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Good afternoon!

We're again close to the weekend so time for a small recap of the past week.

After the release was finished last Saturday I had to do some bugfixes on Monday for it. Turned out I had mixed some images up for Umah's second path and so Images of path 1 showed in path 2 and the other way around. (Yeah, I really shouldn't work that late into the night).
Most of that is now corrected although there seems to be some small exceptions which I will fix with the next major update.
After the walkthrough was updated I went straight to work on the new content for Gwen & Sabrina. There is still a bonus scene for them missing so this what I've been working on for the rest of the week.
The models of both of them haven't been touched for over a year and so before starting to make new scenes I had some polishing to do and improve their models a bit (after all this is what I did for every other model during 2021).
I also made new sprites/dialogue images for Gwen and gave her a new dress, which you can get a first glimpse on in the picture of this post. This is of course also preparation for the upcoming major update later this month.
In total I worked on 10 animations for the bonus scene. Yeah...This is what I get when I made 2 paths for Sabrina with different visuals^^.
Because of that my work on the bonus scene isn't complete yet.
I've started with the dialogue for it but since some of the images aren't implemented yet and I have to write different dialogue for both paths it takes a bit longer.
Because of that I won't be able to complete the scene today as was my original plan.
I don't want to do another Saturday work session like last week (Has to be enough if I have to do these at the end of the month) and that's why I'm going to move the bonus scene release to Monday.

I don't want to repeat the late release of the .5 update of last month. But I also have a lot that I want to put into this month's update. The house renovation allone is a big thing + I plan to add another story branch which of course means extra work again.
Because of that I can't give you a release date for yet. I will probably be able to do so on the coming Friday when I have started with my work on the content.

Over the weekend I'm also open for suggestions for Athia's model. I've made a post on Discord for that in the suggestion channel, so if you want to take part in a discussion about that I would welcome it!

Thank you all for joining in this month!
I wish you all a nice weekend!




I won't be able to get the bonus scene done today. Implementing all the images for it almost took the whole day. This scene has as many images as a monthly update... Events are now set up but still have to be filled with dialogue and need some final polish. I will continue with that tomorrow morning.


Eu adoro esse jogo e deixo aqui meu depoimento que a tia é a melhor mas quanto mais eu gosto pior fica a dor de não compreender os diálogos e por isso fui atrás de saber como traduzir eu mesmo mas paro o método que achei precisava dos arquivos de diálogo o que por sua vez eu não encontrei. Será que poderia me informar onde eles estão ou pelo menos o caminho para que eu possa a minha própria tradução do jogo? Dês de já fica meu obrigado