy." muttered Rinako under her breath, closing her eyes, and stuck the key into the lock, and then turned it. Then she heard the click and, opening her eyes, slowly opened the door, peering into the dark room.

"Okay, the door is open, but it's still a dream, that's all," Rinako said softly and nervously, stepping into the dark apartment, and turned on the light switch, not even thinking where it was, just did it by reflex. The light came on, and Rinako squinted her eyes, looking around. "Oh, fuck!" exclaimed Rinako in shock and stepped back, leaning her back against the door.

"What-a-a-a-h!" she looked at a room that looked for her like a closet with a large window. Althought in her former apartment her closet were much larger and bigger than this whole room.

The room was divided in two by a partition, on one side of the room there was a table with a chair, a mini-fridge, a sink, a microwave, and a few dishes, and on the other side of the room there were a simple bed and a nightstand, a wardrobe, and a small TV. Everything was crammed together in one small room, making the whole apartment feel even smaller.

"Is this a joke?! Somebody live here?!" said Rinako, walking slowly into the center of the room, looking around and feeling the cold wooden floor with her feet. Then her field vision stopped on a mirror hanging on the wall next to the wardrobe, which reflected a girl with a long ponytail and huge breasts. She froze didn't want to turn and look in the mirror, to get another confirmation her worst thoughts and fears.

Part 6

"Hm... This girl is very pretty." said Rinako to herself, trying to stay calm and continue looking forward into the mirror. Her gaze slowly moved downward from girl's face on her huge and big breasts covered by black sports bra, and down the flat stomach of Rinako, on her leggings. "And what next... What are we going to do with you?... Ugh! We? We?! What am I talking about?! What I doing here?!" finally Rinako closed her eyes and exhaled, lowering her head, so her face were no longer visible in the mirror, while her long ponytail, which was lying over her left shoulder, fell down like a heavy snake.

"Ugh! Stupid hair! Fuck hair!" cursed Rinako softly, grabbed ponytail with both hands and started removing scrunchy to get rid off ponytail. Then in a fit of anger she pulled off her sport bra and, throwing it on the floor near her feet, making free huge breasts move freely. "Ugh! Ouhhh... God! These huge udders are driving me crazy!" moaned Rinako and looked back in the mirror, now first time in her life looking at her huge boobs. "Holy shit... Look at those monsters... ans they are so heavy! They're like... Hm... Like two huge balloons."

She put her hands on her breasts, cupping them and feeling their softness, weight, and elasticity, while her nipples were getting hard. Rinako's gaze were focused on the mirror, which reflected the image of her naked body, while her hands were squeezing and pushing her breasts together, and her nipples were sticking out from the round dark aureoles.

"Hmm..." she hummed softly, her tongue were moving around her lips, wetting them with saliva. "So... So this is how it feels to have boobs..." whispered Rinako, her hands were gently caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples, and squeezing them harder. "Mmh... Ahhhh... Hmm..." soft moans and groans escaped her lips, and her breathing quickened, her nipples were getting even harder, and her vagina, covered by tight panties, became slightly wet.

"Ah! I-I-I-I... I can't!" exclaimed Rinako, turning her face away from the mirror, but then suddenly she grabbed the mattress which are folded in half and leaning by wall, threw it in the middle of the room, making the pillows and blanket fall off. "Ugh! Fuck!" exclaimed Rinako, quickly grabbing the pillow and throwing it onto the mattress, then threw the second pillow and blanket, and jumped on top of the mattress, sitting on her knees, her eyes were resting on her huge boobs, and she were moving her hands toward her tits. "Fuck this! This slut's body needs my attention!"

Part 7

"Fu-u-u-uck!" Rinako's hands grabbed her tits, squeezing and kneading them harder, while her fingers were pinching and pulling her nipples. "Holy shit!" said Rinako between moans as her head were thrown back and her mouth was half open, while her long hair was falling on her back like a waterfall. "I-I-I-I never imagined that this could be so fucking great... Aahhh! Fuck!" Her hands continued to squeeze her breasts harder and harder, and her moans were becoming louder and louder.

In a few seconds, she sharply, so as not to be distracted, sat up and, removing her hands from her breasts, began to pull off her tight leggings from her wide hips and buttocks, which were rounded and plump, due to which the leggings were stuck to her body like a second skin. "Fuck! Why this fucking bitch's clothes are so tight?!" swore Rinako, pulling off leggings from her wide hips and throwing them aside with a sharp movement of her hand. "God dammit!". Now she were only in her small blue panties with transparent frills on the sides.

"Ooohh..." Rinako moaned again, lying down on her back and spreading her legs wide, putting one hand between her legs on the wet fabric of her panties, while the other hand continued to caress her right breast. "A-a-a-h... Fuck!" she squeaked loudly as she squeezed her nipple between her fingers. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was shallow and fast, while her fingers were gently touching the soft and wet fabric of her panties.

She opening one eye slightly and looking in mirror, in which shecould see how girl in the mirror was touching her panties, how her face was distorted with pleasure and how her huge boobs were trembling in the rhythm of her hand movements. "Ugh... Fucking whore!... Mmh... Ahhh... Dirty slut!" whispered Rinako through clenched teeth, looking at girl in the mirror and becoming more excited, imagine that she is that slut who enjoy touching herself, and pulled a little down her panties, revealing a small pubic hairless puffy pussy. "Look at you! Fucking dirty slut! Touching yourself and moaning like a whore! Ugh! Bitch! Slut!".

Suddenly, the ringtone of the phone began to sound loudly, causing Rinako to shudder in fright...

Part 8

"Fuck! Who the hell could call at such a moment?! I swear I'm gonna kill this motherfucker!" said Rinako angrily in a menacing voice, sat up and leaned on the palm of one hand, then reached out with the other hand to grab the phone, ringing cute melody of 'Hello Kitty', while while her huge tits were swinging with every move.

"What?!" shouted Rinako angrily into the phone after looking at the phone's screen with Japanese characters written on it - 'Work.'

"Huh?! What?!" a loud voice of Rinako's manage rang out through the phone. "You're yelling at me, Yamabuki?! Where the hell are you? You're already late! You're fifteen minutes late! Don't fucking yell at me like this! If you don't hurry up and get your ass in here now, I'm gonna-" Rinako hang up the call without waiting for him to finish his angry tirade and threw the phone away. "Who the fuck does he think he is? Talking to me like that?" said Rinako, looking at the phone and breathing heavily, still feeling aroused and excited.

But in the same time strange feeling of guilt, regret and fear pierced her chest when she began to recall her actions and thoughts. "Fuck! What the hell I'm doing?! I should not have done this... What's wrong with me?! This is not right..." said Rinako silently and sadly looking at the phone in her hands, seating in the middle of the room with bent legs on a mattress still with her panties lowered. "Internet! I can use it to find out what the fuck happened to me!"

Rinako carefully hold her phone with wet fingers from excitement and unlocked it. "Okay, so... Aha! Okay... Google? Come on, you bitch," Rinako softly talked to the phone while typing letters on touchscreen with wet finger pads. "Okay! Okay... Dylan Brown... Search!" she hit the Enter button.

"Three hundred thousand search results! Good!" said Rinako in joy, scrolling through search results, and then stopped abruptly. "Oh... That's not a good thing... Holy shit... There are hundreds of people with my name. Okay! Calm down! Just continue search. Alexander Brown... Search!" Rinako hit Enter again. "A-a-a-and...? Um... What's this? Why there's no mention of dad's fucking billion empire?! Oh come on!" she angrily clicked on the first search result - 'Alexander Brown (born May 17, 1975) is a German former professional wrestler and professional wrestling promoter'. "No, no, no! That's not my father!"

"Ugh! Fuck this internet shit!" Rinako cursed loudly and threw away her phone in frustration. "Fuck!" said Rinako and lied down on the mattress. "This is ridiculous! Just a nightmare. It's just a silly dream..." she muttered softly, lying with her eyes closed, her long hair spread on the mattress around her head like a halo and her hands lying on her stomach, slightly touched by her huge boobs. "Just a dream..." she whispered silently, pull off her panties and throw away on the floor. Her eyes were closed, she was lying in silence and felt how sleepiness was taking over her body.

Part 9

"Ughh..." groaned Rinako in a sleepy voice and slowly opened her eyes, hearing how somebody was unlocking the apartment door with a loud metallic clicking noise in the lock. She blinked several times, not realizing what was going on, and then heard how door slammed shut and a pair of footsteps were getting closer to her. She realized that everyhing was not her dream at all... She was lying on her side with her naked body and huge boobs pressing each other still in a strange room like in a cheap motel room.

She was was already shock and didn't know what to do or what to say. But when she saw a tall figure of a man entering the room, everything was becoming even more confusing. Rinako sat up on the mattress and tried to cover herself with blanket as best as she could.

"Rina?!" said man in a hoarse voice, taking off his beanie cap and staring at Rinako in disbelief. "What happened?!" he was a middle-aged Japanese man of average height, with short black hair and a mustache, wearing a simple suit, work boots, and jeans. "Why are you home and why are you naked?!"

"Uh..." Rinako swallowed nervously and whispered, staring into the eyes of the man in front of her. "Hi-ri-ou-shi-kun... Chika-ra-ma-to..." she pronounced his name syllable by syllable, pronouncing syllables that appeared in her mind without thinking. "My hubby..."

"I've been your husband for 6 months already, but you're still calling me Hiroshi-kun," he said and sighed deeply, and then threw his beanie cap on the floor near the wardrobe and started taking off his suit jacket. "Well, maybe it's for the better that you're home." Rinako stared at him with her eyes wide open, looking at how he was unbuttoning his shirt. "After all, I missed you." he smiled slightly, unfastening the buckle of his belt and unzipping his pants. Then he pulled them down to his ankles along with his underwear, revealing his half-erect penis, making Rinako swallow nervously and blush.

She wanted to scream that everything was wrong, tell him that she was not his wife and that she was a guy named Dylan Brown, but some strange inner instinct or feeling made her freeze in place, her eyes were glued to his cock, while her lips were slightly parted. She didn't understand what was going on here. She realy didn't want to be rude or upset Hiroshi in any way and didn't want to risk losing something important to her, even if she couldn't understand what exactly it was.

Part 10

Rinako's gaze were wandering back and forth between Hiroshi's face and his erect penis, while Hiroshi’s calm and kind face changed to a serious one and his gaze became somehow cold and hard, looking at Rinako. "Daddy is going to punish you, dirty slut." Hiroshi said calmly but confidently as he was stepping towards Rinako "Such a dirty and bad girl like you should be punished hard," he stopped near the mattress and grabbed his hard cock with one hand, stroking it slightly.

"I-I-I'm not a slut..." whispered Rinako softly, looking into his eyes and blushing even more, feeling how her nipples were getting hard while her heart was beating faster. "I-I'm a... Ugh... I mean..." her words were caught in her throat while she was moving back slightly as he was coming closer. "What the hell is wrong with me?! Why I'm acting like a submissive bitch?!" thought Rinako getting more excited from her thoughts. "I need to stop this!" she thought and looked up into Hiroshi's eyes, took a deep breath, preparing herself for the fact that she would speak seriously and menacingly, but at that moment a much better idea came into her head, as it seemed to her.

"I... I'm sorry daddy, I've been a very bad girl..." whispered Rinako softly, lowering her head in submission and shame, naively thinking that she had succeeded in fooling Hiroshi, when in fact she was fooling herself following instincts and feelings in her new female body. "I was... Very, very bad girl..." she said, feeling how the walls of her vagina were getting wet from her own words.

"Get down on all fours on the bed! NOW!" Hiroshi commanded sharply with an iron voice, causing Rinako to shudder in fear and feel how her pussy is getting more wet. She immediately did what he demanded and turned over on her knees.

"Like this daddy?" wide smile appeared on Rinako's lips as she asked with a barely noticeable note of pride in her voice. Her left hand slowly began to move up to his cock while she was still looking at him with wide open innocent eyes. "Is it right daddy? Am I a good girl now?" she took his penis in her hand and began to caress it gently. "Don't tell me that I need a... " she lustfully licked her lips looking straight to Hiroshi's dick.

"Shut your mouth with my cock." he said sharply interrupting her, without giving her a chance to continue.

"Yes daddy!" replied Rinako immediately without thinking, quickly rising from all fours to knees, grabbing his cock with both hands and quickly putting it into her mouth. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned deeply while she was moving her lips forward and back. Her tongue were twirling around his dick, licking it everywhere, covering it with saliva and enjoying the taste of Hiroshi's cock. "Mmmmmmm... Ahhhh..." she moaned softly, for a second releasing his dick from her mouth. "I'm sorry I was so... Mmm... bad!" she whispered apologetically, again swallowing Hiroshi's cock into her mouth, enjoying every second...

To be continued...



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