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Good afternoon!

The week is almost over, so now it's time to give you another update on the progress I've made.

The week started pretty much right after the last one ended. I decided to work over the weekend a bit to get the bonus scene done. Originally I wanted to be done with it last Friday, but writing the dialogue proved not that easy as I first thought and for some of the transitions I needed additional sprites which weren't there (Umah naked in both bodyshapes, dancing, fucking... all of that). So I decided to take my time with it and smoothly finished it over the weekend.

This now allowed me to only focus on Melissa over the past week. I've updated some of her textures and made new sprites for her and new characters. I've also started working on some dialogue between her and the MC. And of course I continued my work on the treasurehunt.
Not everything worked out as I originally had planned. My idea of giving the player a small size image of a map which he would then have to find outside in the world wasn't possible the way I wanted to implement it. this is sad, since this would have been really cool and also easy to expand in the future with future maps just needing the treasure locations.
Now I pretty much have to find another way to implement this. I've thought of 2 ways to do that:

1. Make it so the player opens a map (I could integrate it into the current map and add an extra button where you check for treasure in the current location - Only active if the player has a treasure map) then the MC says something like "I think this is the right location, but we have to go further north west" (This is an example) And the closer you get he tells you it is now a bit further down until you're close enough, then the MC will be able to spot it similar to a perception check with current lucky finds and you can dig it up.
The good about this implementation: It would be easy to expand. I could make pretty much unlimited treasure spawn locations and it would always be somewhere else. (pretty much repeatable as much as you like) - The bad: I don't know how fun it is to search for a treasure like that... If you played World of Warcraft, this would be similar to how archeology was implemented there. 

2. Make it similar to my original plan. instead of dynamicly creating treasure spots I would have to make a preset of actual maps and places where treasures can be found. So the amount of treasurespots would then be limited. I will ofc still be able to do a lot, but at some point you would have seen them all and they would repeat. But at least it is closer to my original idea where you would see a small image and have to search for that location in the open world to find a treasure.
so again Pro: Closer to my original idea.
Con: it would be more work to expand this in the future (and I would probably add lesser new locations with each update) and at some point you have seen all locations and they will just repeat.

These are the 2 ideas how I could implement it. If you have other ideas or like one idea over the other please let me know! Right now it wouldn't be too late to change it. The only thing I've been working on is how to actually spawn a treasure in a specific spot and remember it so that it can be found. the part with the "how the player finds it" isn't yet implemented and will be my focus for the coming week.

So ideas and input are welcome :) Please share your thoughts in the comments or on discord.
That said, a few more hours to go!

I wish you all a nice weekend!




Thank you for all the feedback both here and in PM's. After some thinking about it I will go with option 2. This will be more difficult to update, but overall I think it is the better/more fun version.

alex tara

according to me, MC should sneak up behind them to hit them in the head and take them to the basement under their castle and Melissa should kiss MC and give him the map and go to MC's house and leave the 2 of them there to boil for a month so that the Queen can enjoy with MC and I give them the right way to be MC's slaves hihi hi hi