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I rewrote the beginning of the story and wrote it to the end, based on a survey that I conducted once... I completely forgot about this story =) And most importantly, no one reminded me!

In any case, if anyone wants to watch the beginning, follow the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/once-upon-time-84973169

The survey and results are also at the link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/whats-next-for-85003043

To do this, I re-made all the initial images. Also here extra. images (I decided not to make a separate post for this)


Part 1

The sound of a flying helicopter shattered the tranquil air, instantly drawing the attention of every member of the secluded Aka-Raka tribe, whose existence remained shielded from modern tourists. Even scientists found accessing this reservation an impossible feat, a rule they themselves had reluctantly accepted. Among the startled natives emerged young Karkara, her heart racing as she bolted from her hut, eyes wide with fear, her voice piercing the stillness.

"Stapa Ram Kuru! (Stop Flying Bird!)" she screamed, her words tinged with panic, her eyes wide with disbelief. Running her hand over her smooth skin, she stared in bewilderment and dread at the contraption she referred to as the "Flying Bird," realizing the folly of her words. The term "helicopter" didn't exist now in her vocabulary, though she knew with certainty it wasn't some magical deity. Just yesterday, Karkara herself had arrived on this very island via helicopter as Robert Blown - one member of research expedition.

The "flying bird," oblivious to her pleas, continued its departure until it vanished from the sight of both the natives and Karkara, who struggled to compose herself. She tried to ignore the unfamiliar weight of her ample breasts, strange earrigs and the sensation of her long, unusual hair in braids.

Approaching her, a strange native man spoke softly, gently embracing her shoulders and guiding her with a reassuring hand. "Karkara bura mum krum pravakolo (It's all right, Karkara, it's already over)," a gentle voice spoke.

"Var Karkara boom boom burkamrock (Var will calm Karkara in the hut)," her husband reassured. Taking her still bewildered hand, her husband led her back to the hut. While they walked, Karkara's mind raced with thoughts of the peculiar stone-carved deity she had encountered in the cave yesterday, when she was still Robert Blown. She had wished to prolong her stay on the island, knowing it was impossible due to the researchers' time constraints. She vividly remembered falling asleep in her tent as Robert Blown.

Suddenly, as they neared the entrance of the hut, Karkara stopped abruptly, jerking her hand away from her husband's grasp.

"Neta! Karkara nimar proshakara (No! Karkara needs to go to the cave!)"

"Stapa! Neta vamen! Vamen proshakar neta! (Stop! No! Women are not allowed in the cave!)" he declared, his words laden with authority.

Despite the urgency pulsing through her, Karkara realized the absurdity of her desire. She knew she shouldn't venture into that cave, even though she believed it was her only escape route back to her former life as Robert Blown. She had all the memories of her life as Robert Blown in her head, but in a strange way, she now also knew everything about local rules, laws, place in this tribe, and even that this man was her husband.

However, everything was not so simple. After Robert made his wish, the deity from the cave heard him and found a suitable candidate in the form of a local woman Karkara, who also wanted to leave this land on a "flying bird". The real Karkara was now in Robert's body, no less embarrassed, but having received all of Robert's knowledge, pretended to be him and, in anticipation of the wonders of the new world, flew to meet adventures.

Part 2

With difficulty believing that all this was really happening, Robert, or rather Karkara, just as hard accepted all the changes that had so radically burst into her life and made her a tribal woman on a closed and forbidden to visit island remote from the modern world. Of course, she, or rather Robert, was always interested in exploring the life of various unknown tribes that inhabited the planet and the Aka-Raka tribe was one of the most curious for him.

Now, after a week of living here, Karkara dreamed that all this was just her dream. She woke up every morning in the hope that now she would be back in her comfortable bed in London and her routine boring life as a research scientist would again become a reality. But every morning she only felt again and again the still unaccustomed weight from her chest and the discomfort of the hard bed she shared with her husband.

Every day seemed like an eternity, despite the fact that she perfectly knew her duties and affairs. Her memories of how she was here before, before the body swap, were closed to her and all she remembered was Robert's memories.

Such an interesting tribe to her a week ago, now it seemed to her some kind of hell and nightmare. Her tribesmen also noticed that Karkara's behavior had changed, although, as she found out, she had previously been a secretive girl. But now she seems to be lost. Daily dances for different gods, cooking and wearing this strange unusual clothes for her - all this seemed to be familiar to her from childhood, although she found out only a week ago. And life like Robert every day more and more began to seem to her her fictional invented story, which never happened.

But she knew that this was not so, and with all her thoughts she tried to stop thinking of herself in the feminine gender and to tell herself who she was as often as possible. She needed to get back into that cave forbidden to women, despite all her fears, which now held her back from even trying to get to that cave.

Part 3

In the dense thicket of the jungle, among the shadows of the trees, the singing of birds and the chirping of various insects, a rustle was heard from the steps of a frightened young girl, slowing down every few steps and periodically turning back in fright. It was obvious that she was scared, although there was not a soul around and she had nothing to be afraid of, but still, despite this, sometimes she stopped, biting her plump lip and turned back, taking a few steps in the opposite direction, and then, as if by an effort of will she stopped herself, looked down at her breasts and again accelerated her pace towards the forbidden cave.

Finally Karkara made up her mind. She overcame all her fears and prohibitions of the local tribe, which were so deep in her head, and got out of the tribal village, definitely knowing where to go, because she was taken here several times, judging by her knowledge, which she received along with the body. And each time was very meaningful. But never, never before has a woman gone inside this cave. Of this she was absolutely certain, and she knew it.

Always realizing that this belief sounded stupid, yet she now believed that the forbidden cave for women was indeed forbidden for a reason. And a woman who violated this ban for life could receive a curse from Takhtamona, the main deity who was worshiped by the inhabitants of the Aka-Raka tribe.

The fear of getting cursed and becoming an outcast in her own tribe was very strong, besides, she was afraid that someone would notice her. But everything went exactly according to her plan today, when she left the village to collect tropical fruits growing near this cave.

Finally, reaching the entrance, she felt how often her heart was beating, her whole being screamed that she should leave here and never come here alone again! Moreover, it was impossible to go inside! And almost succumbing to another even stronger urge, Karkara nevertheless plucked up courage, strength and spirit, once again lowering her head down and looking at her large breasts, still unusual for her, and took a step forward into the darkness of a large cave.

Part 4

As soon as Karkara stepped into the cave, the darkness immediately enveloped her and for a moment she stood completely still, not daring to take another step. Then, gathering her strength again, she stepped forward, but suddenly she heard a strange voice.

"Karkara! Daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe. You violated the law of Takhtamona!" - the mysterious voice resounded all over the cave.

- Takhtamona! - Karkara, falling to the ground on her knees, cried out and lowered her head, unable to believe that she was really talking to her main deity.

"You have violated the law, daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe," - repeated the voice, and Karkara, beginning to tremble with fear, said in a trembling voice.

"Forgive me, Takhtamona! I... I had to..." - but she was interrupted by the deity.

"Karkara daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe, stand up and tell me why you dared to violate the law Takhtamona" - and hearing these words, Karkara stood up and, trying not to sob, began to justify herself, realizing that now she had nothing to lose.

"Takhtamona! I came here because I want to go home! Please forgive me! Please let me return to my previous life! To Robert Blown!" - Karkara pleaded and suddenly stopped, surprised to hear her own name that she can't remember since the body swap, but now she suddenly remembered it, as if awakened from a dream.

"I know everything about Robert Blown, Karkara," - said Takhtamona, - "I granted the wish of Robert Blown and made his dream come true."

"Yes! Yes! That's why I'm here Takhtamona. Please return everything to its place! I not supposed live here, not a native, especially not woman!" - Karkara grabbed her breasts, unable to believe that she said everything so confidently and firmly. "I hate these breasts, hate long hair, hate be woman and live in primitive tribe! Return me Robert Blown! Return me to London!"

"Robert Blown is now in your place, daughter of the-"

"I'm not daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe!" - Karkara interrupted him. "I Robert Blown! Stop pretending! Release me, Takhtamona!" - again, Karkara was surprised to hear how easily and confidently she talked to a deity and how firm her words sounded.

"... daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe, listen to me," - Takhtamona continued. "Robert Blown now lives your life in London. He returned to the University, to his work and to his apartment. I can't change it if he not returned here." - Takhtamona paused for a second, giving Karkara time to understand, - "My power only works here on this island, but if you want... If you really want... I can grant you one wish for your loyalty and obedience."

Part 5

"Return me Robert Blown!" - Karkara again implored.

"I can't return him here, daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe, as I told you," - Takhtamona again reminded. "But I can give you your dream."

"Dream? My dream is live London as before!" - Karkara was indignant. "Not here in primitive tribe!"

"If you want to live in London, I can grant you this dream," - Takhtamona, interrupting Karkara, continued, - "but you must obey the rules."

"Anything! Just release me from here!" - Karkara exclaimed, feeling how her belly is becoming heavy, her breasts began to swell even more and grow. Not immediately, but gradually, gradually changing the body of Karkara, who did not pay attention to the changes.

"Daughter of the Aka-Raka tribe, you will live in London, but you will have to live as a woman. Your dream is granted! Obey the rules!" - and saying these words Takhtamona fell silent.

"Live as a woman?" - Karkara was amazed, feeling her belly swell and her breasts become even bigger. "What happend with my belly?! Takhtamona! Answer!" - but evetything becoming dark and Karkara feeled how her body is changed, feeling how clothes is changing too.

Suddenly, opening her eyes, she was standing at the London's street, surrounded by passersby in western clothes. Cars, shops and buildings - everything was as before, as she remembered! She was back! But something was wrong with her body, heavy weight was still attached to her chest, and a strange feeling came from her belly.

Looking down, Karkara screamed in surprise, not understanding what had happened, and touching her belly, she felt how she was pregnant.

"Takhtamona!! Why my belly is swollen and I pregnant?!" - she screamed looking up, attracting the attention of passersby, realizing that she spoke English.

"Are you okay, miss?" - a young man stopped near Karkara, noticing her frightened and strange look.

"Okay? No, I'm pregnant and I'm woman!" - Karkara was indignant, feeling how strange her words were. "Takhta... wait... ugh..."

She felt a weight on her shoulder and began to rummage in the bag, finding a ID card with her photo. Looking at them, Karkara screamed. On ID card were her photo, but her new woman's face and name.

"Caroline Islander?! What a stupid name! Takhtamona, you..." - but she suddenly stopped, suddenly hearingring Takhtamona's words. "Your dream is granted! Obey the rules - give life and birth to child, or you will return back!"

Part 6

Karkara did not believe her eyes, could not believe what was written in the passport: Caroline Islander, born October 14, 1995, London. She was almost the same age as Robert Blown, who was born September 11, 1994. Her heart sank at the thought that she was still a woman. And not only was she a woman, but she was pregnant.

"At least I'm finally back home," - thought Caroline, looking around, - "and not in a primitive tribe. Although why did Takhtamona give me pregnancy?... Ugh... what a heavy belly!" she moaned, feeling how someone helps her stay on her feet and hearing a worried voice.

"Miss, maybe we need call an ambulance or taxi?" - the young guy, who stopped her a few minutes ago, still stood next to her. She turned her head and saw his concerned face, and only now Caroline felt herself at home.

"No... thanks... everything's fine," - she replied, adjusting her pregnant belly, still not believing that all this was really happening. Smile appeared on her face, - "thanks. I'm okay. Sorry, I scared you. Everything is fine."

"Sorry," - Caroline again felt a smile on her face and, looking around, realized that she was on Oxford Street, - "excuse me. I'm in the center of London? Or not?" - still a little doubting, Caroline asked, looking at the young guy, who helped her stay on her feet.

"Yes. Oxford Street. Are you sure you don't need an ambulance?" - he answered her question and asked again.

"No, really, everything is fine. I... I'm just taking a walk," - Caroline answered him, - "thanks," - and, adjusting pregnant belly, she just walking straight, without any particular direction, and looking at the sights around her, like a some tourist, although Robert lived here all his life.

"Oxford Street," - Caroline thought, - "what a great place! So many shops! So many people! So much noise!... Ugh..." - Caroline moaned and stopped, feeling the baby move in her belly. "Ugh... damn it, baby... it's really weird how he moved inside..." she looked down at her huge belly, as if she still could not believe what was happening. "I... I'm back in London, I'm finally at home. Yes. Yes, Robert, you did it," - Caroline thought and walked slowly through the crowd, loudly laugh at her belly, - "Haha, Robert... yeah, Caroline! Sorry. Looks like you're going to be a mother. Yeah, great, Caroline. Robert Blown is going to be a mother... Ahahah... Yeah, Takhtamona, you have sense of humor..." Caroline laughed to herself.

Part 7

In the small, tiny kitchen in Caroline's cheap apartment, the smell of a simple cheap meal filled the kitchen. A woman stood near the sink, finishing peeling potatoes for her evening meal. Her belly, already very big, hung before her eyes all the time, disturbing her every movement and not letting her move freely around the kitchen. Caroline moaned, feeling the baby inside her move again, and stopped her movements for a second, putting the potatoes down the sink.

"Ugh... again..." - Caroline said in surprise, placing a hand on her big belly, looking straight out the small window above the sink that looked out onto a small courtyard. Fresh air of an autumn evening came through the slightly ajar window, cooling her face, which had once again turned red. Caroline took a few deep breaths, but then heard a noise from the street and quickly shut the window. She put her hand on her huge belly again.

"I'm tired," - she thought and, looking as a man who looked like her, or rather who she was, like Robert, walked in the distance across the small yard, she tried to imagine herself as a he, who just walking out to dinner after day in the University, where he worked as a teacher of anthropology, - "it doesn't matter... Robert Blown is gone... it's only Caroline, and soon it will be Caroline with baby... how weird this all..." - she said out loud and sighed.

The day Caroline returned to her London, was by far the best during the few weeks she had already lived here. She was happy then only because she was already where she grew up, although she remained in the same body and also became pregnant. However, later, when she headed to her place of residence, she was at first puzzled by the district - Robert did not live here, he lived in a beautiful, comfortable district, not in the very center of the city, but in a nice district. Now, Caroline lived in a completely opposite part of town, and in the one of the worst part. The neighborhood she found herself in, was cheap and noisy.

However, her apartment is inside was quite cozy. The living room was quite small, but windows were facing on a quiet yard. The inside of the apartment was clean and cozy, which greatly pleased the frightened, confused girl, who only now fully realized her condition, having arrived in this new home, in a new part of London, and the apartment she found was completely strange to her. She lived alone, but in the nearby apartments she could hear neighbors, and their noise was audible at any time of day or night.

But the most important thing she learned was that Robert Blown now didn't exist. Caroline was now sure of this when she tried to contact with real Karkara in her former body. But all attempts to do this were in vain, since now they both were separated by different realities, as Caroline thought, trying to reason logically. Although sometimes she joked to herself and thought that perhaps she could not reason logically because she is woman and she is pregnant, and in these moments she laughed nervously and fell into despair again.

Part 8

Of course, Caroline was not going to stop trying to regain her past life as Robert, however, when she got used to her new body and life, she realized that it would better if she gave birth first to this strange, constantly moving child. it was very annoying her, but at the same time, she was afraid of this 'stupid birth', how she called it. She did not like the fact that her body had become a female, she could barely live in her new role, working in the nearby restaurant as a dishwasher and, thanks to her experience of cooking in the tribe, become a cook here.

But then, when a couple of weeks later, Caroline unexpectedly felt the first pains of childbirth, she was scared to death. She could not imagine that this strange process would happen in reality and it would become a fact, and the birth of a child is an extremely painful and terrifying experience, especially when you all life believe that you are a man and never thought how it's feels when you become mother.

Now it was too late for regrets. She already became mother, even without having a husband or partner. She gave birth to a baby boy in the local hospital, in the labor ward. This day she will never forget, when she gave birth to her baby, whom she will name Robert after herself.

And now Caroline sat at the edge of a hospital bed with Robert in her hands, in her arms and looked at the doctor standing nearby and looked at her little son. The doctor congratulated Caroline with the successful delivery and told her the name of her child.

"His name is Robert Islander, right?" - the doctor said and smiled. Caroline looked up at him in confusion, having already forgotten what her new name was. "Islander." She repeated after him and nodded. The doctor continued,

"Miss Islander, you can stay in the hospital for the next four days and after that you will be released to go home. But first I should explain to you what to do in the first week after..." doctor began to explain something to her, but Caroline heard him without any particular attention, continuing to stare at the newborn Robert, her baby son, hardly believing that she really gave birth. She felt strange emotions inside and she was completely lost, because all this was so new and unexpected for her. And although this child was the product of the strange goddess of the island, nevertheless, the only thing Caroline was now sure of was that this baby was her child and he will always be her little Robert.

Part 9 - Epilogue

"Coco! Table six ordered a dessert! Can you take this order, sweetie?" - the voice of the owner of a local cafe called Caroline. She was busy after cleaning the table, having taken a tray with dirty dishes to the kitchen.

"Oh, come on, Mary," - said Caroline, smiling, - "I've told you many times before, not call me Coco," - she laughed and headed towards the table.

"Say thank you to your exotic looks, Coco," - laughed Mary, and Caroline, with a sigh and smile, headed to the table. "Coco," - Caroline sighed to herself. - "How strange my life has turned out..." she thought, straightening her tight, short waitress uniform.

She works here already a year as a waitress, although she wanted to get her own job and start working in the University, like she did as Robert, but this idea was too absurd to put in practice. She has a baby, so she needed money, and work in a restaurant was a much better option for her. Moreover, at some point she began to like work in the cafe.

Robert, her son, now two years old, lives with Caroline and spends his days at kindergarten. This kid, after the birth, turned out to be a completely calm, smart and quiet boy. Although his birth was quite traumatic for Caroline, she became attached to him and loved him like no other mother. Now Robert, as her mother, lived in London, was happy with his new life. Caroline made it her mission to give Robert everything. She worked a lot and was never late at work. The salary in the cafe was small, but Caroline saved all the money and earned extra money to help herself and her son.

Sometimes she was embarrassed by her body, having got used to be in female role. And sometimes, looking in the mirror she remembered her life as a young researcher of the University of London. But she knew that she could not return back, since there was no longer Robert Blown, who she was now, and her former life was over and gone forever. Caroline was very upset with that, but she realized that now she is the real Caroline Islander. And only children's laughter and Robert's smile helped her live a happy life and not think of the past.



