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It's not much, but my friend Tony Collela is super talented (video editing and music) and he made this into art. https://www.youtube.com/floridasingers?fbclid=IwAR2YLaoGMbf3gTBmcbV0CG07zLaw4g76tnnMfkkGuRw3PjlhEhLHMOKOOQQ Cut me some slack, I wrote these lyrics when I was in my 20s. I think I lost some Patreon members because of this song, oh well. Recorded on 4-track cassette with a Dr. Rhythm drum machine sometime in the '80s, many bongs ago.


Andy Rehfeldt - Mosquito with AIDS copy

Watch "Andy Rehfeldt - Mosquito with AIDS copy" on Streamable.



With my 3rd grade maturity level- this is fucking perfect. No offense to my fellow 3rd graders!


Losing Patreons? I though this track was brilliant!