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this video is a super duper short one, just a summary if u will.. there's really nothing in it, in fact i recommend you NOT to watch it, you can read everything and MORE below

so.. don't watch

this video is just me quickly talking about finding your art style! as always, i have to put it out there that i'm no expert, i'm still learning, experimenting and practicing too!! but these are some of the things i've learned that actually helped me be more confident about my style!! 


Experimenting really helped me figure out a lot about what I want to paint. If you go through the early days of my instagram, it's insaaaane how much stuff I tried! If you could, try all the mediums you're interested in, try different subjects or themes. Or! it's helpful too if you already have an idea of what inspires you!  Once you've tried out everything, you'll be able to like sort out which style/medium/subject works for you!


Look at other artists' work, and ask yourself what you like about their paintings. or maybe if you put you fav artists works side by side or make sort of like a mood board,  what's their commonality, that will help you figure out what you like about a painting! For example, your favorite artists all do line art, then you can start there!  Research stuff about line art, look at line art works but in different styles, etc etccc. Then!!! you could incorporate all the things you like about your inspirations into your own art.


  • Remember the keyword, INSPIRATION! It should just be like a guide to figure out what you want and something that would influence your art, not to the point where you're doing the exact same thing they're doing. it's kinda counterproductive if you practice by copying the art itself!! 
  • Do this in moderation. Everyone's different, so for some people, looking at other art could be very overwhelming, and you might end up hyper-focusing on other people's art, so if you feel like you've gathered enough info, go back to doing your own thing!!! 
  • Don't forget to credit your fave artists if you take inspiration from their art!! 


I know, I know.. this is a very generic thing to say but it works frens!!! 

If you finally have an idea what style you're insterested in, you can start practicing now! You're basically back to experimentation but now, you have a direction and a guide on what to paint. Experimentation but more specific!! You're now more aware of your preferences! And as you continue practicing, you'll eventually learn a lot about yourself! all your strengths and weaknesses and likes and dislikes, you'll be able to improve your techniques too if you keep practicing.

u need to do the work bestie! sure, having an inspiration and mood boards and all that can get your feelings riled up but! you still have to do the work and practice. 

practicing will always lead you somewhere,  the outcome could be as big as finding your art style or maybe just a lil discovery that you like using this color or painting that object.. 

4. dont rush!

It's really a process. ive been doing this for years, i honestly still dont think i have my own style, but at least now im kind of more confident with what i put out, so these days i find it easier to experiment.

You have to wait.  You have to practice. and it's not always like a linear journey, you're going to have ups and downs, you'll prob get burned out once in a while, youre going to be frustrated, It might seem like you're not improving like with practicing its hard to notice especially in the beginning, but as you repeat this painitng or drawing skills oevery time you practice, you also improve your skills at the same time. 

You'll definitely get frustrated at times when you see ur feed and the style is all over the place but that's fine!!!!!!!! believe in your process!!

you dont notice but youre improving. so practice, lots and lots of practice , is always beneficial.

for me, it's been long since ive fully accepted that i'll never have just ONE distinct art style hehe i feel like it's important for me to keep changing style, i dont want to just stick with one and do 100 identical paintings! my goal is always to improve so  change is inevitable!!! so im kinda not chasing a certain style anymore, i'm just doing this process of experimenting-looking for insp-practicing over and over again, i dont want to have like an end game for me when it comes to art style. i want it to ALWAYS change bcos that's me!!!!!!!!!! and i do whatever the fuck i want!!! now that's my style haha

i hope this is helpful frens:<<<<<<

merry christmas to all u beautiful creatures!!

I want to thank you again for supporting me here on patreon you guys have really been super generous and this is so corny but without this patreon with you frens supporting me i wouldnt even dare to think of doing this as a living, but now its a possibility for me and im really going to work on this harder!!! 

so i have all of you here to thank, thank you for letting me dream, and letting me do what i love, and i am manifesting a safer and a better year for all of us!!

luv u all always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Ew another voice over


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