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I hope you all had a good start into the new year!

For me the year started with the work on Claire's bonusscene and a short sickness, but I'm already recovering. I'm still working on the scene and to make some time good that I lost due to the fever I'll work on it tomorrow aswell if necessary (I've worked on 6 animations for it over the past week). So depending on how it goes I will release the bonus scene tonight or tomorrow.

The vote for also came to an end last week. We'll finally get the update for Gwen, but before I work on it, I'll do some more content for Umah that you voted for after the version.
After the bonusscene is done I'll be working on the content for Umah for about 1-2 weeks, depending on how long it takes. Then I will continue with Gwen. The work on Gwen's update will then continue in Feburary. There is a lot to do with the renovation of the MC's house and also the introduction of a new character and of course content for Gwen & Sabrina. I hope I can get it done by the end of Feburary, but if necessary I will take a week or two from March as well so that I can include all the features I have in mind. (You and I too have been waiting for this update a long time, so I'll make sure I get everything in it that's on my list)

The next content poll will go online in the coming week together with a new bonus scene poll.

Thank you all for joining in this month!
I wish you a nice and healthy weekend!



Glad to know you're recovering well! 😀

Dr. Jakob Jung

best of health and wish you well in new year