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You can find the blog update here with the preview for Toshiro's new moves:


Next up, for Palestra, I started working on the new update. As i said last week, I wanted to work a bit more on Megaman. The changes aren't as obvious as some of the other portraits I've done before, but it's something I wanted to take care of. So in summary: I redid the hair, improved the lines on his chest, made him taller, made his dick bigger and added some shading here and there.

On top of that, I revisited his costume you can buy for him at Cervius' store. While I was happy with the Dark Megaman version I made and kept all the variations it had, I wanted to add a more demon-like Megaman which will now be available in Cervius' shop too.

Finally, this last bit is more tied to the actual update I'm preparing, but here's Arthur Pendragon, the new Servant Ritsuka will be summoning to Palestra!

I am not showing him naked just yet, but will probably do so next week, you can look forward to it! :P



Love the change, can't wait to see more! Awesome work! :D


Arthur! I'm so glad he comes. I am looking forward to it!


Will Caspar and Ashe only have 1 CG btw?


Yeah, that's because they're a character extension and not full characters like say Link or Corrin ;)