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Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hot-day-part-2-105390205


In crime world Ashton was the boss of an international drug smuggling ring. His business was flourishing, until one day, he made a mistake: FBI agents had been watching him for a long time. He was arrested and should be punished as soon as possible. But his lawyers managed to prove that he was the victim of an illegal experiment and that a swap had been made at birth. Therefore he should swap back bodies with the person who he really was.

A fake DNA test confirmed this, but one of FBI agents knew what was going on. He knew that it was a trick and replaced the original files person which should be swapped with Ashton with a completely unrelated person. Ashton was happy about this: he thought that he had tricked the system and planned after the exchange with the guy whom his gang forced to say that he was Ashton, back to his business. So he easily agreed to the exchange and with a smile signed all papers.

When he opened his eyes after the swap, he noticed that he was at the wrong place. Instead of his house, where his girlfriend should be waiting for him, there was a some tribe village. Big black men with tribal tattoos all over their bodies stared at him curiously. Only one guy was in a suit - scientist of the exchange program.

- Sefu? Are you okay? – said one of the big guys, staring at him.

- Uh... I... what...? - Ashton felt confused, looked down and screamed: - Ahhh! What happened?! Why am I black and naked?! - he screamed and jumped up, feeling the weight of the unfamiliar breasts. - I have boobs! - he screamed even louder, lifting in his hands huge saggy and heavy black breasts, which were attached to his chest.

- Hey! Sefu, stop it. - guy stopped him and pushed him back. - You are embarrassing us.

- Stop it? Embarrassing? Stop what? - he lifted his hand and wanted to slapped the guy in the face but he grabbed his hand. His new breasts bounced violently. Ashon turned his gaze to scientist: - Hey! You! What is happening here? Where is my body? Where am I?

The scientist began to speak, but Ashton did not understand a single word of what the scientist was saying. He was now speaking in native language of one of the tribes. The scientist noticed his confusion and began talking in broken words:

- You are in the village of the tribe. Here you live now. You are Sefu. This is your life. Welcome back!

Ashton was furious, and he tried to attack the scientist, but his hand still held by the guy.

- Let me go! - he yelled.

- Calm down, woman!

- Woman?! I'm not a woman! Let me go! I want my body back! I want to speak to this guy!

- Shut up! If you're not a woman, then why do you have those boobs?!

- They are not mine! - he looked down at the black big saggy breasts, and screamed, covering them with his free hand. - Those are not mine!

- Well, yes, they are yours. You were born with them. So shut up, and stop yelling.

Ashton was shocked and didn't know how to react. He was not in his body, he was in some girl's body. It was the same skin color as the guy was. A girl with black skin and big breasts. While he was talking with the guy, the scientist had already packed his things and had left.

- Hey! Come back here! You! I'll sue you! – screamed Ashton, while trying to break free from the grip of the big strong man.

- Let's go, Sefu. Come on. - said the guy, pulling him to the small hut while Ashton was trying to kick him, feeling the unfamiliar heavy weight of the huge breasts, which were swinging wildly.



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