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  • Tifa x Jessie x Scarlet WIP.mp4



So, my brother just got done having surgery on his collapsed lung yesterday and is thankfully making a full recovery. I've been visiting him every day this whole week since Monday and being there for him best I can. Since our mom does not live with us anymore, I try my best to make up for her not being here and my brother is like my best friend, and I love him more than anything. So, this was a very scary and stress full time for me, but I was able to work on this here and there either when I got back home or before I visit him, which I will be again soon today in a bit and just wanted to let ya'll know how the next anim is coming along.

Also still no word at all on vo for the Ada x Ashley animation, so my apologies for that as well and thank you for being patient with me on that. But will just keep working on other things in the meantime until I absolutely know for sure if I need to find another va for it or not.

But yeah I am just beyond happy my brother is gonna be ok, and that we hopefully got this takin care for good because this is the second time this has happened to him btw, first time they just used a tube to heal the lung and stuff, this time they suggested surgery to make sure it wont happen a third time.

So I should be fully back to work in the next few days and finishing this up and back to more MLP stuff as well, thanks so much for the support and patience everyone!




So sorry to hear that Blackjr, my condolences, I know what it like, recently my grandmother has going to the the hospital for her blood sugar and a head injury, so I understand how you feel, take as much time as you need for your family


Sorry to hear about your brother. Take your time family is important. We'll all be here to cheer you on.


I'm glad your brother is ok.

Dragon Ranger

Prayers for you and yours Black, family is important.


Congratulations my brother


I'm very happy to hear he is going to recover. Sorry you had to deal with such a scary event! I wish him a speedy healing


Futa Jessie is my favorite!

Mr. J

Family fist! Always 💪🏻 Glad to hear your brother is doing okay 😊 Regarding the animation: how do you feel about Tifa giving Jessie a nice tit grabbing after she creampies Scarlet? 😋

Futa is superior

Hey man take your time! family first seriously. We can wait my guy, take care of your brother and yourself!


Thank you for your work, I’ll pray for your brother.