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Finally it is time to continue with the actual rescue party. Part 28 was a sketch I had laying about unfinished for way too long, so I finished it in the little time I had this week. I might also need to revisit a few of the previous ones. P24-27 still need a bit of work done. I will get to it soon.

Also, links have been updated for May and the old ones will be deactivated, so make use you use the links here.



James Gavin

I do love this saga and especially how inventive the spiders are with their bondage. I feel for the girl from Pest Control who's been wrapped up this whole time. <3


Where do baby spiders get nutrition from? Can you get nutrition from humans because you see a spider in the chest of a woman with glasses?


Would be ultimate trolling level if one of the spiderlings fetched AND mended her glasses just so big momma spider can put it back on the angry captain/squad leader/whatever her name was.


Wait, I've just realised that the spiderlings are what came out of that lady in part 13. OMFG THAT'S SO HOT.


Favourite story so far


Love this story! The first Rescue Party is what convinced me to subscribe lol