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Directions to download the beta version of the game:

1.  Go to https://oblesklk.itch.io/the-cyriaan-chronicles-10-beta-test

2.  The page is password protected.  The password to access the page is F9ogLjpsk1WdHdHegPWy

3.  There is only one file to download, an executable file.  It is approximately 670mb, so fairly large.   Download the file to your computer.

4.  Run the executable by double clicking it.  It should work.  It may take a bit to load up.  If you see a large swirling blue circle, that's a good sign.  It means the game is loading up.

What I would like from you all during the beta test:

We're not a big game developer.  In fact, it's just me.  So there's no non-disclosure agreements to sign or anything like that.  I ask that you be cool during the beta.  Please don't post videos of gameplay unless you've spoken with me first about it, since it's not ready for release.  While my recent playthroughs have found the game mostly stable, you will likely encounters bugs.  They could be severe game crashing bugs, or perhaps just mildly annoying.  I want to know about them!  I would appreciate if you kept the feedback either private with me or within the beta tester community, to give me time to squash the bugs before the game releases.  Best places to post bugs or feature requests, in order of how often I check them:

1.  Discord server in the beta test channel.  I check our server and direct messages frequently.  The link to the Discord server is https://discord.gg/bGX3MR2C55.  My name on there is Oblesklk #2221.

2.  Post here on this thread.

3.  Direct message me on Patreon.

4.  Email me at oblesklk@gmail.com

5.  The Itch.io page hosting the game file has a comments section open only to beta testers.  You can post comments there, too.

For features, I do want to hear your feedback!  Keep in mind I am not a coder.  While I absolutely welcome feedback on the game, I will be honest upfront if it's something I think I can add, or if it's beyond my capabilities to change.  Even if I can't implement it for CC #10, if I decide to develop more tickling games, your requests will definteily shape those possible future developments.




We've gotten some great feedback so far on the game. You guys are really amazing! Feel free to keep checking the itch.io page every once in awhile as I am posting regular fixes and updates to the game file to address various bugs and features as you guys are giving me feedback. I'm also keeping a devlog on itch.io to document what's being changed.