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  • 54. Academy_Dva_Bra_1080p.mp4
  • 54. Academy_Dva_Uniform_1080p.mp4
  • 54. Academy_Dva_Nude_1080p.mp4
  • 54. Academy_Dva_Nude_1080p.mov
  • 54. Academy_Dva_Bra_1080p.mov
  • 54. Academy_Dva_Uniform_1080p.mov
  • 54. Academy_ling_noglas_1080p.mp4
  • 54. Academy_noglas_1080p.mp4
  • 54. Academy_nude_noglas_1080p.mp4



Update:  No glasses version added.




Anyone Else having trouble loading the videos???

Yort Landcastle

So much artifacting where the main focus of the video is. Might as well put a mosaic on it.


Added recoded version, this is probably due to the conversion algorithm. But not so smooth:\

Yort Landcastle

Thanks! Nuts how much that fixed it. It is bit less smooth but if I have to make the choice it's the fixed version by far.

Yort Landcastle

I don't mean to keep complaining man, but the ones you kept uploaded are the ones with the artifacts, and the nude version also still has them.


Can you make a screenshot? Maybe we are talking about different "artifacts", the previous version had artifacts but you had to look really carefully to see them.

Yort Landcastle

Here are a couple of examples: https://mega.nz/#F!C0wwlYBQ!2pm3sttsE5pTHDamJ2pC3A The issue is more accurately described as a very distracting - to me at least - distortion around the dick during the motion of the animation. The two original fixed versions you posted did not have this distortion, the new fixed versions do.


This is a pretty serious distortion, I think such a flaw I would have noticed(everything is playing fine for me btw). I will try to find out at what stage everything breaks. Reupload in .mov format, check it.

Yort Landcastle

Same thing. The distortions only appear for a few frames but they're definitely there for me. I'm playing the videos on my normal mpc-hc setup, but I doubt it's my settings. Every so often your animations are the only ones I have this kind of issue with.

Yort Landcastle

Also, I decided to not reup for next month for financial reasons so I won't be able to give more input after today.


Yeah I'm seeing the same thing, played back with both MPC-HC and VLC. Though...now that I watched it again I can't really tell if it's supposed to be part of the slapping motion that the ass is doing.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 14:54:45 Just want to say you're an absolute LEGEND for adding the no glasses version, great work and love you <3
2019-07-06 04:02:27 Just want to say you're an absolute LEGEND for adding the no glasses version, great work and love you <3

Just want to say you're an absolute LEGEND for adding the no glasses version, great work and love you <3


oh wow amazing! love this animation


Damn - an instant fav. of mine. You have my appreciation and of course my continous support.